- Comment on Between Linux or Windows which do you think will be first to have a viable OS for quantum computers? 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Favourite Metroid game? 5 weeks ago:
My favorite Metroid is a knockoff. Environmental Station Alpha. I can’t help but recommend it in any thread that’s even remotely on topic. It’s not “better” than the official titles but I end up replaying ESA way more. The astmosphere and music just really hit me, and the gameplay is tight with lots of secrets.
My favorite official title is Fusion though. It was so awesome being able to play that on the train to school and lunch breaks.
- Comment on Cozy Games May Help Improve Players' Mental Health, Researchers Say 1 month ago:
I, too, blame animal crossing.
- Comment on Would not adding a stamp and return address on a letter give you free postage 2 months ago:
It was definitely mentioned in Steal This Book by Abbie Hoffman.
- Comment on Microsoft refund problem 2 months ago:
BBB is not a govt organization and has no legal authority whatsoever. They are yelp with a legitamite-sounding name.
- Comment on Heroes of Hammerwatch II Launch Trailer 2 months ago:
This game is fantastic.
- Comment on Is there any way to search through all the games on Steam for titles that don't use the word "dystopian" anywhere in the description? 2 months ago:
Do “soulslike” next!
- Comment on Guy never bought a game on the Epic Store... Owns 200+ 2 months ago:
I stopped claiming epic freebies when I realized I ended up buying the game on steam anyway.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 3 months ago:
There’s always one more option. In fact, this is the only instance I find myself using that other option now-a-days.
- Comment on Greatest video game ever played? 4 months ago:
Mel Gibson’s Safari 3
- Comment on Half-Life 2 is currently 100% for its 20th anniversary 4 months ago:
we old lol.
I probably have 500+ hours in Counter Strike Source and about the same in Day of Defeat Source, from 2003-2005. All before steam kept track of play time. So many games (including HL2!) show “no recorded activity”. It really irks me but it’s also kind of funny. Took a near total break from gaming until about 2015. Didn’t get a decent PC until 2020. I Was surprised I even remembered my steam login.
- Comment on Half-Life 2 is currently 100% for its 20th anniversary 4 months ago:
My steam account just turned 20. Fugggggg
- Comment on What positive things do you expect from Trumps upcoming four years? 4 months ago:
This is what we want. This is who we are as a nation. There will be no revolution.
- Comment on Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix and Black Ops 6 nuketown this weekend, which will you be playing? 4 months ago:
Satisfactory, Forever Winter, Still Wakes the Deep.
- Comment on People seem to really dislike Destiny 2. Why haven't they ended it yet? 6 months ago:
I used to really like this game. The gunplay and art direction are spectacular, although I got bored of the enemies. I stopped playing a while before they they deleted whole planets and questlines, and haven’t felt an urge to go back. Shame, because nothing else quite scratches that itch.
- Comment on Out of curiosity if a woman is in control of her own body. If the SCOTUS did not reverse Roe than why can't a woman in control become a prostitue? 7 months ago:
What’re they gonna do, lock up my corpse?
- Comment on Am I supposed to ask stupid questions here, or *not* ask stupid questions? 10 months ago:
Im just going to sit this gen out and wait for fiveskin.
- Comment on How to keep carpet clean? 1 year ago:
No shoes on the carpet if possible. Vacuum weekly. Have some type of stain remover handy for liquid spills.
- Comment on Controllers with paddles? 1 year ago:
There were enough reviews warning me that this was a possibility, but I usually get lucky on these kind of things. Plus I liked the feel/design. I still use the elite as my main gamepad, but I find myself using kb+m more often on games where I prefer a gamepad. I really want to get something else, but can’t justify buying another premium controller right now. This thread has shown me some options that I wasn’t aware of. And for sure I will be double checking the warranty next time!
- Comment on Controllers with paddles? 1 year ago:
I kept mine in the case when not in use 😪 I have original ps2/3 controllers that still hold center. The sticks feel terrible, but they work.
- Comment on Controllers with paddles? 1 year ago:
The Xbox Elite V2 was one of the worst purchases I ever made. Left stick drift and a sticky LB about 60 days after purchase, when the warranty was for only 30 days. They just recently started selling replacement parts but I feel it’s too little, too late.