- Comment on Liquid Death Quietly Adds Stevia to Tea Drinks 2 weeks ago:
Cans are actually recyclable. That’s the benefit. The rest is marketing.
Red Bull doesn’t give you wings either.
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 2 weeks ago:
The one about Peter Jackson making They Shall Not Grow Old is also neat.
Apparently he collects WWI artillery and they used his private collection for the sound recording.
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 2 weeks ago:
This is the most “um acktually” of um actualities but…
For the Apollo 11 documentary that uses only 1969 audio/video they built a custom scanner to digitally scan the film with the intention that the originals will never need to be touched at least in their lifetime and its ~16k resolution.
Granted I don’t think you can get that version anywhere? But it exists.
Super cool doc by the way. Really surreal seeing footage that old at modern film quality. The documentary about the documentary is also really interesting.
- Comment on Amazon Artificially Discounting Items $0.01 Below the Free Shipping Limit 5 weeks ago:
They do, but I’ve also seen it the other way around, where the price on Amazon is the price on the manufacturers site plus shipping. Usually for more reputable/niche products. IFixit I would’ve thought would be big/popular enough to do that but I guess not.
- Comment on Amazon Artificially Discounting Items $0.01 Below the Free Shipping Limit 5 weeks ago:
IFixit is generally good quality/value in my experience if it’s actually them and not some knockoff/drop shipper. Granted haven’t had a need to buy anything of theirs for years because the one I have keeps being great.
That kit is $40 on their site. Weird that it’s cheaper on Amazon in the first place.
- Comment on Anon hates Apple 2 months ago:
The treatment is a one time surgery.
His treatment of “eat exclusively one type of fruit a week” IIRC almost hospitalized Kushner when he replicated it while doing the biopic.
- Comment on Anyone notice how Brian Thompson dies and suddenly aliens start attacking? 2 months ago:
A scope limits your field of view. It makes it easier to hit far away things moving relatively slowly/predictably.
It would be the opposite of helpful against a fast/close small target. There’s a reason duck hunters use shotguns.
- Comment on Is it possible to install my own OS on a "smart" TV? Is that a thing? 3 months ago:
The downside is they also tend to be designed to look like a sign.
Low refresh rates, not great contrast, etc.
Some aren’t bad but they’re also not super comparable to decent consumer TVs specs wise depending on what you’re looking for.
- Comment on Young Frankenstein is not available for streaming 3 months ago:
I figure it’s 10% not knowing they could, 20% doing so would make it easier to rip stuff, 70% doing nothing costs them nothing since you’re supposed to be using the Blu-ray interface anyway.
- Comment on Dear Americans, be prepare to get screwed! 3 months ago:
A tariff is what you pay to the government of the port of call to get the item you purchased.
When you pay $100 for a DJI drone and it get’s to Seattle the US government says “pay us $60 or it goes back on the boat.”
The Chinese company sees literally zero impact other than possibly less orders and probably a wave of refused merch.
- Comment on FAQ: Yes We Suppirt Kinect 4 months ago:
Lack of sales IIRC. They’re very neat but kind of niche because of their non-standard layout, they were aiming to be a keyboard/mouse replacement instead of “just another controller”.
Would absolutely love a 2.0 one based off the Steam Deck or something.
- Comment on Why are people impressed with SpaceX? 4 months ago:
He bought co-founder status at Paypal too IIRC. He was ousted in part because he wanted to rename it “x.com”. Weird that.
- Comment on This made me so angry, enjoy! 4 months ago:
FWIW the (not Loss) comic is from 1972, not 1922.
- Comment on This made me so angry, enjoy! 4 months ago:
Yeah, no. It was (/is? damn, dude’s still going. Good for him.) a comedy/commentary comic mostly about gaming and basically interactions that wouldn’t be out of place in a Clarks movie. This was a bit before Loss.
Queue super serious miscarriage storyline for “art” reasons.
- Comment on Ubisofts stock tanked this morning ahead of the markets opening 5 months ago:
I mean that’s everything. There isn’t a “movie of the summer” anymore really, no I Love Lucy / Cheers / Friends / Simpsons that basically everyone is watching or familiar with. It’s been true for longer with books/music because of the lower gateways to entry and being able to be a “local artist”, but not by much, and even for them it’s exploded since the Internet became mainstream.
The democratization of publication has dramatically broadened the type and quality of things being made and no industry titans really have figured out how to promote around that. At least not consistently.
- Comment on Ubisofts stock tanked this morning ahead of the markets opening 5 months ago:
There’s plenty of publishers putting out interesting games.
They’re just not the traditional AAA / “AAAA” games companies because they’ve grown so big they’re hidebound.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
You are describing Indiana Jones. Graham is talking about getting funding for what is effectively Crystal Skull research. These are not opposing sides of the same coin. Ancient Apocalypse is not an outreach program for more general archeology funding.
This is not about calling the people watching the show idiots. It’s about Graham and his ilk being more beholden to their pet stories than actual research and trying to convince people that they are the One True Archeologist.
A conspiracy theorist complaining about how “the establishment” won’t take him seriously is not a gateway to people seeking out education. It’s an avenue for those people to mistrust actual research in a field because it doesn’t mesh with their preconceived notions. Much like Flat Earthers the problem is not a simple misunderstanding that will self correct. It’s a belief that the “Truth” is being hidden for nefarious purposes because a story is more intriguing than knowledge.
This is not how people get more interested in Archeology, or whatever discipline, or what drives funding for that discipline. This is what cuts budgets and drives people away because “the establishment is a hidebound in-crowd.”
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
Star Trek is attention grabbing. It doesn’t mean we should depend on time travel to save the whales. Not being able to separate fantasy from reality is not a scientific viewpoint. Actual education about any of this would be steering away from it, not into it.
The answer to all questions about advanced ancient civilizations existing is “probably not”. There are interesting examples that push back the earliest evidence of some things, like the Antikythera mechanism, but the only thing that is evidence of is that gears are older than previously thought. “Could there have been an ancient globe spanning civilization that only used wood or was on Antarctica or for some other reason has surviving no evidence?” is the same level of question as “Could there be a Discworld?”. The infeasibility of proving a negative is not the same as “yes this existed”.
Ancient Aliens level speculation on ancient civilizations is religion without a sacred text, inventing fantasies of a utopian past out of whole cloth because of an imagined fragment of a thread.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
“What if every star was a human soul?” is not an interesting astronomy question to get people into astronomy.
Using a platform to say “What if [random speculation that has no basis and can’t be tested]” is not useful science outreach. It’s someone pretending to be science-y.
A person’s sole redeeming aspect being “being an engaging speaker” doesn’t make them a useful object lesson, it makes them yet another snake oil salesman. That’s not new or unique. That’s being a charlatan. Which is what people don’t like about Graham.
- Comment on Black Myth: Wukong studio requests influencers not include "feminist propaganda" or Covid-19 references in coverage 6 months ago:
This feels like the second round of this going around as the AI articles / lazy sites pick it up.
It’s a doc ‘sent’ to one guy who had 12 followers on medium before this started blowing up. It was edited after it was sent out to be the real marketing email of the company instead of a gmail address. The doc is still owned by that gmail account, which isn’t typically how companies operate.
I guess they’re getting their viral moment so good for them for generating content?
- Comment on Crystals 6 months ago:
Next up, Maxwell.
Turns out the secret to defeating entropy was demons all along.
- Comment on WITH ads? Fuckin awesome coupon, thanks! 6 months ago:
Disney is also actively arguing in court that if you use the free trial you can’t sue them for anything. Ever.
So there’s that to worry about now.
- Comment on Deadlock (Valve's Unannounced Title) Passes 12k Peak Players in Closed Alpha 6 months ago:
Would love to get in on this if you’re still going.
- Comment on I too love watching CP 😍 7 months ago:
This is partly because there is no such thing as a non-POS point of sale system.
- Comment on Oh jeez 7 months ago:
I have literally never seen a depiction of Vietnam that was positive or shy of direct condemnation of how terrible it all was.
Seriously, even Forrest Gump’s innocent portrayal of it still managed to underline in bold that it was all pointless, needless, and cruel beyond reason.
Not sure what about any of that doesn’t line up with “sad”. None of those adjectives border on happy or nonchalant.
- Comment on Oh jeez 7 months ago:
I think you’re confusing Rambo First Blood, which is about how fucked up he was coming back from Vietnam, with the Rambo sequels, which are about how cool blowing stuff up is.
- Comment on Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals 8 months ago:
Minishoot’ Adventures $11.99 (20% off)
Isometric Zelda / Metroidvania / bullet hell with a lot of accessibility features and neat art where you’re a lil spaceship guy. Has a demo to see if it’s your jam. Would really love for them to make DLC or a sequel.
- Comment on DOOM: The Dark Ages | Official Trailer 1 (4K) | Coming 2025 8 months ago:
Doom 2016 and Eternal had multiplayer season stuff, but it could easily be ignored.
- Comment on I diagnose you with dystopia 9 months ago:
I’ve tried bookwyrm and hardcover and a few others. In general I think they’re getting there, but there’s weird edge cases where it’s not as smooth an experience. Partly because they don’t have a critical mass of users, partly because Goodreads really was in a pretty decent place when it effectively froze.
All that’s going to improve over time, but atm, for me, switching costs from the old platform aren’t worth it.
- Comment on I diagnose you with dystopia 9 months ago:
See also: every other service Amazon has bought.
I miss when Goodreads had updates.