- Comment on Achievments in universe 4 weeks ago:
You can imagine as you like but no, there’s no official word on that. Just like they never mention why npcs on maps are looped with tasks and player(s) are the only who sees that, or how inventory materials are getting transferred to bank. Tho, I remember someone on “r” suggesting that this is done by micro asura gates lol
- Comment on Not buying a shaver from Philips again.. 10 months ago:
ive got philips body groomer which in time become somehow a curiosity: once its fully charged it runs until battery gets dry as it should but if i by any chance press the button i need to the whole cycle charge
- Comment on Current state of Reddit 1 year ago:
spez is hungryyyyy **
- Comment on Flashback - Mark Zuckerberg on billionaires: 'No one deserves to have that much money' 1 year ago:
Years ago Microsoft was about to be broken into separate entities and that didn’t happen - corporations went too deep into politicians pockets
- Comment on Immune to marketing 1 year ago:
How blocking affects pi temperatures? Is it same as idle?
- Comment on Game Update Notes: September 26 1 year ago:
Let people have some fun.
Anet says “no, fuck you”
- Comment on Live action on the fence this evening 1 year ago:
Clearly some bromance nutjob
- Comment on [Meme] What is your type? 1 year ago:
I admire people who can escape profession leading color in customization of their characters
- Comment on Does Anet Nerf Every Class Next Patch? [Poll] 1 year ago:
11y later I’m darn sure they do meddle with professions mechanics so game wouldn’t get into stale mode. Sometimes it’s indeed a nerf because players took an advantage and stuff needs to be “fixed” or mechanics are broken and do need servicing, but most of the times it’s just a mindless toddler-like rampant justified as “outperforming”. Or straight up shitty decisions like we had with Warrior’s banners.
They do break things on purpose so there would be a need for work. Dunno how this gonna work now with this faster release cycle - perhaps they finally discover to-do’s and schedules. Yep, I’m salty - everyone playing this shit for 11y, seeing how this game is managed - or rather how isn’t will be.
- Comment on [Meme] What is your type? 1 year ago:
As friendly as rp-ers you may bump on in least expected places who happen to play doctor and patient thing 🫠
- Comment on [Meme] What is your type? 1 year ago:
22 out of 27 characters human male meta with same face and “surname”
- Comment on Give us back our Mentors. [SPOILER] 1 year ago:
Nothing stopped them (beside own inability to come up with good and logical ideas) from enabling Claw Island outside personal story - all three mentors could be there as idle NPCs who wait for us for the encounter. Claw Island should be for Orr what Silverwastes was for HoT maps - a sneak-peek, preparation zone
But ye, since we got this plot thing right now - I support your idea
- Comment on Hey All! I just logged back into my account for the first time since 2013! Question for you! 1 year ago:
Ive seen people who thinks that mastery rank is the level indicator
- Comment on Wiazrd's Vault Weekly Victom [WVWV] - Golem Mark II 1 year ago:
Tagging up is definitely easier than running from WP when boss slaps you to death ;b
- Comment on Twitch Drops are Back - Starting Tuesday! 1 year ago:
Well, you can link item in the chat and then remove the brackets to speed up things but that shouldn’t be done like this. If skin gets unlocked upon landing in the inventory, item should be salvageable/destroyable without type-to-confirm window
They do test things but they’re blinded by rose-tinted glasses and biased in favor of their creations which are of course prefect. And frankly, that happens to most devs nowadays.
- Comment on r/guildwars2 refers to our Guild Wars 2 community on lemmy 1 year ago:
Doesn’t seem to appear under RES/old.reddit
- Comment on Twitch Drops are Back - Starting Tuesday! 1 year ago:
I’ve got Wings years ago, I had backpack and tshirt outfit already that was in the previous drop. There should be a way to turn skins duplicates into transmutation charges and exchange for all these damn express npc services into statuettes or at least boosters.
Oh sorry I forgot there are far more important changes than QoL needs that piles over last decade. Like removing butt, breasts and high heels from Watchknight. Now all what they need to do now is rename it to Watchperson /s
- Comment on Secrets of the Obscure Developers Share What They’re Excited For When SotO Launches 1 year ago:
“Exited” is such an overused term in corporate culture.
- Comment on Just putting that out there... 1 year ago:
Ya heard that teflon pans can be dangerous if damaged?
- Comment on Win a Custom Guild Wars 2 Gaming PC from ORIGIN PC – GuildWars2.com 1 year ago:
Lemme guess, selected country only and/or give up your privacy
- Comment on Pre-nerv Orr was an epic nightmare 1 year ago:
I miss doing Orr temples on daily basis before megaserver and scheduled world bosses times. And one of best experiences I had in first years was going with people from home server for Balthazar’s temple
- Comment on [Meme] What are your favourite Hearts? 1 year ago:
But please don’t let us fetch and hand in quests like in Vanilla WoW.
With this relic thing they baked for SotO, I wouldn’t be shocked if in further expansions they’d bring fetch quest in some form
- Comment on [Meme] What are your favourite Hearts? 1 year ago:
The ones that weren’t gutted that much by new player experience and in turn become idiot-proof ride, because some clown at arena got some serious telemetry in which he saw feeding cow with hay being “too confusing”.
Any heart that has enough compatible events nearby that made pumping progress faster. And also these that aren’t limited to one particular task (because of npe).