- Comment on Day 153 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 4 days ago:
There are console hackers?? Ugh.
- Comment on Day 153 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 5 days ago:
I’m sad I stopped playing. By far the chillest way to unwind after work.
“The whole map is covered in snow… So we went up to Ambarino” kidding, yeah the snow is the absolute best. I’m gonna have to log in this week now.
- Comment on Indian start-up Yes Madam fires employees who indicated being stressed in the survey 1 week ago:
And have learned that lying is the best policy
- Comment on Marvel Rivals Launches With Nearly Half A Million Concurrent Players On Steam 2 weeks ago:
I’m enjoying the game. Since it’s early, tons of people don’t know what they’re doing and you get to see all the characters in action, but I imagine it will quickly wind down to the same 10 once the meta is established. I’ve encountered zero negative/judgy/toxic players, which is refreshing. The art is fun, and some characters are genuinely fun to play. It’s pretty awesome for a free game.
- Comment on yeast crawls 2 weeks ago:
Joke lost it’s appeel
- Comment on Show Us the Gay Kiss Scenes Cut From ‘Gladiator II,’ You Cowards 4 weeks ago:
It seems like he manipulated the crowd after they’d arrived, but I couldn’t find anything that suggests they advertised it as straight pride or anything other than a cage match to specifically draw in homophobes and bigots as was suggested.
- Comment on Show Us the Gay Kiss Scenes Cut From ‘Gladiator II,’ You Cowards 4 weeks ago:
How so?
- Comment on Musk and Ramaswamy float ending remote work for federal employees and ‘large-scale firings’ 4 weeks ago:
Yeah but work from home pisses off two major Republican sub-groups. One- being someone’s boss gives them a woody. A chance to feel like they’re towering over someone else gives them meaning to their life. Two- republicans hate when people have it better than them, thus born the stereotype of it being truly American to work harder for less money. Get those lazy asses back to hard murican labor, and no free healthcare.
- Comment on Trumps all 4 weeks ago:
Card benefits include:
Less likely to be shot by police
Children less likely to be punished for similar misbehaviors by black kids in school
Less likely to be under diagnosed by a doctor
Less likely to be denied
Better home appraisal than a black or Latino person would get for the same house
*Additional benefits if you apply for the Premium Right-wing tier of government that will allow us to deregulate the laws currently requiring us to treat people of color equally!
- Comment on Currently happening 5 weeks ago:
Anxiety can give you fog brain so your real thoughts/wit doesn’t show through.
Tried and true way past it is some light drinking!
- Comment on Is it possible to install my own OS on a "smart" TV? Is that a thing? 5 weeks ago:
Usually that means trying to get Android TV working through USB, but it depends on what tv you have. If you already have an Android TV, just use a launcher like Projectivy. Most people just buy a media box: either an Android based one or apple tv and disable the “smart” tv altogether
- Comment on Habits of Insects 5 weeks ago:
Regardless, he’ll claim he cut 500 bajillion dollars no matter what he ends up doing
- Comment on Why are most mobile games trash? 5 weeks ago:
Or do the trial, find some games you like, then buy them for a couple bucks when the trial ends
- Comment on Somebody has a case of the Mondays... 5 weeks ago:
Best of luck against the coming storm, parks department
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
My benefit of the doubt these days is that mods were the first to abandon ship. It’s been a while since I checked in, but every community was understaffed or had new people doing everything.
- Comment on I don't trust like that. 1 month ago:
Imagine a creature that makes you feel bad for spiders
- Comment on Big Ol' Beavers 1 month ago:
The one from Beavers and Butthead?
- Comment on What does this emoji mean? Is this a British thumbs up? 1 month ago:
This is way more accurate than that urban dictionary.
In Hawaii (depending on where you are) shaka is used all the time. Kinda like waving to someone with a hint of good vibe to it. Also to emphasize “hey that’s cool”. You see it a lot waving thanks to cars, too
- Comment on xcoffee 1 month ago:
And “whoever pours just enough into their cup to leave 1/10th a cup in the pot to avoid making more is the office asshole, because lo, he is also the one eating other people’s food”
- Comment on Proud globohomo 2 months ago:
The part I don’t get is that there are so many cool, real conspiracies out there to be explored
- Comment on The Butterfly Man 2 months ago:
In my superimposed reality, OP’s name is Mariposa, the Web comic is named Nectar, and butterfly guy said he was fluttered not flattered
- Comment on Halloween Botany 2 months ago:
They did. It’s Baca. Which means berry. Or maybe cow. Naming stuff is hard
- Comment on "Dogma" Re-Release Plans In The Works 2 months ago:
Another thought based on something you assume to be true that isn’t. Crazy.
I’d never even heard of that movie until this thread.
- Comment on "Dogma" Re-Release Plans In The Works 2 months ago:
“Was he always like that?” - you did think something. You thought he was some certain way, implicitly everyone assumed you meant “greedy”. That was your thought and people disagreed. Sorry if you believed your thought to be some kind of indisputable fact
- Comment on yogurt 2 months ago:
Shelve it with that animal shit coffee
- Comment on Sam Raimi to direct ‘Doctor Strange 3' 2 months ago:
That was a lot of effort to prove 9 million is more than 0. But this is the world now I guess.
- Comment on Smart 2 months ago:
I don’t know what the fuck you just said. But you’re special, man
- Comment on Anon is a tour guide at a museum 2 months ago:
What’s the presidential tattoo situation?
- Comment on You probably shouldn't trust the info anyway. 2 months ago:
I WANT to believe:
People are threatening lawsuits for every little thing that AI does, whittling it down to uselessness, until it dies and goes away along with all of its energy consumption.
Everyone is suing everything possible because $$$, whittling AI down to uselessness, until it sits in the corner providing nothing at all, while stealing and selling all the data it can, and consuming ever more power.
- Comment on Spoon LPT 2 months ago:
Exactly what my mom used to say