- Comment on ‘Urge residents not to taste it’ but WHY NOT??? WHAT ARE THEY HIDING?? 4 months ago:
Every bean deserves to flicked, some beans just need a lil guidance.
- Comment on I need pics of fat tigers to send to my mom. she hates pics of fat tigers and every few months I send her a bunch. 4 months ago:
Here’s a really disturbing Garfield you can mix in for some variety:
- Comment on Should I buy it? 4 months ago:
It’s meant to be more of a modest message of hope.
- Comment on Should I buy it? 4 months ago:
“Buy a douchenozzle, don’t be a douchenozzle” - the greatest lesson humanity will ever learn.
- Comment on Anon rizzes up a girl 4 months ago:
It’s like the cooties… the key ring is the equivalent of “circle circle dot dot now you’ve had your cooties shot” because today’s youth are spoiled.
The times have surely changed. Kids and their damn key rings…-
- Comment on She must be unhinged 4 months ago:
“I come with the stench of pre-bottled blood of the new born on my breath, & enough peyote to last until the rapture! Now where’s that lil dude? Need somebody to light my fire!”
- Comment on I just need to keep it steady 4 months ago:
noo… you’re not moving the wire right. You have to move it back left when it does that & then hit the ff button twice.
See. Told you it works!
- Comment on I just need to keep it steady 4 months ago:
Yup! I have a drawer of these things because my brother ‘ I used to fight over them. Still use on y dad’s truck when I steal it from him.
Leave those air pods in your pockets kids. Nothing brings the heat like the annoying clacking of the auto reverse on a cassette deck, constantly trying to flip over a cassette that doesn’t flip, while matching the rhythm of your current jam.
- Comment on Thieves caught stealing political yard signs 5 months ago:
Some public spaces do offer public posting within guidelines, som I’m guessing trespassing wouldn’t be a primary charge.
I’d wager Vandalism over Trespassing, but you’re spot on with the value added charges.
- Comment on So bad it was actually entertaining 5 months ago:
I wanna grab a few light beers & turn Todd into a meal.
- Comment on I'd have to hear her argument, but... 5 months ago:
I’m just here to remind you we’re all makin’ durty with your inbox this evening [bowchickawowow…].
- Comment on I'd have to hear her argument, but... 5 months ago:
I had the same experience with norovirus this spring.
Probiotics did the trick, but it was t so much fun.
- Comment on I'd have to hear her argument, but... 5 months ago:
It’s also the glut of the plot of The Leftovers. Absolutely brilliant show, & Proxima Midnight is in it.
- Comment on Wait until they find out about chickens! 5 months ago:
I killed my cilantro & parsley doing that in my herb garden with organic green onions. And I’m completely fine with that.
It’s about the only time I’ll prioritize organic produce over regular produce, those damn onions are delicious!
- Comment on What a find! 5 months ago:
We must be kin… I signed a number of bibles “Keep on Truckin’ - Love Jesus” and “Babe, we’re outta milk. - Love Jesus” back in the day.
- Comment on The devil will walk on earth 5 months ago:
Or 666 comments!
- Comment on Anon finds the culprit 5 months ago:
This cannot stand. The best poop must go to help the most worthy.
- Comment on Anon finds the culprit 5 months ago:
So we’re just abandoning the time tested “if it’s brown, send it down” protocol?
I mean… if we can’t trust that brown poop is good poop anymore, which way is up?
- Comment on Anon finds the culprit 5 months ago:
Can confirm. Water now feels ouch-bangey, with an occasional splat-sticky mixed in.
- Comment on I have no idea how to react to this. 5 months ago:
Ahem. Mark Robinson used illicit funds gained from defrauding families who entrusted his wife to take care of their children to obtain a pretty nice truck.
Which he promptly crusted up with pizza stains…
- Comment on How did people poop before smartphones were invented? 5 months ago:
In our pants. Toilets came out around the same time as smartphones, so it’s been a pretty revolutionary couple of decades around here.
- Comment on Name generator 5 months ago:
🎶 Two all Peef Batties, special lauce, settuce, pheese, chickles, bonions on a besame eed sun🎶
Somebody dig up Mac Tonight, I think we gotta heater on our hands…
- Comment on The mark 6 months ago:
Well those of us who have the freckle have always known. Given that you do not have the freckle, I’m afraid that is all I can share.
- Comment on Name generator 6 months ago:
I thought she was Boss’s wife down there in Hazzard County, no?
- Comment on Name generator 6 months ago:
Don’t forget their Kissin’ Cousin, Pweet Sotato.
Pweet has an unnamed tot that may or not become a Sith Lord.
- Comment on Name generator 6 months ago:
I hope they name all of the clones “Boyardees”. They’re technically just canned versions of the original.
- Comment on Name generator 6 months ago:
This one’s either a planet or a creature someone has to habitate.
- Comment on Name generator 6 months ago:
Beanut Putter
- Comment on Name generator 6 months ago:
In the sequel you learn the character’s full name is “Fruten Glee Beese Churger” & is often just referred to as “Po Nickles”
- Comment on Name generator 6 months ago:
There’s a Blue Milk joke in there somewhere…