- Comment on magic beneath the forests 10 months ago:
You sound like a sour lemon. I’d rather hang out with a hippie that thinks the universe is conscious than someone who slaps a paper tiger license to their low originality threshold posts. Just sayin.
- Comment on Anon is out of ideas 1 year ago:
Also, ladies of the night and nose clams.
- Comment on The data is in: Return to Office policies don't improve employee performance or company value, but controlling bosses don't care 1 year ago:
Sheesh, I sat in an open plan office in 2008, and we had ergonomic chairs and wide desks and widescreen monitors even then. IT privilege, I suppose.
- Comment on The data is in: Return to Office policies don't improve employee performance or company value, but controlling bosses don't care 1 year ago:
What is that article picture? A bunch of 4:3 monitors, people sitting on I padded wooden chairs, shoulder to shoulder? What kind of office hellpit is that?
- Comment on Just fuck my shit up 1 year ago:
I’m gonna saythat those aren’t tiles but some shitty tile print linoleum.
- Comment on I have to pay extra to remove ads from Prime Video 1 year ago:
Saw it today in Germany. Cancelled my sub. Ads is a line in the sand that won’t be crossed no matter what.
- Comment on Can't play an EA game via geforce now 1 year ago:
ChatGPT, explain it to em like I’m a lobotomized 2 year old.
- Comment on Xbox Slammed For AI-Generated Art Promoting Indie Games 1 year ago:
Because… why?
- Comment on You have now entered manual breathing mode. 1 year ago:
Have you tried not eating crappy Falafel?
- Comment on OCB 1 year ago:
That’s… thats a fly, with stripes for some reason.
- Comment on Unity issue an apology on Twitter for "confusion and angst" over the runtime fee policy. 1 year ago:
Yep. What they should have written:
To make the initial PR release more sincere and straightforward, you could try the following:
“We recognize that our recent runtime fee policy announcement wasn’t well-received. We genuinely apologize for the oversight and any confusion or concern it caused. Your feedback is invaluable to us. We are actively discussing the policy with our teams and the community and will be revising it based on your inputs. Please bear with us as we work through this, and expect an update soon.”
PR is hard, let’s go shopping!
- Comment on 20 Years Ago, Millennials Found Themselves ‘Lost in Translation’ 1 year ago:
Love(d) this movie. People I watched it in the cinema with back in the day thought it was boring. I thought it was amazing.
- Comment on NVidia DLSS 3.5 dlls are available 1 year ago:
Video in question: youtu.be/sGKCrcNsVzo?feature=shared
- Comment on Microsoft’s Xbox Series S Parity Demands Are Now Handing Sony Free Wins 1 year ago:
I bought an Xbox S and I wouldn’t mind, personally. To be fair, it’s mostly a streaming/Plex machine for me anyway.
- Comment on Are American tv shows stuck in Act 2 for their entire runtime between season 1 and final season? 1 year ago:
My second link shows a bunch of Scrubs examples.
- Comment on Are American tv shows stuck in Act 2 for their entire runtime between season 1 and final season? 1 year ago:
I’ll leave you with two links:
tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/…/LiveActionTV (search for Scrubs there)
Careful, don’t get sucked into the TVTropes website, it’s a black hole.
- Comment on Are American tv shows stuck in Act 2 for their entire runtime between season 1 and final season? 1 year ago:
Eh, Scrubs suffered a lot from trying to find ways of keeping the characters somewhat together and on the hospital. Also, even if not relevant to the topic, flanderization utterly fucked Scrubs from season 5ish onwards.
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3: Complete Guide And Walkthrough 1 year ago:
Hasn’t it been in early access for a few years?
- Comment on Xbox Cloud Gaming is seeing increased queue times as demand surges 1 year ago:
Being able to quickly try out a game before downloading the honking thing is gamer hell?
- Comment on im dead 1 year ago:
Two gravitationally gifted pachyderms wanted for setting a flame’s kiss to a personal urban retreat.