It’s a picture of an open office floor from 15 years ago based on the monitors, clothing, and magazine 1 year ago
What is that article picture? A bunch of 4:3 monitors, people sitting on I padded wooden chairs, shoulder to shoulder? What kind of office hellpit is that? 1 year ago 1 year ago
Sheesh, I sat in an open plan office in 2008, and we had ergonomic chairs and wide desks and widescreen monitors even then. IT privilege, I suppose. 1 year ago
After examining the magazine being passed and discovering a (frankly super creepy) website documenting, among other things, every magazine cover featuring Angelina Jolie, that is most likely a November 2008 variety office hellpit. 1 year ago
Open seating facilitating C o l l a b o r a t i o n, my friend. It’s the newest in a long line of corporate circle-jerk KPIs.
Quarterly losses got the shareholders on your back?
Mandate more collaborations!
Employees realizing their worth got the shareholders on your back?
Mandate more collaborations!
Feeling insecure about your authority got the shareholders on your back?
Mandate more collaborations!
The high mount of time spent collaborating on Teams/Slack got the shareholders on your back?
Mandate more collaborations!
Some other company’s Exec bragging about their greater number of collaborations got the shareholders on your back?
Mandate more collaborations!
What’s the easiest most effortless method to generate more collaborations without having to use any brain power whatsoever?
Copy what other CEOs who’ve failed have done and change nothing because you’re a lazy hack but tell yourself it’ll work perfectly because you’re a snowflake and smarter than everyone else! 🌹🌹Return to Office! 🌹🌹
When it doesn’t work, what do you do?
Blame the workers for not collaborating right! YAAAAAAAAAY!!! 1 year ago
Open seating facilitates headphone sales!