- Comment on Yes Chef 2 months ago:
It’s in two spots as well and the values conflict often.
- Comment on Premium Ads 4 months ago:
My wife uses a TV to watch YouTube My kid uses a phone My other kid uses a tablet
Saying just use ad block isn’t feasible for everyone.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
Giving up entertainment for money in the future is impossible for a lot of people.
- Comment on This is a real food I just found 4 months ago:
Did you eat it?
- Comment on Piece work entry unpaid 5 months ago:
That sounds like they are purposely making getting paid too much work. I’m sure they get out of paying for at least some of people’s work based on what you’re saying.
- Comment on Save 100% on Unplagued on Steam 5 months ago:
38% of 381… bad reviews. Waste of time.
- Comment on [Discussion] Are there any upcoming movies that you are looking forward? 5 months ago:
This sounds like something I’m very interested in! Thank you for sharing
- Comment on Do deaf people play media with sound on? 6 months ago:
This just sounds like an asshole, being deaf doesn’t change that.
- Comment on Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race? 6 months ago:
Brainwashing most simply.
- Comment on How come zombies seem to have sharp teeth while the rest of their body is rotting away? Or is just fiction? 6 months ago:
In world War z the movie, North Korea is safe because every single citizen had their teeth all pulled as soon as the infection started.
- Comment on is there a trustworthy SMS MMS app for Android that's not Google? 7 months ago:
I don’t see that in the settings.
- Comment on So many Mods for old games got updates this month, here's a list for Ubisoft's shame 8 months ago:
Project Diablo 2 season 9 started April 12th. There hasn’t been an update this month…
- Comment on Every time I drive by it, I get a little angrier... 10 months ago:
To instead of too
- Comment on Did the premise of an entity approaching you only when it's not being viewed originate with Doctor Who's Weeping Angels? 10 months ago:
Boo from Super Mario only moves when your back is turned
It originated in Super Mario Bros 3 in 1988.
- Comment on 2x2 lumber at Home Depot is now 1.28x1.28. Nominal size is supposed to be 1.5 10 months ago:
It’s due to the milling to square it.
You can get rough cut 2x4 or 2x2 or anything that are actually that size but by the time you trim and square it you will end up at the measurements sold in big box stores
- Comment on How much do people still follow media reviews today? 11 months ago:
I don’t even watch trailers.
The name, poster and 1 line blurb is what will get me to watch or not watch a movie anymore
- Comment on Slay the Spire devs followed through on abandoning Unity 11 months ago:
Perhaps they were saying they started on unity and decided to migrate to Godot instead
- Comment on Microsoft Confirms Plans To Release Xbox First Party Games “Across All Platforms”, Including PlayStation 1 year ago:
Microsoft has been betting on content delivery for a while now. They don’t care how you play their games, they just want you playing them.
- Comment on This fan-made HD PC port of Zelda: Link's Awakening is so cool I can't believe Nintendo hasn't taken it down yet. **GUYS GUESS WHAT!** 1 year ago:
Shocked Pikachu face.
- Comment on Call Of Duty 2024 Is Bringing Back Warzone's Original Map, Verdansk - Report 1 year ago:
This is such a great reply filled with disappointment. I did play MW2 quite a bit. DMZ was fun. My wife and I played MP a lot too. I bought her the battle pass one time and she was able to get it again multiple times just from the coins obtained from completing it.
Thank you for such a well thought out reply!
- Comment on Call Of Duty 2024 Is Bringing Back Warzone's Original Map, Verdansk - Report 1 year ago:
Do I need to pretty the first 2023 Call of Duties or can I just jump right in? 🤔
- Comment on What Are Your Favorite Hidden Gem Android Apps with Less Than 1 Million Downloads and 4+ Star Ratings? 1 year ago:
Frequaw looks great! I’m going to give it a try.
- Comment on Youtube is allowing Youtubers to advertise their merch even for premium users 1 year ago:
KVMs feel like they should be better at this point. If I’m paying $500+ so I can just click a button to switch my monitors and inputs between two computers and it only works half the time there is an issue.
The one I would need to get from L1T is $750 and I just can’t justify buying a 3rd KVM when I already got a $400 CKL and a $600 TESmart. I guess I should have just went with the L1T.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Dark Souls
Diablo II
Binding of Isaac
- Comment on Finding a rogue screw on your desk and not knowing what it fell out of 1 year ago:
You only found enough screws to fit them in a baggie?
- Comment on 62% of Student Loan Borrowers Say They're Likely to Boycott Repayments: Poll 1 year ago:
Wage garnishment will prevent most people from following through its my guess.
- Comment on Supermarket plastic bag charge has led to 98% drop in use in England, data shows 1 year ago:
The county north of the one I live in decided to just ban them completely. So the big chain store that used to have free paper or plastic bags switched to charging for the paper bags.
This seems like such a better idea.