- Comment on Now that Trump is getting real chummy with Putin where does that leave China? 20 hours ago:
Yes, but they both only want these things as means to an end. In the long run they both have dreams of becoming imperial super powers. They can cooperate for now, but they both know its an alliance of convenience.
- Comment on The past 18 months have seen the most rapid change in human written communication ever 1 day ago:
Even if it was fully AI generated its still human communication in a written format, at least until the AIs start writing to each other without a human intermediary.
- Comment on Regeneration from the commerical seed bank 5 days ago:
Last time I ate Pizza Hut there was weird yellow oil leaking out of the “cheese” … less racism though, so at least thats something.
- Comment on Will AI Startups End Up Like Blockchain Startups? 1 week ago:
It doesnt have to be useful to you and it does not have to replace every job, it just has to show revenue and rapid growth. There are lots and lots of tasks out there were management doesnt really care if its perfect as long as its cheap and it gets done. AI will automate that stuff first, but people in rich countries probably wont notice because that sort of work was outsourced years ago. In the meantime, its all going to be about efficiency, having fewer people do the same work with AI assistance.
- Comment on Will AI Startups End Up Like Blockchain Startups? 1 week ago:
Thats the investor play here. They know most of the hyped companies will end up like AOL or pets.com, but you’ll also have a Google and an Amazon thrown in there which will pay for it all eventually.
- Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 1 week ago:
Trump is generating an enormous level of security risk globally, which encourages investment money flow to the country with the biggest military. Ironically, that happens to be the US.
- Comment on Is there any hope for Ukraine to survive as an independent state now that trump is desperately wishing for a peace treaty with Russia, even bypassing Ukraine? 1 week ago:
No, they have been discussing it. They wont make any announcement until after German elections.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Because this is more AI hype. You just have to read this from his target audience’s point of view. Because of AI your competitors dont even need employees anymore. Why hasnt this happened to your company? Because you didnt have the right AI suppliers and gurus.
- Comment on Why is OCR for handwritten content still that bad? 3 weeks ago:
Understood. Deploying time traveling cyborg in time to assassinate Harambe before he can become chief justice of the Supreme court.
- Comment on What do you think of anarchism? 4 weeks ago:
I’m not sure what you want exactly. Its pretty hard to prove a negative, but that does not make the inverse true.
- Comment on What do you think of anarchism? 4 weeks ago:
It seems like a pretty good reason to exclude them, considering the criticism being discuss was specifically that they would inevitably decay in to a “might makes right” situation. Communities existing in a situation where police and courts would prevent someone from taking over by force disqualifies them from disproving this hypothesis.
- Comment on What do you think of anarchism? 4 weeks ago:
Which ones? There are few places on Earth that are not under practical control of a formal government and legal system, and most of those places are either unpopulated or controlled by various local power brokers.
- Comment on Isn't EU's "VAT" a regressive tax? Why do they have that, instead of something like, taxing the rich? 4 weeks ago:
Sales taxes, including VAT, are inherently regressive. Normally things like unprocessed food are exempted to minimize impact, but it does still affect the poor more than the rich. Why keep them? They are easy to collect, hard to avoid and can bring in lots of revenue without people noticing or complaining.
- Comment on Will pilots-less airplanes happens first, or driver-less cars? Why? 1 month ago:
Im going to guess its a proportional cost issue. Drivers take up a much larger percentage of the cost of shipping a ton of cargo by truck that the cost a human engineer on a train.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Ok, so if the only change is that RF radiation is not emitted…I guess blackbody radiation breaks, Earth becomes uninhabitable and everyone dies. Not sure exactly how long it would take, maybe weeks or months? Maybe years?
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Radio waves are a pretty big part of the EM spectrum. Do you mean like sudden intense jamming from outer space, or like physics just stops suddenly?
If its the former, its going to depend on what parts of the spectrum are being jammed, but most modern militaries are actually pretty prepared for radio jamming and have alternate systems for most critical applications. The scenario is fairly similar to the EMP saturated environment expected in a nuclear war. The military has spent a lot of time and money preparing to moderate the worst of those effects. Civilian systems would not handle things very well at all. Expect lots of catastrophic cascading failures and instances of permanent damage.
If its the later, all bets are off any time physics breaks.
- Comment on Come on already, it's the XXI century. 2 months ago:
If that means I dont have to work on Thursdays anymore, then hallelujah I have seen the light!
- Comment on Come on already, it's the XXI century. 2 months ago:
The Earth is probably under 100 years old, since all of the people I personally know and trust are unable to provide first hand confirmation of its existence beyond that time frame.
- Comment on Crabs 2 months ago:
Oh good, theyll be right over as soon as the pot is boiling and the butter is melted.
- Comment on ‘Section 31’ Director Says The Streaming Movie Is A New Flavor Of Star Trek… With A Surprise Twist 2 months ago:
You are both right, which is part of why this whole concept is dull. How many times can they threaten to destroy all universes ever?
- Comment on Pro-tip for this capitalistic hellscape 2 months ago:
Are they? Im sure they must be on an industrial scale. But if you are feeding them kitchen scraps…youve got to have a giant tank, it sounds like some sort of mill to grind them up? That means youll need to dry them out, which is either trying time and space consuming or it means more equipment. Is there some sort of sterilizing involved so you catch some sort of weird cricket fungus or something?
Meanwhile, if you get the right breeds, chickens will mostly manage themselves and can at least partly make up for a less efficient metabolism by foraging independently. Also your house doesnt end up infested with crickets and you dont have to change any recipes.
- Comment on Pro-tip for this capitalistic hellscape 2 months ago:
You could just raise chickens at the point.