- Comment on The Ljungavik Dog: A Mesolithic dog burial 2 months ago:
Stories about events we can identify in the archeological record, probably. Forest fires, major battles, geological events, things like that which can be used to line the stories up with specific real-world events
- Comment on Is linux actually gaming ready or is it just not for me? 5 months ago:
It’s unlikely to cause anything to outright fail, but it will certainly be creating bottlenecks and inefficiencies
- Comment on Delicious 5 months ago:
Cuboids are prisms. Specially, they’re rectangular prisms
- Comment on How did we get humans on the moon in 1969 and are still struggling to get the Starship rocket to launch properly? 10 months ago:
The Artemis 1 launch was also staggeringly expensive, and yet to be repeated.
In the time it’s taken to develop that rocket, SpaceX has gone from it’s very first real flight (by which I mean actually achieving something, rather than a pure test flight) to launching far more every year than the entire rest of the world combined. Note that by that definition, Artemis hasn’t had a single “real” flight yet.
- Comment on Next on the hydraulic press channel! 10 months ago:
Just one padlock is enough, but you can use up to 6.
You need all the locks removed before it’ll open, so you don’t need to count on someone to carefully count everyone back in. You just make sure that each person uses their own lock
- Comment on What is the Israel thing going on? 1 year ago:
The only thing I’d add is “not particularity nice to the Muslims living there” is putting it mildly.
Because there’s always tension, Israel takes its security very seriously. Unlike most countries, who put a token effort into security most of the time, Israel really is an armed fortress. That makes it very easy for someone with an itchy trigger finger to shoot someone who didnt deserve shooting. Even with the best will in the world, it would happen from time to time.
That, of course, makes the Palestinians very angry. An angry population poses more of a threat, and is more likely to do something genuinely aggressive. The Israeli security is thus tightened further, and their soldiers get even itchier trigger fingers and around and around we go.
It doesn’t take long before everyone involved has a personal grudge for one reason or another, and things can get really vicious.