- Comment on What year is it? 9 months ago:
They probably woukdn’t even know their own age
- Comment on Euro bottles are so much better now 9 months ago:
In Germany milk usually is sold in a carton or a glass bottle. I can imagine it is annoying for you.
- Comment on Euro bottles are so much better now 9 months ago:
I only buy one of those plastic bottles every two months, so that’s okay for me. The good water comes from the tap, cola or other drinks I buy in glass bottles.
- Comment on May the force... 10 months ago:
I have to send this to te family chat, my 65 year old dad will laugh so much about this funny joke 🤣🤣🤣😂
- Comment on fossil fuels 10 months ago:
Maybe it’s a stupid question, but aren’t the companies that burn the fossil fuel responsonsible for the emmisions?
- Comment on its not like you went anywhere 10 months ago:
For anyone interested, this is the Dymaxion projection, but upside down.
- Comment on Hypersensitive tankie mod 11 months ago:
That community is wild, but the discussion over Gaza over there is fucking crazy. Al Jazeera is one of their more credible sources, you can find articles from websites nobody every heard of, small blogs that state IDF soldiers are eating babies. And that is no exaggeration, that was the last thing I read before I left that community…
- Comment on Ask ChatGPT to pick a number between 1 and 100 11 months ago:
I didn’t know either, but it seems to be an often picked ‘random’ number by people. Here is an article about it, I didn’t read it though.
- Comment on I just want to view the recipe 11 months ago:
You shall be blessed stranger
- Comment on Literally (FAANG) Company Meetings 11 months ago:
Cannot confirm, tested both Eternity and its nightly build, works without problems!
- Comment on periodic tablets 11 months ago:
Jehovas witnesses knocking on doors is an absolutely known thing in Germany.
- Comment on Not buying a shaver from Philips again.. 11 months ago:
Please update the post with the facts from the data sheet OP
- Comment on Consumer first; Citizen second 11 months ago:
I’m not sure if that is a sustainable option for the whole society. Pirating as a solution for everything feels like giving up to me. Also I can’t pirate my vacuum cleaner.
- Comment on Consumer first; Citizen second 11 months ago:
What you say is true and I can understand it is frustrating. But I really don’t know how to convince people. Convenience is king and you need to have strong political opinions to abstain. I am a nerd, but still I often need double the time to find the “alternative” way of owning things.
I recently wanted to get the Harry Potter audio books for listening on my phone. I basically had two “official” options:
- Buying all E-books as mp3 download for 235€
- Amazon Audible for 10€ per Month
You can clearly see that in reality, the industry gives you only one option - audible. For 235€ you can have 2 years of e-book subscriptions.
Maybe you would say “hey, 235€ may seem expensive but in exchange you will get to own the stuff you pay for!”. The thing is: you can get the whole audiobook collection on mp3-CD for just 70€ on Amazon?
In the end I bough an external CD-ROM drive and bought the mp3-CD box used for 40€.
It’s not about that stupid Audiobook or whether the price is justified. The point I want to make is that the industry makes is so hard for individuals to own things, that I almost see this as a lost battle. The way I chose, took almost 2 weeks, days of research, a frustrated lemmy post, two online orders and 2 hours time to copy the mp3s.
And the thing is, it’s the same for everything else - you want to buy a vacuum cleaner? Oh better look if it comes with special cleaner bags for 30€ per bag. Let’s not talk about printers.
Every little item needs so much research, only for the aspects of planned obsolescence and true ownership. We do not even talk about social or environmental aspects…
How the fuck should I expect to spend so much time on energy on consumption things from others? Honestly, sometimes I am a bit envious of the people that just do not care. But only sometimes.
Sorry, that somehow developed into a rant
- Comment on Why did Pootin threaten the whole world with nuclear weapons, but then stopped doing so? 1 year ago:
If I remember correctly it was always the clown Medwedew who threatened to use nuclear weapons and throw them on London or some other bullshit, but never Putin directly
- Comment on Price of electricity in Finland peaks at 2.35€/kWh today. Keeping my tiny granny cottage warm costs me over 50 euros for a single day. It's negative 25C (77F) outside. 1 year ago:
I’m don’t know how energy contracts work in Finland, but in Germany you usually have a fixed price per kw/h. That price may change frequently, but it has to be announced and you have the right to cancel the contract each time.
The graph OP showed looks like the price development on the spot market, that’s where energy providers buy gas short-term, apart from their long-term contracts. Spot-market-gas is naturally more expensive than the long-term one. That price may also be very unstable, as for example an unexpectedly cood winter week among several regions/contries can let it hike up pretty drastically.
AFAIK, this short-term price is an option for the private consumer as well. It has the advantage of being much cheaper most of the time when demand is low/normal but the disavantage OP shows here.
- Comment on Current state of Reddit 1 year ago:
Exposure Ü
- Comment on talk shit, get bit 1 year ago:
A small add-on:
Usually, plants get most their nutrients from the soil, most importantly nitrogen (but also P, K and some others).
In some locations, such as swamps or very sandy soils, there is not a lot of nutrients for the plants to get and these “nutrient-poor” soils are usually those where carnivorous plants live. They simply get the nutrients from insects, which consist of yummy proteins made of nitrogen.
So basically one should not really wonder why carnivorous plants need sunlight. They do photosynthesis by taking up CO2 from the air and using energy from the sunlight in order to produce C6H12O6, Glucose. And I guess this is also what the japanese orchid steals from the fungi - sugar.
Of course these processes do not work completely independent from each other. But Glucose, the product of photosynthesis, is not really considered a nutrient, that would be carbon.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
That’s a good explanation. I only thought of fancy drinks and using straws as decoration, drinks with ice didn’t come to my mind, as it’s not really a big thing here. I sympathize with the person you talked too, more ice means less drink, fridge cool is enough for our climate. No idea how prices compare to the US though.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
My impression is that at least in Germany it’s very rare to get a straw in a restaurant at all. It’s usually fast food places, bars and clubs where straws seem to be a thing, and these places usually don’t offer metal cutlery.
- Comment on This split sink 1 year ago:
You just have to be very fast
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Handling time series with DST can be hell
- Comment on Why does YouTube calls a ban a suspension, termination, and a channel removal at the same time? 1 year ago:
I was wondering too, it’s the same guy.
- Comment on 🤯 no way 1 year ago:
- Comment on Are metric measurements like decameters and hectometers ever used? 1 year ago:
Haha obviously, too early in the morning ;)
- Comment on Are metric measurements like decameters and hectometers ever used? 1 year ago:
*of water
- Comment on Uh, just a hint of an accent 1 year ago:
You are right with both.
- Comment on Uh, just a hint of an accent 1 year ago:
It’s pretty close to how you would pronounce that in German if you would read it for the first time
- Comment on Why? There is enough space on the parking lot 1 year ago:
My whooe neighborhood looks like this and I fucking hate it. Sometimes I fantasize about having a giant Flex and cut every car where the sidewalk begins
- Comment on Is there a more politically conservative part of the fediverse? 1 year ago:
That’s the point. This liberal vs conservative isn’t even working for the US. In an international community like Lemmy it’s even worse, as what people from the US define as left and right does not work for western Europe for example. In Germany liberal in a modern sense is seen equal to neoliberal, what is democrats for US is right conservative for us, what is left in Europe is communism for the US and so on, you get it.
It may work for parties on a regional level, but for individuals, forget it.