- Comment on Tried to order a part before the tariffs 2 weeks ago:
From the covfefe guy I wouldn’t be surprised if he misspelled himself.
- Comment on I love the future. 4 weeks ago:
They probably think 300 means 300lbs…
- Comment on Anyone ever look at pictures of themselves as a child and feel no connection to them? 1 month ago:
Hey man. I’m not saying anything about how you reacted, that’s your own thing to work on and have a long look inside. I would recommend talking to a licensed therapist to help guide you.
My main point was about your mother’s reaction, which I don’t think was correct. And maybe she should also seek help in how she treats people.
- Comment on Anyone ever look at pictures of themselves as a child and feel no connection to them? 1 month ago:
Someone showing love for you shouldn’t yell at you because you are unhappy with the present. If they loved you they’d try to understand why.
I have been upset when someone didn’t like a present I got them, but I never shouted at them. And I’ve also been given out to when I didnt “appreciate “ a present I was given. I now think that’s more of a them problem than a me problem.
- Comment on When you see it.... 1 month ago:
I was never going to get that. Thanks!
- Comment on When you see it.... 1 month ago:
DVI-L? I feel stupid that I’m missing something obvious!
- Comment on When you see it.... 1 month ago:
I don’t see it…
- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 2 months ago:
FKA Prince.
AKA “the artist”
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
You get read receipt For iMessage, not for regular SMS.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I know. I wasn’t being serious. Just trying to highlight the absurdity that this person is ignored when a CEO would get instant reaction. I hope the OP is ok too.
I think another posters idea to turn off read receipts was a good idea. Then the stalker won’t know if the message got through.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Tell the police he threatened a CEO and they’ll send the FBI after him before lunch!
- Comment on Coffeezilla does a third part of his CS:GO gambling expose...where he squarely puts the blame on Valve 2 months ago:
Because I disagree with it!! (/s)
- Comment on Does anyone else think the NYPD photos of the UHC CEO shooting suspect don’t match? 3 months ago:
4D chess! Obviously that’s his plan to throw off the police, have another almost identical but distinguishable backpack and jacket! /s
- Comment on USA President term limits 4 months ago:
He didn’t win the popular vote first time so they’ll argue he wasn’t “elected” then.
- Comment on Sega is delisting 60 classic games from Steam, so now’s the time to grab them 4 months ago:
This is why I “acquire” games I already own on steam. Or buy first from GoG. I’m not paying twice for same game.
- Comment on Cynthia Erivo calls out fans who made their own Wicked poster 5 months ago:
Same. Was going to see it in the cinema opening week. Now I’ll wait for the reviews and streaming release. I’ve already seen the broadway show (excellent show btw).
- Comment on Youtube deletes and strikes Linus Tech Tips video for teaching people how to live without Google. Ft. Louis Rossman 6 months ago:
I wish this was a top level comment. People just want to hate on LTT. Is it because they are successful? People misunderstand his arguments about warranty. I.e. a warranty means nothing if the company won’t uphold it.
- Comment on Do you prefer to buy games on Steam or GOG? 6 months ago:
I bought god of war on sale. Never played it. And couldn’t get a refund because I was outside the window. Shame on me for having adult responsibilities and not knowing that nvidia were going to remove it from GeForce now. :(
- Comment on TitanFall 2 at 3$ 7 months ago:
I bought the game. Then immediately pirated it so I wouldn’t have to install this EA crap.
- Comment on Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals 8 months ago:
I got overcooked 1. It was over difficult and felt too much like work and not fun like a game should be. Maybe 2 is better but I’ve no incentive to try it out.
- Comment on Can't play an EA game via geforce now 1 year ago:
I bought a gaming PC because I was so sick of stuff like this on GeForce now. Great service but implementation was annoying.
Also ended up sailing the high seas for some games instead of purchasing. Although a lot I did purchase after but some like Unravel have too much DRM content that I bought but never used the legit version.
- Comment on This fan-made HD PC port of Zelda: Link's Awakening is so cool I can't believe Nintendo hasn't taken it down yet 1 year ago:
I tried downloading and the website says the download was quarantined. Anyone else see this? I was able to download anyway.