- Comment on Why does the urge to go to the bathroom increase when we get home? 6 months ago:
Butthole detects proximity to safe toilet.
- Comment on Why People Don’t Catch The Politics In Their Favorite Games 8 months ago:
I was expecting something a little deeper or more subtle than what I got.
That’s the problem when these things gain reputations. The reputation builds it up to be more than the piece of art can deliver.
Now imagine playing it when it was new and you weren’t “expecting” anything but a military shooter. It would still be just as blunt, but it landed far more effectively than when you go in knowing the reputation the game has built in the many years that followed.
- Comment on Many players have become "patient gamers". What are games people might miss out on by waiting for sales? 1 year ago:
But this isn’t the formula for all games. While we might agree that games from 2000 or even 2010 are “showing their age”, at this point 5 to 8-year-old games are less and less likely to be seen as ‘too old’ by comparison to hot releases.
As someone that grew up in the '80s and '90s, it’s wild how much different the pace of change in games was then compared to now.
In 1991 I was playing NES games, in 1998 I was playing Half-Life. Every single thing about the experience of video games changed in that span.
In 2017 I was playing Breath of the Wild, in 2024 I’m playing more or less the same game in Tears of the Kingdom.
- Comment on Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft | Nintendo Direct 9.14.2023 1 year ago:
Another version, with a discount for owners of the original games.
Of course, OpenLara is free…
- Comment on why isn't the use of the bidet more widespread? 1 year ago:
But reaching back there and touching themselves on the asshole is totally not.
- Comment on Madden should not be 70$ 1 year ago:
Anytime I consider buying a Madden game, I watch a YouTube video of competitive play for the latest version. It always reveals how garbage the football sim part is. It’s all audibles and hot route spam and exploiting the useless AI in the same ways over and over again.
I’ll never buy a Madden game while all that crap is in there. They should make it so that spamming audibles and hot routes causes players to blow assignments and false start all the time, but the average “competitive” Madden player would probably die from nonstop crying and pants-soiling if EA did anything like that.
- Comment on Madden should not be 70$ 1 year ago:
Football video games were such a big part of my childhood in the 80s and 90s, but football video games died the day NFL2K died.
- Comment on OK Boomer Shooter: How indie games breathed new life into a dying genre 1 year ago:
Call it a Classic Doom-like.
That’s basically reverting back to calling games “DOOM clones”.
- Comment on The 26-year-old Quake 2 just got the remaster of my dreams, plus a big expansion 1 year ago:
Sonic Mayhem, baby!
- Comment on Here we go again 1 year ago:
Never left. Never would leave. Chrome was always a trap.
- Comment on Why do most religious conservatives support capitalist ideology? 1 year ago:
Plenty of people who are critical of capitalism aren’t necessarily advocating for an entirely different system. Rather, they’re advocating for dealing with the problems of capitalism head-on, rather than pretending that they don’t exist and allowing them to become worse.
- Comment on Cities: Skylines 2 is turning deadly and will launch with new natural disasters 1 year ago:
But will it launch with functioning CPU multi-core support?
- Comment on Are American tv shows stuck in Act 2 for their entire runtime between season 1 and final season? 1 year ago:
Shows like The Handmaid’s Tale have been circling the drain of their own premise for a few years now.
As far as I’m concerned, that show ended when the first season did (which corresponded with the ending of the book).
When I heard a season 2 was happening, I thought it might be based around the book’s epilogue. Instead, it’s the same story dragged out long past where it was supposed to end.
- Comment on Do you feel this place has gotten more.. reddit-y lately? 1 year ago:
I get that, but the anime subs were just so absurdly numerous. I just wanted to browse /r/all without having the entire page be anime and “weeb” stuff. I would click to filter out subs over and over and over again, which would help for a while, but eventually /r/all would be flooded with a new batch of anime subs. All I wanted was a “filter out all anime subs” checkbox in the settings.
I think part of what annoyed me about the anime subs also is how much of it was the lowest of low-effort content (which was the same state of affairs for the “irl” and “circlejerk” subs, hence why I disliked them just as much). If I skimmed /r/all and came across thoughtful discussions about subjects that didn’t interest me, that never bothered me. But a screenful of crappy image posts never failed to annoy me.
I’m not arguing that the subs didn’t have a right to exist or anything, all I’m saying is that I personally found them annoying, wanted to not see them, and have enjoyed the fact that I’m not seeing so much of that same content now that I’m browsing Lemmy instead.
- Comment on Do you feel this place has gotten more.. reddit-y lately? 1 year ago:
Well, when I look at the All communities list, I’m not yet seeing an endless flood of groups with “_irl”, “circlejerk”, or groups for every single damn anime in existence.
So, thankfully, it’s not feeling too Reddit just yet.
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 Review Thread 1 year ago:
As someone that was a late teenager during the run of Infinity Engine games, and then witnessed the subsequent consolization and decline of CRPGs… seeing Baldur’s Gate as a CRPG again and having it be a marquee AAA-caliber release is kinda mind-blowing.
The 2000s were a mistake, and so much of modern indie development is about undoing those mistakes. “Boomer” shooters, immersive sims, CRPGs, point and click adventures? All back on the menu, baby.
- Comment on Valve Releases New Steam Deck Update 1 year ago:
Release 3.5 already.
- Comment on The Lord of the Rings: Gollum gets a big patch with multiple fixes 1 year ago:
Even if you fix Gollum, all you’re gonna get is a generic 3rd person action-adventure game. We got this game about a hundred times in the Xbox/PS2 era.
No Man’s Sky was worth salvaging because it did something mechanically different. Gollum is like if you took one of those PS2 Harry Potter games, dropped it into UE4, and changed which licensed property the game uses.