- Comment on What are the exact ramifications and consequences of the recent meeting with Zelenskyy and Trump/JD? 3 weeks ago:
Hello comrade.
- Comment on Ratatan - Official Gameplay Trailer | ID@Xbox 4 weeks ago:
Hilarious that this is being promoted on Xbox. Absolutely ridiculous Sony didn’t keep this team going.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
So long as this is genuone, and not a stealth sabotage, that’s a genuinely good response and reaction.
I would respond to them that that isn’t a bad idea, so long as the therapist isn’t “primed” on the issue, and you’re able to actually go in with a blank slate.
Also, no idea where you live, but in the US make sure your therapist agrees to keep your therapy notes in some kind of shorthand. Musk and Trump don’t care about violating HIPPA to harm your rights, so be smart yea?
- Comment on It looks like someone at Activision is leaking Slack screenshots to right-wing X users 1 month ago:
There is. Plenty of giant titties on trad wives in the Steam category for porn games. Oddly that seems to overlap with this audience strongly…
- Comment on It looks like someone at Activision is leaking Slack screenshots to right-wing X users 1 month ago:
Good, now you just have to avoid buying from…
checks staff lists
Every single major publisher.
Good luck. Don’t play that woke Call of Duty or that DEI Fortnite while you’re at it. And avoid the mind virus of Elden Ring and Bandai Namco.
- Comment on It looks like someone at Activision is leaking Slack screenshots to right-wing X users 1 month ago:
Stop buying their shit then. Leave the people who make it the fuck alone.
“Go woke go broke” vote with your dollars and let their “wokeness” fail in the free market. Don’t fucking harass people.
- Comment on Genshin Impact Game Developer Will be Banned from Selling Lootboxes to Teens Under 16 without Parental Consent, Pay a $20 Million Fine to Settle FTC Charges. 2 months ago:
20 mil is peanuts. Selling shit to children for as long as you can is worth way more. FTC has proven that exploiting kids with gambling mechanics is just good business.
- Comment on Steam has the best UI 2 months ago:
Counterpoint: I can identify which part of the UI most of those come from. This level of variety between various UI functions is actually good. I don’t want the interface tabs or the settings tabs to be confused with tabs in the store, even though they are all tabs. I don’t want buttons to all look the same, especially not the huge purchase button. But even accepting that as an outlier I want some buttons to be clearly part of the steam UI and some as part of the site page I am on, so I don’t get confused.
- Comment on Don’t Look Up director says ‘half a billion people’ have now seen film despite critics 2 months ago:
When your movie is on the frontpage of Netflix with a handful of A listers and effectively “free”, a half million views is actually not that great.
- Comment on The Death of Gaming YouTube: How Money Killed Authenticity 2 months ago:
Major difference is that TV and your examples aren’t a firehose free for all of content. There is at least a minor barrier to entry. Which helps stem some of the tide at least.
- Comment on Guy never bought a game on the Epic Store... Owns 200+ 2 months ago:
The same applies for Epic as well regarding piracy. Again it’s just a matter of diversifying.
If I had to rebuy 100% of my games, Id never adopt Epic at all. Atleast this way the library has something of value as an alternative without costing me a fortune.
- Comment on Guy never bought a game on the Epic Store... Owns 200+ 2 months ago:
I’m thinking even farther back to their wretched Windows Live and then Games for Windows Live platform (now dead). MS is one of the biggest companies on earth and couldn’t find a cohesive way to migrate that game ownership forward.
- Comment on Guy never bought a game on the Epic Store... Owns 200+ 2 months ago:
I just like to own the things I own. And I’m more worried about someone hijacking my account because they want some bullshit inventory item or something than getting banned for something toxic. Account theft is sadly still pretty common.
- Comment on Guy never bought a game on the Epic Store... Owns 200+ 2 months ago:
Absolutely. But if someone got you in one of those steam inventory scams or stole your access token, it sucks if you lose your entire game library and have all your eggs in one basket.
So having a bunch “backed up” so to speak with Epic gives some peace of mind. VAC bans aren’t common for most users, but they do make mistakes sometimes.
- Comment on Guy never bought a game on the Epic Store... Owns 200+ 2 months ago:
This is the point though. They have beefed up my Epic Games library to the point where if I got banned from Steam, I would have a viable fallback.
That cannot be understated. It has a network effect and makes adopting it as a new platform versus a legacy one with two decades behind it, far easier to adjust to.
I love that at least someone is really trying other than MS with their poorly supported windows games store attempts.
- Comment on Deceive Inc. Developer Sweet Bandits Shuts Down 3 months ago:
And you are missing my point.
You don’t trade one for the other. You add this in the options menu, in a smaller font.
Then when The Crew, X-Defiant, Lawbreakers, or any of the 30 other games that AAA publishers end server support for this year go down, the people who bought it aren’t left unable to play at all. Theres a fallback. And it does not affect matchmaking because it’s down the menu out of the way, and not the default matchmaking method. L
- Comment on Deceive Inc. Developer Sweet Bandits Shuts Down 3 months ago:
Sorry man, but the fundamental backend of IP based matchmaking is a prerequisite to skill based matchmaking. At a high level, the skill rankings make an ELO value or similar ranking and feed that alobg woth player status into the active player pool for the region. The active player pool then feeds the game client the ip sets for the current match.
Literally all these games are peer hosted, and require this. Once the match is setup they literally drop you into a lobby (this part is visible to you) and fill it with IPs (invisible). That is as old as DOOM.
So again, everything costs something as people aren’t free, but this is a function must exist to power the skill based matchmaking, and needs only be exposed in the shell.
Also, its not just valve, its literally every PC game ever made before the mid 2000s. Jedi Knight II? Unreal Tournament? Quake 3? Hell emulated PS3 and Switch titles have shown this off as well. All of these are still playable today thanks to not exclusively using skill based matchmaking.
- Comment on Deceive Inc. Developer Sweet Bandits Shuts Down 3 months ago:
Great wall of text, defeated by the simple idea of adding a fucking optional LAN or Lobby based matchmaking based on IP can be for unranked and takes near 0 effort to add.
You want the main game mode with matchmaking? Official ranked server.
Wanna play 2 vs 30 AK-47 vs knives only? Private lobby.
Also, the latter was how the original devs accidentally invented Left 4 Dead by figuring out that was a ton of fun.
- Comment on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024's launch has been marred by long load times, server issues and now it has overwhelmingly negative reviews 3 months ago:
For low res, no.
Hi res, sure. Make it optional, or let players download the region they like. Or just the airports with much lower res landscapes, etc etc.
Or just, let them have it all and make these choices. Memory is CHEAP nowadays. If you’re a flight sim enthusiast, a few terabytes for the map data is the least expensive part of your setup by far.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
They need to make sharing controller presets easier. Like MASSIVELY easier.
I cannot emphasize this enough. Let users send controller profiles and attach them to forum posts, etc.
This is needed desperately because navigating presets is straight up busted. Currently it just promotes whatever has the most users, which is whoever published first.
Doesn’t matter if there is an objectively brilliant control scheme for Resident Evil 5 or something, nope, you’re using the first layout published by GoonerMaster69 in 2014 or whatever.
Both these factors make using the steam controller a chore. It’s incredibly powerful, but setup is a fucking CHORE. I love it, but making it work well is always me tweaking for way too long, or using g the suboptimal poorly named presets at the top of the list.
The RE5 example is real. RE5 is amazing with the steam controller if you have a trigger full pull mode shift to mouse input so you can have perfect accuracy with no acceleration. But try finding this in the preset list.
- Comment on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024's launch has been marred by long load times, server issues and now it has overwhelmingly negative reviews 3 months ago:
God I love having a future where my ability to play a fucking flight simulator depends on both internet access and server reliability.
Completely unnecessary to boot. Store a low res copy locally, offer the high res as regional packs. 0 reason to stream this data in.
- Comment on Exclusive: Sony is in talks to buy Kadokawa, the media powerhouse behind 'Elden Ring' 4 months ago:
Kadokawa is a massive publisher of books and media in Japan.
For that reason alone I hope this is blocked. It would make Sony too huge in Japan to reasonably compete with outside of Shueisha and directly incentivize brand exclusivity deals.
- Comment on $250 Analogue 3D will play all your N64 cartridges in 4K early next year 5 months ago:
The speculation is wrong.
If your hobby is making Paper Maché Owls, and one day Hobby Lobby calls you and threatens to sue you in criminal court for millions, or you can silently stop your hobby?
Unless you have millions to burn, you give up your hobby, because it’s not worth ruining your life over.
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution? 6 months ago:
Good catch. And yea, at a local level this Wilhelm not exacerbate things.
The crisis begins with the emanation of farm fires in Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh, where farmers set fire to hundreds of square kilometres of paddy fields after harvesting them to clear them of residue, causing a smog jacket to form over northern India, particularly Delhi.
Banning firecrackers to not make the problem worse makes sense, given how absolutely bad it will be due to the slash and burn farming practices. But the firecrackers alone (while not good for the atmosphere) aren’t like a global warming factor. But for your on-the-ground air quality doesn’t help at all.
- Comment on Anon tries to give a compliment 6 months ago:
Honestly, once upon a time 4chan was pretty liberal and anarchist. They protested Scientology even. That is definitely no longer the case.
Once the fucking Nazi types figured out extremely bare minimum lax moderation meant they could use slurs with abandon and still be okay, the use of slurs quickly turned from a “we hate everyone” in-joke to a “no, we legitimately hate you inferior races” bent extremely quickly.
There are still boards that aren’t total garbage, but the site overall is kind of a shadow of itself in its heyday and now users spend as much time posting Qanon garbage and legit Anti-Semitic hate threads on every board as it used to spend being funny. Honestly really sad.
- Comment on Anon casts a healing spell 6 months ago:
It could far easier be interpreted as healing what the caster or their god perceives to be a wound, since IT’S THEM THAT DOES THE DAMN CURING.
If the caster doesnt know how Tieflinfs are naturally supposed to look, are theu going to then heal them of their “deformities” and remove their horns? I’d very much argue the caster’s intent is irrelevent. And as others have noted, there is lore of how cire wores operates tk accelerate natural healing, not jidt reality warp into a perfect body. Splint a break and heal it, done. Cure wounds on a fresh cut, done. Cure wounds on a 10 year old scar? Thats not a wound. No effect. Otherwise no one in DnD would have any scars, even cool ones.
because disabled guy is also a prick.
You are searching hard for reasons to argue against this. Just wanting to be how you are is not being a prick.
You’re in a universe of immortal gods, magic, amazing tech and telling stories. Don’t you dare pretend there’s any ailment that can’t be healed by some random cleric of Waukeen or Kol Korran, both being deities of wealth that would approve of their priests being basically traveling salesmen, exchanging healing for money. You can cure anything for the right amount of gold, and let’s not all act like we wouldn’t want our walking/eyesight/hearing/whatever restored, and actively work to pay for one of these services.
By this logic, no character in DnD should ever have scars, or exist with anything but a pristine body. And yet, some of the most famous characters out there have scars and missing fingers. How odd.
Some of the traits we want to give our characters just don’t translate into this magical world, and there’s no ruling where a DM can still have it make sense if the cleric is in character when doing this. What you want to ask yourself before you get to this situation is, would this guy have seriously been crippled all his life and was never able to raise the few hundred gold for a healing spell?
Usually no. A few hundred gold in most settings is actually quite a large amount for a non-adventurer.
And would an adventuring party even want him on?
Because the disabled are without worth if they inconvenience the party? Nevermind that all your ranting aboht how magic could affect yhe body could much more cheaply and inmediatly apply to objects like a wheelchair, and thus make sense for them to have worked around their disability than to have afforded some of the most expensive healing that exists to treat it.
This should’ve been nixed at session 0 if not all players agree that this setting allows for incurable disabilities/diseases.
Yea I don’t think that most see “curing my disabled friend by force” as something that session 0 would even need to touch on. Most of these spells have “willing creature” as an assumed condition.
Cause I for sure don’t want a cleric in my party that “isn’t allowed” to remove curses or heal. Oh, he’s wheelchair-bound? The party exits the pub, you are unable to catch up to them as there are some stairs in the way. This is life without wheelchair ramps, better get used to some boring sessions ahead. Unless you wanna explore a dungeon and see if falling down stairs while stuck in a chair is gonna be easy to survive for your lvl1 wizard.
This whole paragraph again is some hateful ableist shit with 0 imagination. Im even going to bother listing the dozens of simple creative solutions to “omg stairs!” that escape you, and simply point out that, again, cure wounds is a low level healing spell not a greater restoration. And long-term scars and illnesses canonically exist in DnD. So get over yourself. If the player doesnt want “cure my legs” to be their whole fucking quest, then let them have their magical wheelchair with equivalent mobility and move the fuck on.
Jesus its not even hard. “The wheels of my contraption have a minor strength buff so i can push ot easily, and some years later a kind enchanter cast a permanent low grade spider climb on the wheels so i can go up stairsband uneven terrain fairly easily now. It’s notnsteong enough to climb walls, unfortunately. But I appreciated it immensely all the same.”
- Comment on Anon casts a healing spell 6 months ago:
Exactly. If that adventurer wanted to “cure” what he saw as a flaw, he could quest for a much more specialized magical healer or more powerful spell to enable it. I mention greater restoration, but true polymorph to his original form, or some kind of time manipulation, etc. There are options, at a high enough toer of magic, to undo injury, but that power has to have been attained.
This is why amputations aren’t cured by a cure wounds. You can’t just grow a pile of pork by hacking into a live pig and repeatedly healing it.
- Comment on Anon casts a healing spell 6 months ago:
Yes, but in table top unless you signed up for a PvP game, other players don’t get to dictate how your character is. And even the DM shouldn’t railroad.
- Comment on Anon casts a healing spell 6 months ago:
I described plenty of magically enhanced wheelchair options alin a different comment, and then the complaint was that they’re still wheelchairs.
It feels like people just don’t think disabled people can or should exist in a fantasy realm, and that’s kind of hilarious considering how many famous characters in fiction have prosthetics or other aids.
Professor X does okay for himself. “But why doesn’t he just levitate all the time!” Because he’s fine seated and there’s no issue with it.
You do know that like, wagons and shit existed for millenia and went over completely unpaved and incredibly rough terrain as well, right? Any wheelchair in a DnD setting could easily have a mild enchanment for grip and strength enhancement that would make it offroad capable.
- Comment on Anon casts a healing spell 6 months ago:
If I cast “Greater Restoration” and say I’m going to cure your of your Warlock pact, and roll a nat 20, and you are vehemently against this, it’s not “for the sake of fun” if I go ahead and “cure” you of your chosen character traits and path.
I hear you, and I’m not rigid in spell use within reason, but this is well outside just RAW and more into the latter part of everyone having fun at the table. Your fun shouldn’t come at the expense of another player having to agency over their character, which are personal avatars people can sometimes be quite attached to.
If you’re in a table where characters are dying left and right maybe they aren’t. But even then, if they don’t want it, that’s the red line. Just like using Mind Control on a party member to do something unspeakable. RAW could they? Sure. But unless this is a game built on betrayals or where players are expecting a PvP element, absolutely not.
Everything in moderation, everything on balance. Player agency is something you should try not to let other players trample on. And even as a DM, it should be subtle or not at all when you are moving the scenery to guide something. Again, subjective.