- Comment on Tax time 1 year ago:
Not exactly, since the IRS provides tons of credits and deductions for things that aren’t inherently trackable, like credits for upgrading your home to be more “green,” asset depreciation, or any other of the thousand random things they incentivize
- Comment on Exciting news! The free API you were using is no more free! 1 year ago:
Yeah but the basic “give me my subtitles for this specific movie” very likely still works just fine, because… that’s like the whole reason they exist
- Comment on Exciting news! The free API you were using is no more free! 1 year ago:
You just need to move to the new API, which is free, the old one is still available temporarily if you pay
- Comment on Exciting news! The free API you were using is no more free! 1 year ago:
You just have to move to the new API which is still free, the old one is temporarily still available by paying
- Comment on I feel so sotty sorry for the poor rock man 1 year ago:
based landchad evictionpilling the cringe rentoid
- Comment on Restaurant Bill 1 year ago:
I’ve been seeing it more regardless of group size. I went to a resturaunt alone and they had the audacity to charge a service fee and ask for a fucking tip
I wouldve tipped more than the service charge! So I gave nothing instead
- Comment on The picture isn't even of my yard 1 year ago:
Yeah but if it gets lost, they have to replace it, and if they leave it in a terrible place that’s ripe for theft I can claim I never received it. Stealing from multi-million dollar corporations is always morally correct. Plus, I get free shit out of it and they stop doing that pretty quickly
- Comment on We have had guns for 200 years but mass shootings only became common in the last 30. So what changed? 1 year ago:
Modern societies crush people. It breaks them.
The world has been pretty shit for the entirety of history. Working conditions are better than they ever have been. People make more than they ever have. Crime is dropping year-over-year.
Arguing that this is occuring because everything is getting worse is just completely and utterly wrong. Quality of life is increasing greatly for the average person.
- Comment on We have had guns for 200 years but mass shootings only became common in the last 30. So what changed? 1 year ago:
laTe sTAgE cAPItalIsM
I really hate that this is used as though it means anything at all to most people. It’s not an argument by itself.
- Comment on How do poor people in the states give birth without money? 1 year ago:
I have been poor if you consider making 15k a year for five years poor.
- Comment on How do poor people in the states give birth without money? 1 year ago:
Then… Don’t live in SoCal?
- Comment on How do poor people in the states give birth without money? 1 year ago:
I had an 8k bill for a TIA I had last year. It’s a lot of money, but if you have a job that will cover your hospital bills, you can probably pay for it without drowning
- Comment on How do poor people in the states give birth without money? 1 year ago:
I have 15 years of experience in software engineering, but that’s only because I started when I was 12
- Comment on How do poor people in the states give birth without money? 1 year ago:
The actual middle class generally has a job that gives health insurance which will pay for it almost entirely. If you don’t, you’re probably not middle class unfortunately
- Comment on How do poor people in the states give birth without money? 1 year ago:
Actually it’s easier to pay hospital bills when you’re poor. You either go to a non-profit hospital and ask for charity, where they’ll wipe your bill clean if you make too little, or you just don’t pay the bill.
- Comment on How do poor people in the states give birth without money? 1 year ago:
If you have a master’s and 20 years of experience, youre pretty much guaranteed to have a job that has the health insurance to pay for all of that. If you don’t, then you need a new job
- Comment on What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials & Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. 1 year ago:
No, I just need to be better about moderating myself. I still work on my side projects quite a lot, but having something else to do helps keep me motivated.
- Comment on What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials & Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. 1 year ago:
I barely lasted six months or a year without a job last time it happened, and before that I was bored out of my mind for four years
- Comment on What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials & Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. 1 year ago:
I still do quite a bit. I’m a remote worker so I travel relatively frequently, and my work is generous with vacation time. I don’t feel over-worked and simply just enjoy some of the challenge that work brings me. It helps that I genuinely enjoy my work because what I do for work is also my hobby that I already do outside of work, it just ensures I don’t stay fixated on a single project which helps prevent burnout.
There’s very few things I’ve found so far that are genuinely entertaining to participate in, and splitting up my time helps me in keeping those few things entertaining in perpituity instead of burning myself out
- Comment on What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials & Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. 1 year ago:
I do do things for myself. What I do for work is also my hobby, but I have zero self control. I would happily dive into my side projects for weeks on end just to have them crash and burn from burnout or from my getting side-tracked.
Last time I wasn’t working I lasted about six months before I had to get back to some sort of work simply because my own personal projects became extremely boring. Even things I have put years into at this point, I ended up getting bored quickly even though I hadn’t increased my workload
To be clear, I wouldn’t be working full-time, but I enjoy the unique challenges that work brings me. It gives me things to think about and solve that I wouldn’t have considered, and that helps keep the burnout at bay
- Comment on What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials & Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. 1 year ago:
What I do for work is also my hobby outside of work! I enjoy work due to the new challenges that come and require solving. If I’m working on my own stuff I end up side-tracked and never actually finish things which gets demoralizing quickly. Work helps keep me on task so I can actually get to have the satisfaction of a job well done
- Comment on What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials & Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. 1 year ago:
Preface: I’m not intending to come off as bragging, but providing some justification
I make plenty enough to retire by 45. Does that mean I’ll stop working by 45? No, that sounds ridiculously boring. I’d rather work part time or do contract work until I’m physically and mentally unable because otherwise I’ll become a vegetable. I enjoy my work and at the moment have no intentions of stopping at any point
- Comment on The ultimate life hack the government doesn't want you to know 1 year ago:
I literally can withdrawal it
- Comment on The ultimate life hack the government doesn't want you to know 1 year ago:
Not having a credit card is giving up free money in cash back and rewards
- Comment on Time to grow up. 1 year ago:
Oat milk is objectively worse in taste. I actually hate it
- Comment on And now Bezos is trying to inserts ads everywhere 1 year ago:
So not “everyone else.” Got it.
- Comment on And now Bezos is trying to inserts ads everywhere 1 year ago:
“Everyone else” is absolutely not correct. Realistically barely a fraction of people know how to do it and even less bother.
- Comment on Does it matter if I skip sponsored ad segments in YouTube videos? 1 year ago:
Why wouldn’t I pay for something that I enjoy? I am fully aware of the cost of adblock and piracy, and I’ve decided that if I’m going to use adblock, then I’m going to pay for services I legitimately enjoy. I don’t bother with one-off services or things I rarely use, but I’m perfectly fine paying for things. I’m not hurting for cash.
Making enough money to live and also expecting everything for free is just greed.
- Comment on Does it matter if I skip sponsored ad segments in YouTube videos? 1 year ago:
Damn paying $15 for a service that is almost the sole source of my daily entertainment, crazy
- Comment on Microsoft Nintendo acquisition hopes revealed by leaked Xbox exec email 1 year ago:
I can’t wait for yearly Nintendo console releases with merely cosmetic changes at $1500 price points and breaking OS changes that prevent you using games you bought two years prior