- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 16th 6 days ago:
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow. I’ve been playing through the Castlevania Advance collection on Steam and this is the next one up. I’m up to the fight with Death but he’s stomping me into the ground so I either need to level up some more or experiment with different souls.
- Comment on i’m scared of my boyfriend because he’s dry and doesn’t want to initiate a relationship, should i break up because of the latter part? 1 week ago:
This is entirely anecdotal, but everyone that I have ever spoken to in real life that was poly seemed to be poly because the original relationship was failing. They were no longer getting any attention or affection from their partner and instead of moving on, decided the way forward was to add more people so that they could get the attention they weren’t getting from the original partner. I met a woman on a dating app a few years ago that was looking for a boyfriend despite having a husband and a boyfriend already. One day she was texting me that she was bored and lonely. Her husband and boyfriend were both in the same room with her but everyone was ignoring each other on their phones. Crazy stuff. I’m sure some people are able to make those situations successful, but it’s gotta be a minority of attempts.
- Comment on 2025-03-15 Unplanned downtime 1 week ago:
Happy birthday! And thanks for working on that so quickly especially on your birthday.
- Comment on Hulu quizzing about the ads played 2 months ago:
So I think this might be getting misrepresented. Now I don’t in anyway support"interactive ads" like this, but I’m pretty sure that is all this is. I actually had this exact commercial yesterday and didn’t even realize that it was actually asking the question in a non-rhetorical way. So I didn’t touch the remote and the commercial just plays out and ends as it would if the text wasn’t on the screen. I don’t know what happens if you actually answer the question. Hulu puts an ad countdown timer on the screen when ads are playing so you know how much of the ad is left and my show resumed at the time it said it would before the commercials started.
- Comment on Yakuza creator Nagoshi says the era of game size being most important is coming to an end 4 months ago:
I’d rejoice, but I’ll believe it when I see it happening consistently. I want smaller, denser, and richer worlds. Not giant, sprawling, and barren. It doesn’t add anything to a game for me if I have to walk or drive 10 minutes to get to my next location and it’s just empty in between.
- Comment on "And now for some golden oldies!" 4 months ago:
Why would you say that?
- Comment on Drunk Hulk Hogan wants to body slam Kamala Harris 6 months ago:
Really makes you wonder why he makes claims about people that are still alive. You’d think he’d stick to wild stories about people that aren’t alive to dispute what he’s saying. And he was such a big star that these claims are always going to get back to people that can say no, that’s wrong.
- Comment on Drunk Hulk Hogan wants to body slam Kamala Harris 6 months ago:
That’s always been his thing. It was never enough that he was a huge superstar, he needed to inflat his persona even further. He has always made outlandish claims. There are tons of videos chronicaling all the insane shit he says. He said that he used to wrestle 400 days a year because he would travel between the US and Japan wrestling in both places and crossing the international timeline actually made his years longer. Point being, he’s always been a crazy ego-maniac.
- Comment on Anon doesn't know what she's doing wrong 7 months ago:
In addition to things others have said in reply, maintaining eye contact is a direction given in speech and leadership classes. Looking at someone you are talking to shows interest, engagement, and respect. It would be weird in a different way if you were speaking to someone and just staring at their hands or staring off into space. It’s not that there are two options, but if you’re having a conversation with someone, it’s normal to be looking at them.
- Comment on Anon doesn't know what she's doing wrong 7 months ago:
I actually do this as well because I’ve been told so much about guys looking at boobs when talking to women. I make extra effort to keep eye contact. So because of that I’ve been told “it’s intense.” That’s from people that know me so that is probably the polite version.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 7 months ago:
No experience. All bad experiences means more potential for either a lot of unchecked baggage, that person is the cause of the bad experiences, or both.
- Comment on ‘Just a complete mess’: Initial impressions of the Borderlands movie are mostly negative [VGC] 7 months ago:
The casting choices are really questionable here. Looks like the casting was done to bring in a generic movie going audience that watches movies based on the cast, but this was only going to succeed by appealing to the actual fan base. Jack Black and Kevin Hart don’t need to be in every movie. I’m surprised Chris Pratt isn’t in this honestly.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Super Mario 8 months ago:
Super Mario World 2 is a really amazing game in both the mechanics and graphics. The game did some awesome stuff with both. It really set the way for Yoshi being a main character instead of a side character as well. Don’t sleep on it because the baby crying is annoying.
- Comment on Is my girlfriend gaslighting me? 8 months ago:
Possibly. Ultimately there needs to be better communication between both of them.
- Comment on Is my girlfriend gaslighting me? 8 months ago:
Since she’s not normally like this, you really need to talk to her to figure out what exactly happened that set off this series of events.
- Comment on Is my girlfriend gaslighting me? 8 months ago:
So you’re saying it is pretty irrational for her to be so extremely worried about being kidnapped? Is she a very anxious and nervous person? It sounds like she was dropped off very close to home. Is she one to turn nothing into something like this? From an outside perspective, her reaction seems way out of line.
- Comment on Is my girlfriend gaslighting me? 8 months ago:
I can’t tell if this is a joke post. Assuming that it’s not, there’s a lot of missing context. If she wanted you to meet her and you got that text, why didn’t you? Do you live somewhere that human trafficking is that much a part of daily life that this is an issue? You make comments like a lot of her irrational actions are normal things, which they probably shouldn’t be. She wants assurance that you’ll track down and murder a trafficking group like Liam Nesson and then switches gears immediately to what about the cat? I hope this is a joke post.
- Comment on Who was in the wrong here? 8 months ago:
Camera guy. Despite the text on the video denying it, he sprayed that pepper spray right through the door and into the store. Even if he was in the right, he acted extremely irresponsibly. He was 100% looking for an issue.
- Comment on What are some alternative to soulless videogame franchises? 1 year ago:
I don’t know what these would really be alternatives to, but I impatiently await every new game from Daniel Mullins Games. Inscryption was a fantastic deck builder and I more than got my monies worth out of it. I also follow Stranga Games pretty closely. Very small developer makes story focused retro style adventure games. No combat at all generally. So if you like a casual experience and that style of game, it might be something to look into.
- Comment on Devil May Cry | Official Announcement | Netflix 1 year ago:
I wasn’t a fan of the old Devil May Cry anime. It was fine, just nothing noteworthy really. I’ll probably give this a shot.