- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 4 days ago:
Dark Cloud 2
- Comment on Senate Republican leader defends Musk’s efforts as a ‘scrub’ of federal government 5 days ago:
If you wanna give the majority of your paycheck to the government because you feel good about it, then do that. Nothing stopping you from donating all of your money to them.
Wow. Much hyperbole. I feel like that must get kinda exhausting, but hey, you do you.
- Comment on Top Trump official moves to block illegal immigrants from receiving food stamps: 'Follow the law, full stop' 5 days ago:
I recognize the words, but still feel like I’m resting a foreign language. And the combination of arrogance and stupidity on display here is simply not with the energy of “getting upset”. Y’all are simply just not that interesting.
- Comment on Top Trump official moves to block illegal immigrants from receiving food stamps: 'Follow the law, full stop' 5 days ago:
Well, let’s see - considering the rather lengthy form you have to fill out, not to mention handing over your government issued ID, this is rather blatantly nothing more than pandering to their base.
However, realizing the level of willful ignorance, if not outright stupidity, it would take to think that illegal immigrants are signing up for food stamps, I really have a hard time finding empathy for conservatives these days. Seriously.
- Comment on How can A person find out if they were hired as a DEI or fired because of it? 6 days ago:
Ok, also misogyny.
- Comment on Poll: More Americans View DOGE Favorably than Unfavorably 1 week ago:
- Comment on Erasure 2 weeks ago:
I hope you realize that is irrelevant…?
Like, completely.
- Comment on Not the same 2 weeks ago:
I doubted your assertion at first; I’ve experimented with all kinda techniques for stippling and pointillism (sp?), but after the other guys comment I zoomed in and quickly realized the techniques are mix and match. Hatching morphing into scales, for instance.
Good eye.
- Comment on Erasure 2 weeks ago:
Oh go cry yourself a river to drown in.
Yeah, no shit I’m not “debating in good faith”. Duh. Why the fuck would I bother?? Like, seriously, that’s nothing clever in that “asking questions” approach.
And, if you’re gonna cry about ‘solid arguments’, fund one yourself. Facts don’t care about your feelings, remember???
- Comment on Erasure 2 weeks ago:
I do not recognize those acronyms, but would like to know more! Can you point me in the right direction?
- Comment on Erasure 2 weeks ago:
I don’t think I follow that train of thought.
Duh. Not being allowed to do offensive shit without consequence it’s obviously upsetting to you. So, yeah, of course you didn’t follow a train of thought that includes common decency.
What do you think cancel culture was except the systematic erasure of people with “undesirable” viewpoints?
I think actions have consequences. I think a person who has any actual courage will accept that fact. What, do you think bigotry and prejudice shouldn’t be “undesirable”? What, you afraid of just…not being an ass???
- Comment on Erasure 2 weeks ago:
You have so consistently dehumanized the women in your life that this statement actually makes sense to you? Like, it’s pretty well known that women are a minority in STEM fields. What the hell you so afraid of, that celebrating a woman’s accomplishments offense you so???
Maybe stop trying to gain power over other human beings. Cause the path you’re currently on? You fucking know where it leads. And no, dragging others down will never change the hellscape of fear and paranoia you have found. You have to walk out of the valley of despair; there is no other escape.
- Comment on Erasure 2 weeks ago:
Sadly, that stooge isn’t even self aware enough to realize it’s trolling. Which makes feeding trolls so, just, tedious these days. No fun in it at all!! 😡
- Comment on Erasure 2 weeks ago:
Huh. The only possible reason to conflate cancel culture with erasure is if you’re such a shit person with truly deplorable views that being forced to just fucking be polite feels like an attack on your person.
Everyone knows the dog whistle involved here, buddy.
- Comment on Erasure 2 weeks ago:
Lol. You doubt it?!
- Comment on Erasure 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Erasure 2 weeks ago:
Lucky for you, you’ll never experience erasure. Because you’ll never matter.
- Comment on Have you tried coping harder? 3 weeks ago:
Which is itself, of course, monetized.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
You may want to do a little research and see if your community has a good clinic to visit. Please be cautious, though! There are unfortunately a large number of places that advertise free testing, but if you make an appointment they will do everything in their power to make sure you carry it to term, including downright abusive manipulation.
That said, there’s still a lot of clinics out there that actually put your own well-being first, not just medically, but also in terms of respecting what you want as an outcome of this.
I wish you the best of luck! As a guy, I know I literally cannot even imagine what you are going through; so just know this internet stranger offers free virtual hugs!
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
You are absolutely incorrect. The similarity in the tests doesn’t mean a thing.
The correct answer is yes, that is a positive result for a pregnancy test. No two ways about it.
- Comment on Sad 4 weeks ago:
Bait was stale, no flavor. Only 1 star.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Nobody said that. Well, you did, I guess.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Unlike you, who sounds…not smart.
- Comment on Google's AI is using past tense to describe a sporting event that takes place in 3 days. And it knows who won too. 4 weeks ago:
That’s not what private mode is for…? Private mode is for local privacy, like hiding your porn searches from anybody else who uses the same device. It won’t help at all for stopping external data collection - you want a VPN for that.
- Comment on What happens if a found missing person with amnesia is mistaken as someone else ? 5 weeks ago:
Not exactly the situation op described, but yes
- Comment on You have got to be kidding me... 5 weeks ago:
Yeah, he’s fatter.
- Comment on Were Sony and Microsoft Truly Worried About The Google Stadia? 5 weeks ago:
What? I had access to games I owned without a subscription…
- Comment on I mean, that's literally the opposite of what I want 5 weeks ago:
Are you…still crying?
The Democrats have their problems. And they are many. Yet oddly bear little to no resemblance to all the bull the Republicans accuse them of.
As for me, I know I have no friends in Washington. So I couldn’t possibly care any less about your pretty little list of bullshit from your previous comment…
- Comment on I mean, that's literally the opposite of what I want 5 weeks ago:
Oh wow, cry harder. Only reason you hear about conservatives wanting to taste liberal tears is because they’re tied of the taste of their own.
- Comment on Kamala Harris Paid the Price for Not Breaking With Biden on Gaza, New Poll Shows 1 month ago:
This poll shows nothing. They had less than 500 people respond.