- Comment on Do animals think we're cute? 10 hours ago:
I tripped and fell over one time and the racket I made woke my dog up. He looked across at me lying on the floor, yawned and went back to sleep. “Still alive? Jolly good. Wake me again at dinnertime.”
- Comment on Which is the cheapest way to manage my body after death ... 6 days ago:
I’ve signed up for donation for dissection. One slight caveat is that the institution - in my case a medical school - can decline to take your body if you’ve died of something infectious or if it’s been too damaged, eg in a crash. If all goes well, they collect the body, and when they’re finished with it they have it cremated. Family can have the ashes if they want. There’s a nice memorial garden with the names of donors. It’s all free… I mean, this is the medical school where Burke and Hare sold their murder victims, so they’re quite grateful to get your corpse for nothing.
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
I fully support the choice to remove the bins. I visited a beauty spot in Scotland recently that has a coffee van in the carpark. The young couple I took there went to add their empty cups to the already overflowing bin, and were baffled when I insisted they take them to the car, which was ten steps away. “But there’s a bin!” Yes you numpties, and the wind is already spreading its contents everywhere. Be part of the solution, not the problem.
- Comment on Trust your training 1 week ago:
Compound interest.
- Comment on How come in most school in the USA (at least mine) they teach Spain Spanish instead of Mexico Spanish? Would not Mexico Spanish be an obvious choice to teach? 2 weeks ago:
I once stayed in a youth hostel rural Quebec and had a really weirdly hostile reception from people there, despite dredging up my very best schoolgirl French to try and make conversation. Turns out they thought I was from Ontario. When I revealed I was a Kiwi they were all suddenly very friendly. Too late!
- Comment on How do you feel about someone taking the coins people tossed into a fountain or other public waterworks display for "wishes?" 2 weeks ago:
A long, loooonng time ago I met a woman who was one of the people dressing up as reenactors in an early colonial American settlement. She cosplayed as a weaver in a house that had a pond outside. Every day before she started work she would hoik her skirt up under her armpits and wade into the pond to pick up coins with her feet (she had very articulate toes). Inevitably she turned round one day to find a family of visitors gawping at her non-colonial underwear. She said the coins added up to quite a haul over the week.
- Comment on Did people experience doom scrolling with newspapers and magazines? 3 weeks ago:
I once moved into a house that had been lived in by a very elderly person. In the kitchen there was a pincushion hanging on the wall that was covered in death notices clipped from the newspaper. Kind of like doom scrolling, just super personal. Watching everyone you knew die, until it was your turn.
I’ve made myself sad all over again. :(
- Comment on The Nightshade Family 3 weeks ago:
Potatoes have fruits as well - they look like little dark green tomatoes. Toxic of course, because nightshade.
- Comment on I have an entire cabinet currently storing empty jars... 4 weeks ago:
You know what grinds my gears? I give someone a jar of my homemade jam, or of honey from my bees, in one of my GOOD jars, and I never see that jar again. One “friend” said she had some jars, did I want them? Yes please! Aaaand they were weird tall skinny jars or tiny sample size jars, all with the labels still on. Straight in the recycling bin. I should have kept them and given her a tiny sample jar of honey instead of the normal pound.
Rant over.
- Comment on Please allow ads! JK, you need to subscribe, too! LOL 4 weeks ago:
I mean back in the olden days I would pay for a newspaper, for example, because the ads were USEFUL. Every week there’d be a motors section where all the dealers would advertise their deals on a full page each, and punters would try and sell their clapped-out cars in the classifieds. Then once a week it was the day for job vacacies, another day was property. Gradually the businesses started getting websites and stopped advertising in papers - which in turn got thinner and less useful. They had their own websites but most never worked out how to make money from them. People could get their news on TV, newspapers were only useful for starting fires with.
Magazines have followed a similar pattern I guess. It’s a bit of a death spiral. Sad, but there you go. The online ads are just garbage, they’re not useful at all. I don’t want them, I don’t want anything they’re trying to sell.
- Comment on Can I still consider myself a “young woman” after I turn 24? I turn 24 in March (next month). 4 weeks ago:
I’m 72 and yes, you’re spot-on. You’re both young! Seriously, if I hear of someone dying at 62, I think oh how sad, so young! Perspective is everything.
- Comment on cilanto 🌿 4 weeks ago:
Oh yes, coriander. Yuck. I was so relieved to discover it was a genetic thing that I was scraping this disgusting weed off my food while everyone else was saying how delicious it was.
- Comment on why do people say annoying/rude stuff and then tell you “it was a joke!” 5 weeks ago:
Ugh, I have a friend whose humour often involves mean-spirited jibes and put-downs. I was in a low mood one day and told him I didn’t like the tone of his “jokes”, that they sometimes stung. He really dialled back after that.
- Comment on Liquid Death Quietly Adds Stevia to Tea Drinks 5 weeks ago:
The drink on the right is caffeinated, maybe that’s why they added sweetener? The label on the left doesn’t mention caffeine.
- Comment on Which movies are much darker when you rewatch them as an adult? 1 month ago:
Breakfast at Tiffany’s. The first revelation was that the romantic leads were pretty much BOTH prostitutes. And then that horrendous turn by Mickey Rooney as a Japanese man!
Also the musical Gigi. More prostitution, this time with a mother grooming her daughter to enter the profession, while her client Maurice Chevalier croons “Thank heavens for little girls.”
I saw both these films as a child and had no clue.
- Comment on Anon has a business idea 1 month ago:
- Comment on if you work night shifts, do you have a life? Are you healthy? 2 months ago:
Years ago I had a job where we had a “graveyard” shift. It was a solo gig, started at 11pm and finished at 7am when the morning shift took over. You’d work it for seven days and then have seven days off. We shared the shift, so that everyone did it a few times a year. You’d think with seven days off it would be popular, but no. No-one wanted it.
I hated it. The worst part was the isolation. There were duties to carry out, but it was mainly checking things. Alone. It was difficult to sleep when I got home and it messed with my head, I felt like a zombie. I’d meet up with friends in the evening and struggle to make conversation. It took up to five days to recover. Very, very unhealthy.
More recently I worked mostly 5pm to 2am, and that was much more manageable. We were a team, and we often met up during the day for sports or a movie. It was awkward socialising with other friends though; I’d be working when they weren’t.
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 2 months ago:
Someone told them they’d get brain cancer.
Seriously though, a lot of us olds have our phones Bluetoothed to our hearing aids. So at least with us you only get to hear one side of the conversation. “I’M ON THE BUS!”
- Comment on Google is now forcing gemini in their gmail app 2 months ago:
I accidentally triggered Gemini while taking a close-up photo of something in my hand. It threw up a nearly full-screen “how can I help?” message. I muttered “fuck off”, and the message now read, “I’m sorry you feel that way…” Oh my god no. NO. Gemini now disabled.
- Comment on FedEx has absolutely no clue what 'economy' means. 3 months ago:
In the olden days we would use a fax machine for that.
- Comment on This spoon. 3 months ago:
- Comment on This spoon. 3 months ago:
This is correct. I’m old, and when I was a girl every home had soup spoons - along with teaspoons, dessert spoons and tablespoons. They appear to have died out, who knows why*. Some of my friends have heritage sets, I don’t. I eat my soup with a dessert spoon, like an ignorant youth.
- On reflection, maybe it’s a measuring thing? Baking recipes use teaspoons and tablespoons, but never soup spoons.
- Comment on I live in the green part 3 months ago:
A BMI calculator will just use height and weight - if you have a lot of muscle bulk you’ll get a higher BMI result even if you’re lean. Conversely, some people are “thin on the outside, fat on the inside”, ie they carry a lot of visceral fat around their organs. So while BMI can be useful, it’s not perfect.
- Comment on When you die, what do you want to be done with you? 3 months ago:
I’ve organised to have my body donated to a medical school for dissection. It was quite complicated, lots of forms to be filled in and witnessed. My executor has to phone the university when I die & they send a van to collect me. They won’t accept my body if I’ve died of something communicable, or it was eg some accident that left me too mangled. When they’re done with me I’ll be cremated and my name goes up on a plaque in a special garden.
- Comment on what's the best way to react if a guy stares at you like he wants to have sex with you when you're doing yoga? 3 months ago:
His lack of insight makes him a dipshit. Cishet, neurotypical, yet he was unable to see the situation from the woman’s point of view.
- Comment on what's the best way to react if a guy stares at you like he wants to have sex with you when you're doing yoga? 3 months ago:
If you have your phone with you, try and get a photo of him. It sucks that you had to cut short your workout. It may be that what you experienced as “staring”, he thought of as “looking” - men can be oblivious to how they are perceived - but that’s no excuse.
I remember this one guy telling a bunch of us how he’d “helped” a woman late one night, by walking behind her on a deserted street, “to see that no harm came to her”. Boy did we lay into him. In the end he understood that a) he had actually stalked this poor woman and b) next time he should cross the road so she had one less thing to worry about. What a dipshit.
- Comment on Can someone explain the framework of the current British... idk is empire the correct term? 3 months ago:
The more you drill down into UK history the messier it becomes. Scotland’s history alone is crazy. My favourite yarn is the Darien scheme, which pretty much wrecked the country’s economy in the late 1690s.
Oh, and if you think corporations are out of control today, check out the East India Company. Their trading shenanigans brought on the Opium Wars and the American Revolution.
- Comment on What should I bring to far-north Scandinavia? 4 months ago:
A friend going to work in Oslo was asked if she had sorted out clothing for winter. She said, “Well I have my winter coat,” indicating the one she was wearing . Her colleague-to-be fingered it and said, “No, that’s your autumn coat.” Her winter coat, it turned out, was a down-stuffed waterproof.
- Comment on Has Fast Food Gotten Worse, or Am I Just Getting Old? 4 months ago:
I’m in the UK and KFC has gone downhill here too - something I’m very grateful for! A few years ago I got a real craving for a crispy, juicy piece of chicken with the colonel’s secret spices. I ended up with a grim, wizened leg that tasted of stale oil and despair. Never again. My own cooking is sooo much better, and cheaper too. Win win!
- Comment on At what point do you stop calling the years "two thousand and X" and start calling them "twenty X"? 4 months ago:
How do you say 1901 then? One thousand nine hundred and one? Nineteen hundred and one? Or nineteen oh one? Have you ever heard of the Eighteen Hundred and Twelve Overture?
I’m in the “twenty oh one” etc camp, it’s concise and consistent.