- Comment on Non-binary 9 months ago:
"Troll logic" is one of my favorite memes.
Exactly like being hit by lightning at any instant has a 50% risk because either it happens or it doesn't.
- Comment on Scientific dietary advice 9 months ago:
I already don't trust any Google result that has "AI" anywhere near it, and barely even the rest anymore.
- Comment on Scientific dietary advice 9 months ago:
Yes, but was this specific one a result, or was it a 5 second fake because haha meme?
I'm already pretty skeptical of "AI" in the LLM-algorithm-hell sense, but that doesn't mean people don't make things up for shits and giggles.
- Comment on Scientific dietary advice 9 months ago:
Please tell me this is fake. I need to hear these words.
- Comment on Learn how to count with Bill Gates 9 months ago:
I distinctly remember this joke when 2000 or ME was the most recent one.
- Comment on Images leak of Valve's next game, and it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter 9 months ago:
So they're ripping off the game that ripped them off. The industry is in an absolute state.
- Comment on Cruciferae 9 months ago:
Fite me irl
Roasted/broiled/pan fried sprouts are amazing, though.
What should be crossed out is the rutabaga.
- Comment on Favourite controllers 9 months ago:
N64 is my favorite console of all time, but yeah, the controller is truly batshit insane. I even had a game that intended you to hold the left and right... prongs instead of center right. In a shocking twist, it was... still pretty awkward.
I do like PS5 controllers - mostly play N64 games on them, never even owned a PS. Used a PS4 controller before that.
- Comment on Dpad vs analog stick 9 months ago:
Dpad for games that were intended for dpad, analog if the game was intended for analog.
Analog for dpad games feels awkward in my experience, and dpad for analog games is not even an option.
- Comment on Why do mobile games suck nowadays? 9 months ago:
What do you mean, "nowadays"? Mobile games always sucked.
- Comment on Capitalists hate competition, especially when it comes to wages 9 months ago:
Oh, no no, capitalism welcomes competition, don't'y'know.
Just as long as it doesn't mess with the profit margins. - Comment on Anon works in a high end restaurant 9 months ago:
I don't see it either, but I'm sure the .ml gentleperson is only too psyched to explain.
- Comment on Has ethernet become illegitimate? A librarian flipped out after spotting me using ethernet 10 months ago:
It’s disgusting that you endorse discriminating against people
Poor trolling is showing there, 2/10 for the sheer effort of typing up all this bullshit.
- Comment on Has ethernet become illegitimate? A librarian flipped out after spotting me using ethernet 10 months ago:
Then go sue them over their lack of Your Particular Setup-compatible wifi, I guess.
- Comment on Has ethernet become illegitimate? A librarian flipped out after spotting me using ethernet 10 months ago:
It's their network that they are offering as a service, if they say no then no it is.
- Comment on Anon watches The Last Samurai 10 months ago:
Really more of a middlelord at most.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Yeah, bad faith participation is awesome if you have an excuse.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Have you considered maybe your "participation" is just insufferable even if it weren't blatantly bad faith?
- Comment on Anon misses a potential match 10 months ago:
Can only hope they'll get flayed in court, but I sort of doubt it.
- Comment on Is this a 16th-century smartphone? 10 months ago:
I think the term "PDA" dates back to about then.
- Comment on Really enjoying my first playthrough of Dwarf Fortress 10 months ago:
Cyclops are Finnish??
- Comment on Anon misses a potential match 10 months ago:
The solution is: don't go on Tinder. If it tried to be even remotely good at its ostensible job, it would put itself out of business. It's all "Match Group" or some shit, they own a lot of the "brands" on the dating market.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
It emphatically does not mean that. Tankies tend to shill for Russia and China (CCP), neither of which is communist or socialist. I don't even mean that in a "no true scotsman" way, they are literally market economies with astronomical wealth inequality.
- Comment on Don't mess with me, I'm really very cool 10 months ago:
nothin personnel, kid
- Comment on yes you 10 months ago:
This is an outrage.
- Comment on How do genocides happen? 11 months ago:
It's very human, that's why it happens everywhere in history and also in like 4 or 5 different places right now.
We'd like to think we're nice and rational and empathetic, but we're just not as a species.
- Comment on Why is alcohol legal if it's much more harmful than marijuana? 11 months ago:
Because what is legal and not does not involve all that much logic.
- Comment on What do you see that you wish others saw? 11 months ago:
Damn Brunhild, that's just like her.
- Comment on Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs 11 months ago:
It's like Goldeneye except the only weapon setting is "Slappers only"
(Too easy, I know)
- Comment on suck it, math nerds 11 months ago:
Yeah, calling pi infinite makes me wanna cry, too.