- Comment on The Year is 2002. The Pizza Hut and Mountain Dew are on the way. It's Time to GAMER MODE all over your Uncle on the PlayStation 1 8 months ago:
Ahh sorry I'm thinking of EU launch dates
- Comment on The Year is 2002. The Pizza Hut and Mountain Dew are on the way. It's Time to GAMER MODE all over your Uncle on the PlayStation 1 8 months ago:
PS2 released in 2000. By 2002, Dreamcast already went under and Xbox and GameCube were about to release.
- Comment on The future is here 8 months ago:
Keep it on non-dangerous topics and I'm with ya lol
- Comment on I need to wake up early 8 months ago:
You can get alarms that you place under the mattress and they shake the entire bed
- Comment on Windows95man - Eurovision 2024 8 months ago:
I know right?! I thought it would be a favourite!
- Comment on YouTube Blocks Access to Protest Anthem in Hong Kong 8 months ago:
and the government would have to explain precisely why they decided to ban all Google services over a song about freedom.
They wouldn't explain shit. This is an authoritarian government we're talking about; they have near total control of what information gets to their populace.
More likely they'd just accuse Google of supporting terrorism, and make a show of raiding their offices and jailing their local executives.
I don’t think the people in charge would last long if that happened, considering how integral Google’s services are to many people’s lives.
This is China we're talking about. Chinese equivalents to nearly every big tech service are more than present and accounted for, even often preferred by the local populace.
- Comment on "Nuisance begging" and rough sleeping as soon to be illegal 8 months ago:
Well, you pulled out of your ass that I've never been to the UK when I lived there for nearly 30 years, you pulled out of your ass that I've never actually seen public infrastructure being used by the homeless, which I obviously have given how long I've lived there.
So now that we've established that my accusations of you pulling stuff out of your ass is well founded, do you have anything to say that isn't an attempt at setting up a straw man or 'no u'?
- Comment on YouTube Blocks Access to Protest Anthem in Hong Kong 8 months ago:
It is literally either follow this law or cease operations here. Both would end in the song being blocked anyway.
Mind you, I wish we were that level of strict when it came to our data privacy laws.
- Comment on "Nuisance begging" and rough sleeping as soon to be illegal 8 months ago:
My "can" includes infrastructure that I've actually seen being used by the homeless and setups that can feasibly be used by the homeless.
Stop pulling things out of your ass. It doesn't make your argument stronger.
- Comment on "Nuisance begging" and rough sleeping as soon to be illegal 8 months ago:
I've lived up and down the UK for nearly 30 years. In both the north and the south you can basically bump into public spaces that can be used by the homeless. Just because your city ain't got them doesn't mean it's the same for the rest of the UK.
- Comment on "Nuisance begging" and rough sleeping as soon to be illegal 8 months ago:
Bro wtf are you on about? There's tons of public spaces in the UK.
- Comment on "Nuisance begging" and rough sleeping as soon to be illegal 8 months ago:
Slippery slope? All it does is provide an enforcement option for orgs who don't want people begging on their property.
- Comment on Count Binface Celebrates beating Britain First 9 months ago:
They believe Tories don't go far enough.
- Comment on It's important to get a good interest rate 9 months ago:
It can be. Depending on the circumstances in life you are in, credit may be the only way you're able to pay for food.
- Comment on Scared the shit out of me ngl 9 months ago:
Also the app is used by children.
It's not scary in any way though? Or inappropriate for kids in any way?
Calling it nightmare fuel is quite the stretch tbh. It's like calling a 6ft basketball player incredibly tall.
- Comment on Opal Apple 10 months ago:
Apple trademark infringement suit incoming.
- Comment on If Hitler was captured, what would have been his punishment in the Nuremberg Trials? 10 months ago:
Well in the unlikely event that he did turn up at Nuremberg, he'd be hanged just like the top ranking officials were.
But if Hitler was captured, there's a slim-to-none chance he's living to even see that trial
- Comment on If Hitler was captured, what would have been his punishment in the Nuremberg Trials? 10 months ago:
It's not though. The question makes the assumption that he would have been handed over for the Nuremberg trials.
But the Soviets were fucking ruthless against Nazi Germany. They were REALLY driven by hatred for them. If a Nazi soldier surrendered to Russians, a summary bullet to the head was often the more merciful outcome.
And it was the Russians that would have found Hitler first, so it's far more likely that they would:
- execute him on-the-spot
- torture him until death
- have their own trial for him in Russia before torture/execution.
- Comment on It’s time for a hard reset on notifications 10 months ago:
Android's Do Not Disturb feature is also like this. You only get notifications from calls and apps you specifically allow.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
There will always be garbage, pants-on-heads stupidity on these platforms. I doubt the women saying this even believe what they are saying, it's all to drive engagement via outrage
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Then give them a URL link to a good instance.
Do you really expect Threads to provide a fair, uncompromised experience when it's actively against their interests to do so?
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Right now, sure. Will that always be the case?
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
It ain't about people they don't like, it's about a powerful corporation known to be abusive, psychologically manipulative and unafraid to break laws so long as it benefits them.
You wouldn't want such an entity under your roof either
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I don't see why we can't take a look at it now. No one cares about GG anymore, and IGN has practically become the punching bag of the industry for their... interesting choices
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Here's the thing though, KIA was only created after the banwaves and mass-deletions that happened across all social media (even 4chan). KiA was created long after everything started kicking off.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Not really. It was initially called the Quinnspiracy, after Zoe Quinn, author of Depression Quest, an e-choose-your-own-adventure-book that got some coverage in videogame journals.
Shit blew up when her ex made massive accusations about sleeping with the journalists in question. Then some actor coined the term Gamergate, and their targets expanded to then-journalist Anita Sarkeesian (I think she works more as a DEI advisor now) and indie game developer Brianna Wu.
- Comment on I hate the term "Boomer Shooter" 11 months ago:
I call them id-style shooters myself, but there is a bit of word play I like in the term 'boomer shooter'. On top of referencing the age of the audience when they first arrived (albeit incorrectly), it is also a reference to the fact that the optimal strategy for these games is simply to blow things the fuck up. There is very little tactical play beyond what weapons to use for a given situation, and these games really love their explosive barrels and rocket launchers.
- Comment on GB News poll backfires, as 90% of voters choose to 'rejoin the EU' 11 months ago:
You know you done fucked up when even your partisan viewerbase thinks things have gone horribly fucking wrong.
- Comment on On social media we have these huge conversations where nobody involved has any actual experience. They're just repeating what other people said. Isn't that literally insane? 11 months ago:
Except we've had this kind of brand of plutonium for hundreds of years. The concept of a widely distributed collection of knowledge dates back to the printing press. And believe it or not it was even more filled with utter bullshit than anything today. Remember when we thought diseases were caused by bad smells?
- Comment on I am an Indian and I hate to admit this. 11 months ago:
I mean it took you two decades. It took Israel 4 months.