- Comment on History says tariffs rarely work, but U.S. President Biden’s 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs could defy the trend, researcher says 9 months ago:
Your local bike store should have a nice selection. I use my EV bike all the time and the car I keep for those few trips where the bike doesn't work just sits... You should too. Don't forget to check out the local transit options (and if - as is likely - they are bad demand better)
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Abuse. I don't agreewithfree speach in all things. I doupt anyone does. I don't want to see constant (to the point of only) ads for vbucks. I don't want threats to my person. There are a few other things like that, that I think we all agree on., I then have a personal list of things like porn or swearing that iidon't want to see but some of you do. Where to draw theelineethus isn't clear but there is one.
- Comment on I'm at a roulette table. I only bet on red. When I lose I triple my bet, when I win I restart. Is this a roulette strategy? 1 year ago:
It works even with 0 and 00 - but only if you have infinite money and there is no limit to bets. So long as there is finite money, or limited bets you will - statistically - hit a run of losses that exceeds your money.
Maximum bets and the fact that money is limited is what breaks this, once you hit the maximum bet odds are slightly against you winning on that next turn because of the 0 and 00; and so eventually you will lose as you hit running up to the max bet and then lose on that turn.
- Comment on People who park in the handicapped ramp boil my blood. 1 year ago:
if the police don't do anything then talk to the mayor. You can also talk to the state legislator.
- Comment on Duolingo Fires Translators in Favor of AI 1 year ago:
While technically you don't need to study an hour every day, if you don't put that much time into it you will eventually look back and see you have spend a year+ and don't know anything and then give up. An hour a day means it is likely you have made progress between reviews of your life and thus the effort is worth continuing. At 10 minutes per day you will be dead before you know the language, so giving up is the right answer.
Enough people fail to learn a language in school as to consider the whole idea of school bunk. (but some do learn, and some schools are better than others - but the better ones all feature time as a factor)
- Comment on Duolingo Fires Translators in Favor of AI 1 year ago:
The duolingo format was never popular with polyglots. The game format makes it easy to feel like you did something which is a great thing, but the is the only pro people who have learned multiple languages find with it.
There is a lot of debate about what the best way to start is, but all agree that you need to interact with the real language in real world type settings (watching a movie in the language with subtitles is real world, though you need to make an effort to listen not just read!) They also agree that time is important, you need to study at least an hour every day to make progress.
- Comment on Why is propaganda frowned upon? 1 year ago:
often it is better to directly acknowledge where your side has trouble. You can then address those areas on your terms before they find out, possibly from a source that won't show you why your side is better despite those issues.
- Comment on Are MRNA vaccines any riskier than other vaccines? 1 year ago:
Your body creates and uses RNA all the time. If there was a problem it would show up nearly instantly. Anything else is something all vaccines do, so we can look to smallpox vaccines which are more than 200 years old for those effects. If there is anything else life itself wouldn't be possible as RNA is critical to how life functions.
- Comment on This fucking scourge, when you own a business. Even if it's the top result in a search in your area 1 year ago:
I don't even own a business, and I get that all the time. I just have a custom domain for my email.
- Comment on What are some helpful resources to learn to touch type on smartphones? 1 year ago:
If you must type go to a real computer. A bluetooth keyboard might work too.
- Comment on What are some helpful resources to learn to touch type on smartphones? 1 year ago:
Except it has learned my most common misspellings now
- Comment on Why would someone openly say that they oppose human rights? 1 year ago:
I don't know what most people believe - and I doubt you have data to verify your statement. However I do know that at minimum it is a very significant minority that disagrees with that fetus statement.
I'm trying to elevate the discussion to a different level. Instead of trying to defend your position can you instead step back and start understanding why some people think it is absurd? The world would be much better if people could do that more often.
- Comment on Why would someone openly say that they oppose human rights? 1 year ago:
Rights are in conflict so you must at times. Abortion is a big one these days where a babies right to live is in direct with moms right to not be enslaved. It is rare for anyone to even acknowlege this conflict instead most acuse the other of hating human rights.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I want the SGI purple to come back. I've never seen another computer that was pretty and tasteful, from anyone.
- Comment on Sure buddy just take as many spots as you need 1 year ago:
There are no other cars around. I often park at the far end of the lot so nobody parks close to me, and then I don't have to worry about those lines.
- Comment on What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials & Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. 1 year ago:
By making that choice you pay the price. I knowany people without a phone, they live in a different society. Most are old.
- Comment on What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials & Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. 1 year ago:
I said you could. That you wouldn't want to is my point.
- Comment on What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials & Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. 1 year ago:
Historically no young generation has saved a lot. It is when you get older you realize how much it matters.
- Comment on What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials & Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. 1 year ago:
I know places in the us where it is enough. Towns with populations of 500 are generally cheap. Not much to do in them.
- Comment on What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials & Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. 1 year ago:
Most people in the Us are better off than the 50's-90's. They may feel worse off, but that is not an objective measure.
- Comment on What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials & Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. 1 year ago:
Most people are using that extra productivity to have more toys. Houses are much larger than 70 years ago. People now commonly have AC in the house. Most people have a phone/computer in their pocket (the video phone of 1950s science fiction not only exists, and it isn't a room sized machine but something even kids have in their pocket). You don't have to - get rid of the phone and you save a lot of money per month - but most people have chosen not to. Maybe they just feel forced to, but it is still a choice and there are a few people who by not having them prove it isn't forced.
- Comment on What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials & Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. 1 year ago:
There is no magic number you need. $3m will get you some lifestyle. You could retire at 40 with only $300k if you want to live the lifestyle that means (move to very low cost of living area where you walk to groceries). And there is a good chance social security will continue to provide a minimal income once you reach whatever age.
- Comment on What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials & Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. 1 year ago:
Despite all that, things are overall better than previous generations. There is and always has been bad news. Life has always been a constant string of disasters, yet when you pause for a moment to reflect you realize that despite the bad news, overall it wasn't that bad.
- Comment on Unions seek gains in hostile territory: ‘If you change the South, you change America’ 1 year ago:
The union is not constraining your boss’ magnanimity
No, the union is constraining my boss's ability to reward me for working harder.
Working for wage is not about exploitation. That propaganda is one of the problems I have with unions.
- Comment on Unions seek gains in hostile territory: ‘If you change the South, you change America’ 1 year ago:
This article is about US unions. Unions do work different in other countries.
Not getting unionized is like going to war alone because you don’t like the uniforms colour…
This is not war. There are lots of options for someone who doesn't like how things are without joining a union. Unions are one answer, and not always bad, but they bring in all the negatives of belonging to a group as well. I'm not against unions as a concept, but the implementation as it is often has elements that I'm strongly against.
- Comment on Unions seek gains in hostile territory: ‘If you change the South, you change America’ 1 year ago:
Metrics can be abused. That doesn't mean metrics are bad, it just means that you have to be careful how you use them. Which most people who work with metrics already know.
Not using objective metrics is very bad if you want to get ahead of the lazy do the minimum person who was hired just before you. If you can do better work: you should be worth more money. Note that I said better and not more. While more is a factor; safety, higher quality, not burning out, and cost are all factors of better (you should assume there are more factors as well that I'm not aware of)
- Comment on Unions seek gains in hostile territory: ‘If you change the South, you change America’ 1 year ago:
There are ways to objectivity measure productivity in some cases. Unions typically don't allow them to be taken .
- Comment on Unions seek gains in hostile territory: ‘If you change the South, you change America’ 1 year ago:
That is an idea. Some agree with it, some do not. Who are you to judge those who do not?
- Comment on Unions seek gains in hostile territory: ‘If you change the South, you change America’ 1 year ago:
More productivity means that you produce more wealth. If you are less productive you are worth less. (Stop saying the rich take the wealth, that is what unions claim they are preventing).
It is a logical fallacy to read what I wrong as saying there is something wrong with not wanting to go onto management . I said there is something wrong with stopping someone who does want to go into management. Those are very different things.
If you want to stay where you are, I have no problem with that. However if you turn your wish to not improve into holding back someone else who does that is wrong ' (improve here as defined by the other person's values and what they think would improve them)
- Comment on Unions seek gains in hostile territory: ‘If you change the South, you change America’ 1 year ago:
There is some truth to that. Unions typically focus on seniority above all else so there is no advantage to being objectively better at the job, just don't be so bad you are fired and you are fine. They also insist that if you want to move to management you start at the bottom thus ensuring that someone who might want to change tracks is worse off and in turn there is no reason to try.
Unions are not all bad, but they deserve a lot of criticism as well.