- Comment on Openly political mods are the best mods 8 months ago:
It’s a pH test. If I’m too acidic just get rid of me. Otherwise leave me be.
- Comment on Openly political mods are the best mods 8 months ago:
If that’s what you think based on what you’re seeing- just ban my account because my post history is what I do on Lemmy.
- Comment on Openly political mods are the best mods 8 months ago:
Why are you trying to justify yourself to me? Really pathetic, dude. Just ban me.
- Comment on Openly political mods are the best mods 8 months ago:
Yeah I get it- you’re comically sensitive and think any form of condescension is uncivil.
I disagree so ban me from your silly little kingdoms and be done with me.
- Comment on Ant smell 8 months ago:
That sneaks up me every year. I forgot to get Foric acid a present- AGAIN!
Guess I’ll be regifting.
- Comment on Falling for keto and other anti-carb lies is as unscientific as being a climate denier. 8 months ago:
Then you should probably go fuss at that other mod for removing the guy that removed them. Or maybe you’re a lot like the mod that got removed. Makes you think… well- if you weren’t too angry at an internet stranger to be very self-aware right now.
- Comment on If all humans died, when would the last light go out? 8 months ago:
I’m really hoping the answer ends up being one of the Voyagers somehow. That would just be poetic.
- Comment on Falling for keto and other anti-carb lies is as unscientific as being a climate denier. 8 months ago:
Yeah I almost posted a screenshot of them but figured that might be against the rules.
But the removals got the mod removed so you have to wonder if my comments really deserved to be removed or if some prissy vegan mod just got triggered by some reasonable points about ‘circlejerking’ your dietary preferences.
- Comment on Falling for keto and other anti-carb lies is as unscientific as being a climate denier. 8 months ago:
It was about ‘circlejerking’ about your dietary preference.
- Comment on Ant smell 8 months ago:
Formic acid
- Comment on If all humans died, when would the last light go out? 8 months ago:
Do satellites count? Seems like there could be a solar panel connected to a blinky thing up there that might outlast Cesium.
- Comment on Falling for keto and other anti-carb lies is as unscientific as being a climate denier. 8 months ago:
I wandered into a /c/vegancirclejerk post in my feed yesterday That was fun and informative, in a way.
They really, really don’t like you pointing out that they could just eat what they want and nobody would care, they just have to make it their public identity because they get off on being oppressed.
Funniest bit is one of the mods got fussy and deleted all my comments and banned me- then the other mod removed them as mod. Hard to maintain solidarity in a group when its built entirely on the need to be oppressed. Eventually your own team becomes your oppressor.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Maybe part of the downvote is because it’s a 13 minute video that could be summed up in a few paragraphs.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Sounds like a skill issue.
- Comment on What doesn't kill you… 9 months ago:
- Comment on Of course, it's the way you tell them... 9 months ago:
Oh man- I feel so dumb. I didn’t know it was a gag. Guess I ate the cuneiform onion again.
- Comment on Normalize it! 9 months ago:
I want ne’er-do-well to make a comeback.
- Comment on Blackholes 9 months ago:
Science is a liar… sometimes.
- Comment on Should I permanently leave Israel? 9 months ago:
Should I go back and try to change society or should I just leave for good?
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”
I can’t tell you what to do but I can tell you that getting out of a bad situation you had no hand in creating doesn’t make you a coward, it just means you’re rational and aware.
- Comment on Openly political mods are the best mods 9 months ago:
Sci fi series from the late 90’s. Had kind of a campy B-movie feel and was overtly sexual in pretty hilarious ways.
- Comment on Openly political mods are the best mods 9 months ago:
Who knows. Lemmy mods are unaccountable so they’re just little kings in their little castles, some benevolent, some petty. I’m guessing dude didn’t like that I’m making fun of the ‘Genocide Joe’ crowd but maybe they just didn’t like my username. It’s a Lexx reference but I’m okay with anyone that hates Lexx hating me because I love Lexx.
- Comment on Openly political mods are the best mods 9 months ago:
/c/JonsJava is a bit of a petty tyrant in Political Memes but I will say at least they’re not hiding it. They are hiding from it but that’s how you get things done. Potential US Supreme Court nominee if you ask me.
- Submitted 9 months ago to [deleted] | 20 comments
- Comment on Non-binary 9 months ago:
Feel like there’s a Set Theory issue with this but I barely understand what little I can remember about it.
- Comment on Gen alpha has no fucking clue 9 months ago:
That thing is full of chewing gum?
- Comment on Maybe Ukraine would win if we gave them bigger planes? 9 months ago:
Zelenskyy is actually 80’ tall now. His body grew in response to his giant balls dragging on the ground.
- Comment on Another Provocative Flag Was Flown at Another Alito Home: his beach house displayed an “Appeal to Heaven” flag, a symbol carried on Jan. 6 and associated with a push for Christian-minded government 9 months ago:
- Comment on Don't let your dreams be memes ✨️ 9 months ago:
There’s a guy on youtube that talks about bringing back native plants to an area and all the benefits that come with it.
He usually just does a controller burn and comes back a while later and it’s back to natural plants. Dude has a lot of cool knowledge but it’s funny the format is basically explain-burn-check back later.
- Comment on Astounding absurdity 9 months ago:
Imagine in 100 years that footbath is rotting in a pile somewhere. Some desperate little creature is being stalked by some terrifying predator. Just as the predator is about to strike the little creature spots a hole he can squeeze through and makes a mad dash for it. He makes it just in time and peeps out of the holes in your footbath as the frustrated predator lumbers off in search of an easier meal.
That’s how I get past the depressing aspects of the absurdity of our civilization- just imagine even more absurd extensions until you find something that’s more fun to imagine than it is depressing.
- Comment on What do companies get out of rewards programs 10 months ago:
Free stuff gets you in the door where you’ll be likely to spend money on other stuff.
Building ‘points’ or whatever to get free stuff gives you an incentive to buy things from Kroger you might get elsewhere. Ton of benefits to ‘gamification’ of damn near anything.
And giving free stuff creates a positive experience attributed to Kroger so they’ll be more likely to think positively about Kroger in the future.
Plus all that if they have your email\address they can send you more coupons or whatever to get you back in the door. And a more sophisticated system may track your spending to more effectively influence you though the first three points. But those points are pretty classic ‘customer loyalty’ from before big data was even a thing.