- Comment on Three original movies are being released in theaters today 2 hours ago:
IDK I asked my wife and she agreed. I think it has to do with the lighting and the expression on her face.
- Comment on Three original movies are being released in theaters today 7 hours ago:
The first one looks like a porn parody and I dont know why.
- Comment on What are some old games that are hard to revisit, because a more modern and superior version exists? 2 days ago:
I couldn’t ever get into oblivion since skyrim was my first Bethesda game and a lot of oblivion felt like (to me) slightly janky skyrim. I was able to get into morroeind though because it was just so diffrent.
- Comment on Satire is dead 👌 3 days ago:
They don’t want to comply with government communition laws so they use signal instead.
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 4 days ago:
What pencil?
- Comment on What TV cancellation are you most upset by? 4 days ago:
If they had pulled off the ending I think it would have been my favorite show of all time.
- Comment on What TV cancellation are you most upset by? 4 days ago:
Theres a new book? Is it good or at least as good as the last one was?
- Comment on 🐙🐙🐙 5 days ago:
I meant to put the linguist at the end in quotes my bad on that. I was trying to refer to the self styled reddit “linguists” that you would see trying to correct people for using the wrong form of then/than where it was really not appropriate.
- Comment on 🐙🐙🐙 5 days ago:
I use all forms of octopi interchangeably just to piss off linguists.
- Comment on Help 5 days ago:
I think the easiest answer is to play online games with a mic until you meet someone you click with then make a discord and grow it. That’s what I did when I had online friends at least.
- Comment on Depart, men of education. 6 days ago:
Hoping that they flee to somewhere that leads to fusion energy and not cheap rods of god.
- Comment on What mythologies have poor representation in media, in your opinion? 1 week ago:
all religions change. The gnostics were my favorite offshoot because it seems more believable than God being good after committing multiple genocides.
- Comment on What mythologies have poor representation in media, in your opinion? 1 week ago:
Every single one. They ethier white wash (not in the making people white way but sometimes they too) or villify everything about it. There is no place for nuance in modern retellings for some reason.
- Comment on Porn on Spotify Is Infiltrating the Platform’s Top Podcast Charts 1 week ago:
I use the web player since I like listening to podcasts while I play games and antena pod doesn’t have one