- Comment on Roku TV requires internet connection to EDIT THE HOMEPAGE 2 hours ago:
Dang, that sucks.
My OSMC box doesn’t do any of this, is completely open source and is just Linux under the hood so I can customize anything I can imagine.
Roku has been shit since inception, they’re only now starting to become obvious in their shittiness. In a few years it’ll be right in the “scam purchase” territory.
- Comment on goddammit Ralph 2 hours ago:
I read it on the Internet and so I know it’s true
- Comment on I live in the basement of a methlab 18 hours ago:
Would you mind grabbing me a box of Sudafed, man?
- Comment on Receipt checkers trigger me 1 day ago:
Well said.
I imagine that sharks don’t eat you
- Comment on Receipt checkers trigger me 2 days ago:
However, they absolutely are able to ban you from a store for not complying. How effective a ban is at a store that sees thousands of people walking in every day, I’m not sure. But it’s something to keep in mind if you have limited other options nearby.
Don’t take the advice of ‘Ignore them and push past them’. You can get trespassed by LP and if you’re caught in that store again it is a misdemeanor and you’ll be arrested, processed into the local jail and have to post bond.
Your store may not do this but it is completely within their right to trespass anybody for any reason and if they’re a store with a lot of theft then they’re more likely to target the people who are attempting to bypass their screening.
They’re standing there during time periods where there is likely to be theft so that, if they’re clued in by LP, they can stop an individual and check their receipts. The average customer they’re going to simply look at your receipt and let you go on your way because they have no reason to suspect you. If they thought that you specifically were stealing then they’d be inventorying your cart.
- Comment on Anon doesn't hold back 4 days ago:
If everyone goes home happy, then it’s a success. Leave the fierce competition for tournaments.
Expecting online gamers to have grave, a bold move Cotton
- Comment on What’s an acceptable gender neutral replacement for “techbro”? 1 week ago:
You’re confused. I said “this thread” and not “The OP”.
If you read the comments, do you see a frank discussion of people attempting to locate a gender neutral term for a tech enthusiast or a bunch of people just riffing insulting terms?
Regardless, to address you specifically. You’re trying to “win” an argument using rhetoric in place of reason. You’re not winning the argument, you’re just throwing a punch and declaring victory.
You win arguments by having better arguments, not by coming up with the best clever clapback so that you get more upvotes
- Comment on What’s an acceptable gender neutral replacement for “techbro”? 1 week ago:
This thread is basically “Please help me brainstorm pejoratives”, a very toxic mindset to have.
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 1 week ago:
for no gain.
Nearly $3 billion USD flowed through the TRUMP cryptocoin rugpull, whoever owned initial coins made very, very large gains.
The $3 billion in quid buys a lot of anti-Ukraine pro quo
But, thanks to the Supreme Court, Trump could go on national TV and say he change US policy on Ukraine because he was bribed and he’d still be immune to any legal consequences (other than impeachment, but never anything criminal).
- Comment on fuck this asshole 1 week ago:
No Masks!
Yeah, okay. With a pandemic on?
You gotta at least wear a surgical mask in public for your health, in minecraft.
Your doctor could probably write you a recommendation, prior to the protest, in case you have any legal issues.
- Comment on Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review to access the playtest 1 week ago:
I am certain, having never read this agreement, that there is a binding arbitration clause.
No judge would ever see this case.
- Comment on The past 18 months have seen the most rapid change in human written communication ever 1 week ago:
The Internet was shit before LLMs
- Comment on The past 18 months have seen the most rapid change in human written communication ever 1 week ago:
Like all tools, it is good for some things and not others.
“Make me an OS to replace Windows” is going to fail “Tell me the terminal command to rename a file” will succeed.
It’s up to the user to apply the tool in a way that it is useful. A person simply saying ‘My hammer is terrible at making screw holes’ doesn’t mean that the hammer is a bad tool, it tells you the user is an idiot.
- Comment on M'Lady 1 week ago:
Pringles come in a can, it’s not too far fetched.
- Comment on Will LibreWolf be affected by Firefox's new Terms of Service? 1 week ago:
Can I just type my credit card number here or, ?
- Comment on New fediverse chick just dropped 1 week ago:
Call a Nicky
- Comment on Anon tries to impress a woman at the gym 2 weeks ago:
Just to note though we are probably discussing this over some made up story.
Assuming ‘fake and gay’ is the default in the land of greentext.
- Comment on Anon tries to impress a woman at the gym 2 weeks ago:
that is a pretty clear red flag
This isn’t a red flag, this is a predictable psychological response:
The bystander effect, or bystander apathy, is a social psychological theory that states that individuals are less likely to offer help to a victim in the presence of other people.
- Comment on Mental health? In *this* economy? 2 weeks ago:
Have you considered the hardship that this would cause your owner? Their 2nd mistress needs her apartment furnished and the jet fuel doesn’t buy itself…
- Comment on Anon notices some millennial writing tropes 2 weeks ago:
TL;DR Anon is finally in the ‘telling kids to get off his lawn (nobody touches grass around here)’ part of its lifecycle
- Comment on Jon Stewart lacerates hand on air, for the second time. 2 weeks ago:
Well, they’ve certainly worked out a proper solution since them. I had laparoscopic surgery and they didn’t so much sew me up as calk up my holes and send me home.
- Comment on Anon investigates a random goth girl 2 weeks ago:
fake and into men
- Comment on Anon investigates a random goth girl 2 weeks ago:
People’s views are so skewed by social media numbers. If 10 people came up to you in one day and complemented you, it would probably be the best day of your life…
It’s like people complaining that Lemmy groups only have, using this group as an example, 3.1k users/day and are therefore not worth participating in (these are Reddit arguments, but still).
Somehow people have developed this intuition that unless you have literally millions of interactions then you’re practically invisible. If you were hanging out at a park with 3,100 people you wouldn’t say that it was a small group, but on the Internet this is seen as a tiny number of people, hardly worth mentioning.
- Comment on I love the future. 2 weeks ago:
The memecoin rugpull by the President of the United States is considered by many historians to be the start of the downfall of the US.
-AI David Attenborough
- Comment on Do most people still use computers, or do people only use a smartphone as their main/only device? 3 weeks ago:
They didn’t say that their VR headset could actually see both of the 4k displays at once. The highest resolution consumer VR headset is 3840 x3744 @ 90hz.
So it isn’t a lie to say that I can create a 16k 240hz virtual display but unless my face is right on top of it then it is like reading through a screen door and I’m only seeing, at max 144hz (Index). While VR/AR is incredibly promising, currently it’s certainly not a replacement for an actual monitor for high-end tasks (like gaming).
- Comment on Discord requiring you to add a phone number **after** the creation of your account 3 weeks ago:
It’s because your data is orders of magnitude more valuable if it has enough information to identify you as a person.
They can’t sell it to data brokers for a lot of money if those data brokers can’t find any information to link that data with their existing profiles.
Surveillance capitalism 101, companies obtain the most value by enabling other corporations to spy on every detail of your life.
If you can’t use a service anonymously, without it being linked to your actual person, then you can either be okay with living with the panopticon, or don’t use the service.
Discord has been slowing rolling this out over the years. It started being offered as a “spam protection” feature and eventually it’ll be a requirement to have an account.
They depend on the masses of people who will trade all of their privacy in exchange for not having to learn how to use VoIP software, video streaming software or IM software.
- Comment on A balanced diet is important 3 weeks ago:
Perhaps he was dictating
- Comment on A balanced diet is important 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Egg prices at Costco be like... 3 weeks ago:
I’m still coasting on my 5 dozen that I bought in The Before Times
- Comment on Real 3 weeks ago:
Yeah, until I go outside and think my phone is dead