- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
I said if they were born with an xy chromosome… Not an xxy.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
You’re brain is clearly not biologically normal. The norm is to want to procreate…
There’s nothing wrong on a societal level with that. You live your life however you want.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
I don’t think it’s wrong to be gay or trans, just like I don’t think it’s wrong to only have 1 leg.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
I think the word “wrong” has other connotations to most Americans than it does to me. I can agree that “wrong” is probably not the word to use when thinking about the American use of the word.
To me it’s like if someone was born with only one leg. There is something wrong with their body.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
So yeah I basically use the term wrong, my bad… I had no idea it had to be disruptive without outside influence.
Plenty of animals have gay sex, I don’t think we know of any that has an aversion to the opposite sex, to the point where they don’t try to procreate.
When I say something is “wrong” I mean something that is not like the average individual of that species…
I’ve never said anything negative about gays or trans people. I could not care less how people want to live their life.
I guess I should call it a mental differentiator instead of a mental disorder.
- Comment on Would you consider me a “dry texter”? 5 days ago:
You actively avoid capitalising the first letter?
- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
Being gay to the point of not having any interest in the other sex is clearly a mental disorder too…
I’m not saying it’s something we should do anything about, but clearly, biologically we’re meant to have some attraction to the opposite sex so we will procreate.
Maybe the definition of mental disorder is different than how I use it. English is not my first language. All I’m saying is that some place in your brain something is not as it’s biologically supposed to be if you feel like a different sex than you are or if you’re not at all attracted to the opposite sex, to the point where it hinders you procrearing.
To me that’s very simple logic and not a provocative statement t all.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
So what sex is a baby born with a penis? No sex?
- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
The fuck is up with all this censoring on feddi? I left reddit to not constantly be censored but it seems like this place is no better.
I haven’t attacked anyone, I’m not acting threatening, and my comment has twice as many upvotes as downvotes, but some mod didn’t like it so they removed it.
Fuck you to whoever mod did that. You’re a fragile piece of shit.
There. I was nice enough to give you an actual reason to moderate something.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
If they were born with a x and y chromosome and a penis they were born male…
- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
Saying a person, who feels like the opposite sex of what they are, has a mental disorder, is not transphobic. It’s a very simple fact.
It doesn’t mean I think they’re worth less than other people or shouldn’t be allowed to live their life how they want, but it’s obviously a mental disorder, no matter what the experts choose to call it.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
It’s not about knowing anything. It’s about logic…
If you’re born a male but don’t feel like you’re a male when you get older, there’s clearly something mentally wrong… I don’t see how you can even question that.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
So they don’t call it a mental disorder but it clearly is…
- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
It 100% is a mental disorder, just looking at it logically…
Your mind feels like the body it’s in is not correct. If that’s not a mental disorder I don’t know what is.
I’m not saying people who have it are freaks, just like I don’t see people with physical disabilities/disorders as freaks.
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 1 month ago:
I’m not saying all people who struggle are lazy. Quite the opposite.
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 1 month ago:
You should probably take a look at how many hours the average young person had to work a week to pay for their education or to pay rent back then,compared to now… The numbers I can find suggest the average college aged person had to work around 18 hours a week to pay for their own education back in 1970. Today they have to work 61 hours a week.
Saying the younger generation doesn’t have it harder in most western countries is objectively wrong.
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 1 month ago:
I think pretty much everyone agrees with your take here. People are just saying that if kids are struggling and parents can afford it, it’s weird for the parents not to help out financially.
Obviously the circumstances matter and if the kid is struggling because they’re lazy or a drug addict you don’t want to enable that but if they have their own kids and are working full time I would always support my kids financially if they needed that and I was able to.
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 1 month ago:
Obviously parents are entitled to spend their own money but generally if kids are struggling parents want to help.
Your post makes it sound like the current young working generation has the same lived experience as people who are retired. That’s just not the case at all. It’s much harder for the average person to save up money and buy a house now than it was in the past.
- Comment on Well, I guess that settles it 2 months ago:
How tf can killing a single person with a handgun be classified as terrorism?
- Comment on Excellent anti smoking ad 2 months ago:
Everyone above 14 knows how dangerous smoking is. Doesn’t make it less cool. Tbh it probably makes it more cool to most people.
This campaign is about as stupid as it gets.
It basically points out the only legit positive thing about smoking which is the fact that it looks cool.
- Comment on Excellent anti smoking ad 2 months ago:
Because smoking looks cool…
Very few people thinks smoking is uncool. It’s obviously a health risk but I think that’s part of the reason it’s seen as cool. It’s dangerous.
Just like riding a motorcycle if there wasn’t any increased danger associated with it it wouldn’t be cool.