To me that kind of logic doesn’t fly and is your statement one of ignorance.
For instance, I’m asexual, in that I’m really not interested in sex, nor in procreation. The whole idea of sex (and I have had sex in the past) makes me physically feel disgusting and disgusted. You would probably call that a mental disorder too then. But it isn’t.
It’s still just a part of the human experience. My brain is as biologically normal as yours. We all just experience the world in different ways. 5 weeks ago
So there’s this thing called nature where tons of species have members that have same sex partners because it is actually a completely normal thing. Humans happen to be one of them. Not every single member of a species puts reproduction as the highest possible priority as long as enough do to maintain the population.
In fact, the vast majority of things we consider to be mental disorders are only categorized that way because they cause disruption to people’s lives without an outside influence, and being gay is only disruptive due to outside pressures by bigots and small minded people who consider it ‘wrong’. 5 weeks ago
So yeah I basically use the term wrong, my bad… I had no idea it had to be disruptive without outside influence.
Plenty of animals have gay sex, I don’t think we know of any that has an aversion to the opposite sex, to the point where they don’t try to procreate.
When I say something is “wrong” I mean something that is not like the average individual of that species…
I’ve never said anything negative about gays or trans people. I could not care less how people want to live their life.
I guess I should call it a mental differentiator instead of a mental disorder. 5 weeks ago
Being different is not the same as being wrong. That view is the foundation of racism and bigotry.
You called them ‘wrong’ in this thread, so yes you have. That is an extremely negative thing to say.
Or you could just stop trying to come up with a label that tries to separate them from the general populace. Maybe you should stop talking about them at all and spend time observing how they see themselves and how society treats them negatively by focusing on how they are different as if being different was inherently a bad thing. 5 weeks ago
I think the word “wrong” has other connotations to most Americans than it does to me. I can agree that “wrong” is probably not the word to use when thinking about the American use of the word.
To me it’s like if someone was born with only one leg. There is something wrong with their body. 5 weeks ago
What you call “wrong”, I would call “different”.
It’s not wrong to be gay, it’s not wrong to be trans, it’s not wrong to be ace.
It’s different to be gay, trans or ace. 5 weeks ago
I don’t think it’s wrong to be gay or trans, just like I don’t think it’s wrong to only have 1 leg.