Do a little dance, he said. Get down tonight, he said. What he didn’t say, was that an electron has both mass and spin and yet has no definite location.
- Comment on imagine 2 weeks ago:
Companies DO irradiate non organic ginger though, sterilizing it, before shipping it to stores.
- Comment on When you think you've got it bad 4 weeks ago:
You both are making such massive assumptions about the other, with these grand sweeping accusations, that I can’t tell if this is satire.
I lived through George Bush, and then Obama. Yeah, we fought a war. The US was at war before either Bush took the reins, and we were still at war after Obama left office. Yeah, hundreds of thousands of innocents died. Shits no different today. We just had a guy assassinated for profiting off the deaths of hundreds of thousands of US citizens by denying care they were entitled to. No different than the war profiteering of yore or today, but far more impactful on the actual lives of most here in the USA I’d wager.
Evil people exist fucking everywhere, take a gander at your local sex offender registry. Usually has a map.
“Most degenerate generation”? Come on, if they’re too young to remember Bush they haven’t even had enough time to make a difference. All the shit you see in the world is two generations removed from them. Look at every person in high government; nearly all of them are over 50 years old. Last time I checked, the oldest gen Z person is half that in age.
Neither of you are making adult arguments, and are reducing yourselves to insults to feign a superior argument. Ya know, the same tactics kids at recess use.
- Comment on JeSUS 1 month ago:
Yeah, people suck.
- Comment on JeSUS 1 month ago:
I’m not criticizing your conclusion, I just want to know how you got there xD
- Comment on Romance 1 month ago:
furiously scribbles in notebook
- Comment on *agressively keeps pressing 0* 1 month ago:
Ah yes, the “wait for x turns and then throw a rook back in time” game. Jurrasic Rook.
Or my favorite, “I won? How? Oh, my queen just check-mated them 3 parralel worlds over and 7 turns ago”
- Comment on Anon goes to therapy 1 month ago:
In fact, the whole point of working is to be useful to society! Unless you’re not part of society, then the whole point is to survive but that’s dangerously close to opening a whole other can of worms.
- Comment on Thanks mom, I don't want any 1 month ago:
“This is what happens when you lobotomize half the women, and put the other half on qualudes”, my partner xD
- Comment on Why Lemmy is the Worst Social Media Platform I Use 2 months ago:
One can only be so turned on.