✍︎ modernity ∝ nature.
- Comment on YouTube cracks down (again) on ad blockers. 1 week ago:
✍︎ modernity ∝ nature. - Comment on Patch this Bish! 1 month ago:
Tomāto, tomäto. Mosquito, muskuito.
- Comment on ‘Sputnik moment’: $1tn wiped off US stocks after Chinese firm unveils AI chatbot 1 month ago:
ELI5 request on lemmy: “You see, dear grandchildren, your grandfather used to have an apple orchard. The fruits were so sweet and nutritious that every town citizen wanted a taste because they thought it was the only possible orchard in the world. Therefore the citizens gave a lot of money to your grandfather because the citizens thought the orchard would give them more apples in return, more than the worth of the money they gave. Little did they know the world was vastly larger than our ever more arid US wasteland. Suddenly an oriental orchard was discovered which was surprisingly cheaper to plant, maintain, and produced more apples. This meant a significant potential loss of money for the inhabitants of the town called Idiocracy. Therefore, many people asked their money back by selling their imaginary not-yet-grown apples to people who think the orchard will still be worth more in the future.
This is called investing, children, it can make a lot of money, but it destroys the soul and our habitat at the same time, which goes unnoticed by all these people with advanced degrees. So think again when you hear someone speak with fancy words and untamed confidence. Many a times their reasoning falls below the threshold of dog poop. But that’s a story for another time. Sweet dreams.”
- Comment on Platforms Systematically Removed a User Because He Made "Most Wanted CEO" Playing Cards 2 months ago:
Thanks for taking the time.
- Comment on Platforms Systematically Removed a User Because He Made "Most Wanted CEO" Playing Cards 2 months ago:
I don’t know Nostr and creepto incentivizes greed. A pitchfork is all you need.
- Comment on TikTok tells LA staff impacted by wildfires to use personal/sick hours if they can't work from home 2 months ago:
Don’t die on company time.
- Comment on I got into the wrong career lol 2 months ago:
What is the biggest confirmed prime number to this date?
- Comment on I got into the wrong career lol 2 months ago:
Augmentation does make more sense indeed.
Kinda makes you want to try to pull off something like this doesn’t it? With OnlyFans I don’t think I’ve a problem, yet. But lying about one’s identity they’re selling I do consider as immoral, so no.
- Comment on I got into the wrong career lol 2 months ago:
I suspect it’s AI generated too. Look at her right shoulder after around the 30 second mark:, it’s all jittery.
- Comment on Crypto Cult Science 3 months ago:
Money corrupts; bitcoin corrupts absolutely. Disregarding all of bitcoin’s shortcomings, a financial instrument that brings out the worst in people—greed—won’t change the world for the better.
I disagree with this statement. Blockchain is only a technology, good or bad is what we humans are doing. It depends how we use BTC and other coins, but that’s a human issue rather than a technological one.
≈ “C₁₀H₁₅N is only a chemical, good or bad is what we humans are doing. It depends how we use crystal meth and other chemicals, but that’s a human issue rather than a technological one.”
- Comment on Crypto Cult Science 3 months ago:
As much as I like to refer to Hanlon’s Razor—“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”—I discourage using the word “stupidity” as personal slights. First of all, heated subjects should be met with deescalating vocabulary because it’s already so hard to find common ground. Secondly, everyone is a product of their environment; more often than not ignorance, tradition, inertia, peer pressure, et cetera, is to blame. Not raw incapability of comprehending things.
- Comment on Crypto Cult Science 3 months ago:
If an entire parallel economy bloomed around crypto - any crypto - that would make more strides to truly shake governments than anything else.
“[…] In the end, governments aren’t inherently bad, but the people in it can be. And if they can be corrupted by bitcoin then we are merely running uphill on the Titanic.
“Strong currencies are not the solution to poor governance. Good governance and democracy makes a country and its currency strong. Not vice versa.” —halukakin, HackerNews, 2021 [26]
So, governments are not without faults, but likewise not the evil bogeymen as many people make them out to be, and neither are bitcoin enthusiasts. I still think most people mean well, but our ideas cannot account for, nor fathom the complexity of it all. Should the US decrease their disproportionally large defence budget?* Most definitely. Will bitcoin stop that? Probably not. Blame is easy, change is hard, and gambling on crypto“currencies” is not hard. It’s just playing Monopoly with another currency without changing the game. Maybe that’s it. Maybe they don’t want it changed and bitcoin is just a charade. “I don’t care if we have new banks, as long as I am rich.” But let’s not get lost in speculation here as well. […]”
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 9 comments