- Comment on Last time I go to Great Clips 2 months ago:
every time you post a censored meme, a puppy dies. do you really want that on your conscience
- Comment on Anon questions North Korea 2 months ago:
i doubt it, that’s too much work for one person
- Comment on Anon buys a TV without researching 2 months ago:
then the tv goes into a faraday cage. simple as
- Comment on Vibes based cooking 2 months ago:
i think that’s called Britain
- Comment on Day 149 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 3 months ago:
yeah what this man/gal said always look forward to your posts, it’s a nice break from the rest of the feed
- Comment on New report claims gamers spend more time watching videos about gaming than playing games 3 months ago:
so revolutionary and brave; adding a spectating feature that’s been in games for 20 years
- Comment on Anon is a nostalgic gamer 3 months ago:
honestly for the amount of people on those servers, i’ve had surprisingly few bad experiences, everyone is always either roleplaying or just being ridiculous and it’s always a great time. 10/10 would recommend holdfast
- Comment on Sydney student banned from year 12 formal for wearing Palestinian scarf 3 months ago:
wew lad maybe read up on it a bit more
- Comment on Bunny-Man: First look at superhero movie featuring Mike Tyson & James Franco revealed 4 months ago:
- Comment on Steam Game Recording is now out of beta 4 months ago:
completely forgot this was still in beta; it’s been working flawlessly
- Comment on Mushrooms 4 months ago:
thank you for the gold reference. completely forgot about that post
- Comment on Anon trades and barters 4 months ago:
you are absolutely correct in your assumption. i grew up in poverty and i’d rather return to it if i could help others never having to experience it.
i get there are people with polar opposite views but absolutely cannot understand why you still wouldn’t want to help the fellow man so we can all live better.
- Comment on Anon trades and barters 4 months ago:
what you’re describing is a leech. a parasite that offers no benefit to either nor adds to the value of society.
middlemen are the lowest of the low, and i cannot understand why anyone could sleep at night knowing their value in society is 0.
- Comment on Scavengers 5 months ago:
no one nose :)
- Comment on Element in water heater died; less than two months old. 5 months ago:
Steel tanks, that’s why the sacrificial anode is there so the water eats it away instead of the tank.
- Comment on Element in water heater died; less than two months old. 5 months ago:
The sacrificial anode is there to protect the steel tank. It lasts a long time. This is a hard water problem as everyone else is saying, and a water softener would solve the issue.
- Comment on Is it okay to fake Vitiligo makeup for a cosplay?? 5 months ago:
Why? It’s not a debilitating disease, he’s not making fun of it, just representing a character. I genuinely don’t see why people take issue with this. I’ve got vitiligo and I love to see it represented in fictional characters and I’d for sure love to see how OP manages to do it
- Comment on Ex developer at Bethesda quit his job after 14 years and made this heavy metal horror game as a solo dev with no publisher 5 months ago:
If you’ve only tried wine from like 10+ years ago like I have, I’d suggest giving it another try now. Running windows software on Linux has been better than ever with Wine/Proton/Bottles
- Comment on How fast do you need to travel to JUMP the Grand Canyon? 5 months ago:
Oh yeah you seem like a treat to be friends with irl
- Comment on Sea Turtles 5 months ago:
Best character introduction of all time, hands down
- Comment on Day 1 of someone finally posting screenshots from a screenshot-worthy game, until I forget to post screenshots 5 months ago:
screenshot worthy game
posts this garbage
Yeah great job I guess
- Comment on What fresh fuckery is this? 7 months ago:
It’s on the same page where you get the normal NewPipe apk now; it used to be on GitHub
- Comment on What fresh fuckery is this? 7 months ago:
So this caused me to go digging as I’ve run into the same issue. Make sure it’s up to date first obviously, and if it still refuses to function, their page has fixes which ended working for me:
- Comment on What fresh fuckery is this? 7 months ago:
+1 for NewPipe
There’s a fork with built in sponsorblock as well
- Comment on No Joke: The Onion Thinks Print Is the Future of Media | The satirical site is hoping a newspaper with fake stories and fake ads will lead to real money. 7 months ago:
While I do agree we don’t sanitize phones as much as we probably should, I also don’t wipe my ass with my phone
- Comment on Is it actually very common for people to have violent sadistic fantasies, possibly involving actual people in their lives? 7 months ago:
Reading through these comments makes me worry about y’all and maybe the people I interact with on a daily basis.
Like I would understand maybe punching someone to try and “convert” the emotional/mental pain they caused you into actual pain they can understand; to teach them a lesson or open their eyes. Take punching a nazi as an example.
But having “violent sadistic fantasies” especially involving those close to you should probably invoke some level of concern about your mental state and warrant a psych eval.
Put it this way, if you sat down in front of a therapist and told them what you just told us, would they warn the authorities after the appointment or just go about their day?
- Comment on NBC archive footage shows Trump partying with Jeffrey Epstein in 1992 7 months ago:
The source is, he made it the fuck up