- The Pirate Party of Greece on the Stop Killing Games Initiative – A Few Modest ↗Submitted 1 month ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 15 comments
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 14 comments
- Comment on AI Elections 4 months ago:
Öl is German for oil and it is winning most elections as far as I know
- Comment on Ubisoft boss says it knows players think it has an 'inconsistency in quality,' so it delayed Assassin's Creed Shadows to flip that script 4 months ago:
Sure, but he didn’t advocate for a boycott, he talked about “going sailing” a.k.a. piracy
- Comment on Ubisoft boss says it knows players think it has an 'inconsistency in quality,' so it delayed Assassin's Creed Shadows to flip that script 4 months ago:
And that will improve the quality of the games how?
- European Consumer Organisation files complaint to European Commission against exploitative microtransaction practices in video ↗Submitted 6 months ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on Whoever wrote this headline has never encountered a passenger train before in their lives 6 months ago:
That they leased
- Comment on Denmark is the 6th country to pass the #StopKillingGames EU threshold - 340K out of 1M signatures in total! 6 months ago:
Would they be mandated to give out the server code that people could run their own servers? Sort of. The Idea is that people should be able to run their own servers, but developers wouldn’t need to give out their code. All you need is the server binary. After all server software is just that software, just like the client and they don’t need to give out the source code for that for you to run the game. Alternatively they could patch the game so it’s peer-to-peer. (and yes in this case that would be unreasonable as the game is not successful enough to even break even)
The initiative is so ambiguous (to the extend that it is - I’d argue that it’s a lot clearer than many people claim) because it’s not actually legal text. It’s not supposed to be. All it should do is describe the problem and explain why the problem falls under EU jurisdiction. Everything else is supposed to be handled by EU lawmakers after the initiative has met it’s signature goal.
- Submitted 6 months ago to | 7 comments
- Comment on #StopKillingGames Update: Denmark passes threshold as initiative reaches 1/3 vote milestone 6 months ago:
Yes there was one but didn’t have anything to do with it closing, at least not directly. If an election happens all open petitions are closed as a matter of process, because “it’s a new parliament”. And then you need to resubmit.
- Comment on #StopKillingGames Update: Denmark passes threshold as initiative reaches 1/3 vote milestone 6 months ago:
A UK petition is in the works. But it might take a month or two until that goes online.
- #StopKillingGames Update: Denmark passes threshold as initiative reaches 1/3 vote ↗Submitted 6 months ago to | 9 comments
- Comment on #StopKillingGames Update: Germany becomes 4th county to hit threshold 7 months ago:
There is a UK petition in the works. It’s not quite ready yet, because thanks to your recent election the team behind the initiative had to redo all of their work. (Your government requires everybody to resubmit petitions if a new parliament is elected)
- Comment on #StopKillingGames Update: Germany becomes 4th county to hit threshold 7 months ago:
Right, I knew I forgot to mention something in my post. 1000% this
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 25 comments
- Comment on #StopKillingGames Update: Sweden and Poland pass threshold as initiative reaches 25% 7 months ago:
(even including countries which have already passed the threshold, I’m assuming). You assume correctly
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 20 comments
- Comment on Hugh Jackman as The Wolverine 2000 vs 2024 7 months ago:
Yes, he explained this in the BTS for “Les Miserables”
A MUSICAL MOVIE WHERE THE CAST HAD TO SING LIVE ON SET. (I had to write that in caps to drive home the point and retraumatise all the theater kids in the audience)
- Comment on #StopKilligGames update: Finland just passed the threshold. 7 months ago:
Also just getting 100% in 7 countries is not ging to be enough to reach 1 million votes total.
So you should keep signing it either way. Every vote still counts
- Comment on #StopKilligGames update: Finland just passed the threshold. 7 months ago:
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 47 comments
- Comment on language barrier 7 months ago: