- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
That is mostly because those numbers take the average occupancy level into account. Cars are rarely driven with a passenger in every available seat.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
If you replace a short haul flight with a ride on a train you could easily cut carbon emissions by 75% Source
- Comment on it's exactly what you'd expect. 2 months ago:
Both caffeine and ephedrine are stimulants.
- Comment on nuclear 3 months ago:
Maybe the primary coolant but all the designs i’ve seen so far use water for the secondary coolant / working fluid.
- Comment on nuclear 3 months ago:
Are there any molten salt reactor designs that do not use water as a coolant?
- Comment on circuits 3 months ago:
leaded solder without an extractor fan
lead does not vaporize at the temps used in soldering.
lead free solder also needs fume extraction. even more so actually, because it is used at slightly higher temps. even with perfect fume extraction, leaded solder can still poison you, because you touch it and then touch your face without washing your hands.
if you are prone to allergic reactions from solder fumes avoid solder with a rosin core, use synthetic flux instead. - Comment on B’Elanna’s stance on afterlife. 3 months ago:
I think you can even draw a defining distinction there because if it is not believed then pseudohalucination would be the better description.
- Comment on It's insidious 4 months ago:
TIFF is also such a hot mess when it comes to picking the correct subformat because there are so many options for compression available, some of them FOSS, some of them proprietary.
- Comment on It's insidious 4 months ago:
Are we still talking about PNG? Nowhere in the PNG standard is a description of changing the actual content of an image to make it compress better with DEFLATE. If you are thinking about the filter stage you should know that in this context an image filter is just creating a different representation of the same image, because it is fully reversible.
- Comment on It's insidious 4 months ago:
How would you make a lossy PNG? Just introduce errors randomly? That makes no sense.
- Comment on Mushrooms 4 months ago:
What are birds? We just dont know!
- Comment on Unsubscribe? Nope! We'll Just Add You To An "Unsubscribers" List! 4 months ago:
Many classical email clients have the option to edit the senders address while composing the email. If the mail server does not allow this you usually get an error message on sending.
- Comment on rabioli 6 months ago:
If you mean an Immune escape that is not a real problem for rabies becuase that virus has a slow evolution as you can tell from the fact that the same vaccines that were used in the 80s are still used today. Compare that for example to flu or Covid-19 vaccines where even two year old vaccine types are considered outdated and not used anymore.
- Comment on Reddit Undeleted all my posts and comments 7 months ago:
Actually using AI gibberish for this might be the best strategy of all, since Reddit seems hell bent on making money with AI training and feeding AI generated text into AI training has been shown to yield increasingly worse results over time. So you make the product Reddit is selling less attractive.
- Comment on Ah sweet! 7 months ago:
So what do you think when you work with HeLas?
- Comment on What has he done to deserve this? 7 months ago:
and he was doing so well until this abomination 😡
- Comment on Breakfast Tablets 8 months ago:
Unfortunately for you most tablets were created for business transactions like bills etc. This is fortunate for archaeology though because it means that there were a LOT of them and it also gives us a pretty good view of what ppl. back then spent their money on.
- Comment on Anon questions the magic box 8 months ago:
Nope, not compression tech. The Einstein refrigerator is an absorption refrigerator and these don’t use compressors.