- Comment on Lasagna dreams, spaghetti reality 1 week ago:
Mom’s spaghetti?
- Comment on It really is like this 3 weeks ago:
Possibly, I’d argue that there’s more daily exposure to violence in their society, but that is simply a guess and at best conjecture
- Comment on It really is like this 3 weeks ago:
The mob mentality part and the self-justice and eye-for-an-eye-mentality is something I, as a European, find quite appalling. Not only in the Chinese but (South-) Korean culture as well. Granted I barely know more about their respective cultures than you can see from their exported tv-shows and other media. Frankly even “Squid games” made me sick at times. And the way some Korean novels and anime praise acts of completely over the top acts of revenge is not something I can identify with. However there seem to be more similarities between both countries than they care to admit.
On another note, has anyone watched the sequel to Initial D? Holy fucking hell, the damn nationalism is way too obvious
- Comment on It really is like this 3 weeks ago:
Man that read like you were citing straight from the CCPs guidelines.
- Comment on From now on, I wish to be addressed as Lt. Commodre Squid 3 weeks ago:
Well you Austrians still have a very weird hard-on for titles
- Comment on Putting the die in diet 3 weeks ago:
Wait how expensive are eggs in the USA? In Germany I pay 3.50 Euros (3.65$) for a dozen organic eggs. Make that 2.20 for non-organic not free-range
- Comment on Are Swearing In Ceremonies Over Yet? 4 weeks ago:
Well you export your monarchy TV to the world, don’t be surprised when the USA is butthurt they can’t do the same.
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 finally officially revealed 5 weeks ago:
Ok dann mal in kurz: der wenn man etwas kauft, dann müssen zwei übereinstimmende Willenserklärungen in Form von Angebot und Annahme vorliegen, die die wesentlichen Vertragsbestandteile (Kaufsache, Preis und Vertragspartner) enthalten, die sog. essentialia negotii. Das Angebot ist hier nicht der Kaufbutton, dies ist eine Aufforderung zur Abgabe eines Angebots, sog. invitatio ad offerendum, sondern das Klicken selbst. Der Platform Betreiber nimmt konkludent durch Bereitstellung oder Auftragsbestätigung an.
Vorliegend handelt es sich zwar um einen Kaufvertrag i.S.d § 433 I BGB, aber wegen dem Vorrang des leges specialis, geht § 475a der Verbrauchsgüterkaufvertrag über digitale Produkte vor. Der setzt zum einen voraus, dass eine Partei Verbraucher und die andere Unternehmer ist. Außerdem, dass es sich um ein digitales Produkt handelt. Beides sollte offenkundig sein.
Allerdings könnte die Willenserklärung des Angebots, des Klickens, Mangelbehaftet sein. Sie könnte gemäß § 119 I Alt.2 BGB anfechtbar sein, wenn der Verbraucher keine Willenserklärung abgeben wollte. Dies ist hier der Fall. Wenn die Anfechtung erklärt wird und begründet ist, dann gilt das gesamte Rechtsgeschäft als von Anfang an als nichtig anzusehen, vgl. § 142 I BGB.
Formerfordernisse sind normalerweise Schriftform oder elektronische Form (Email), die muss aber mit einer elektronischen Signatur versehen sein.
Mein Punkt ist hier, Valve bietet über die Seite ein Formular für die Erklärung der Anfechtung (meist eher Widerruf) an, was vom Gesetz ausdrücklich erlaubt wird. Nintendo weigert sich regelmäßig auch bei korrekter Form die Annahme der Wirkung der Anfechtung. Hier wäre nur Abhilfe über Klageerhebung zu erreichen.
Selbstverständlich ist das dämlich einfach mal auf kaufen zu drücken. Ich kann aber durchaus verstehen, dass man annimmt einem würden noch Bezahloptionen angeboten werden. Zumal die Gerichtshöfe ja schon häufiger klarstellten, dass unmissverständlich sein muss, dass man mit dem Klicken einen Kaufvertrag abschließt. Außerdem halte ich es für echt fragwürdig, dass man kaufen kann ohne seine Identität in irgendeinerweise zu verifizieren. So könnten Minderjährige bspw. ohne Hürde kaufen - spätestens das würde von vorneherein keinen wirksamen Kaufvertrag darstellen, sofern nicht das Taschengeld bemüht wurde. (Wobei hier durch die Tatsache der bargeldlosen Zahlung noch ganz andere Probleme im Rahmen der Anweisung der Bank zur Gutschrift an Nintendo auftreten würden).
So und nun kannst du ja auch einfach mal ordentlich schreiben, anstatt dich wie ein Arschloch zu benehmen
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 finally officially revealed 5 weeks ago:
Still, dude touch grass. What the hell riled you up that much that you keep insulting me entirely unprovoked? Also my man, are you studying or have you studied German law, that you make yourself appear to know the German civil code?
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 finally officially revealed 5 weeks ago:
Ad hominem much? The point is an issue with the declaration of will to pursue a contract. You can challenge that after the fact.
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 finally officially revealed 5 weeks ago:
My girlfriend accidentally bought Minecraft because she wanted to check out whether she could pay via PayPal. There are no further confirmations. Also no refund possible even though she hasn’t even installed it once. If I could be bothered, I’d sue, but in Germany that wouldn’t financially make sense, even though it would not be a hard case at all
- Comment on Now give me a treat 5 weeks ago:
Possibly, however you can apparently dry wood even in outdoor non-sheltered conditions.
- Comment on based on a true story 1 month ago:
There are a lot of important standards. The hight of a door lever, a light switch or an average stair for example.
- Comment on Birds with red eyes are coming 1 month ago:
“Hey wait, that’s Fred! What is he doing here? Thought he was down in Africa?”
“Nah dude, haven’t you heard? He got caught by one of these weird transparent contraptions those silly two-pedalers use for their nests.”
"Oh damn, didn’t know that. But how the hell is he flying over there? And why is circling over the flock of ground-dwellers with rainbow-coloured flags? "
- Comment on Subway lovers posted 2 months ago:
On another note, an American friend that lives in Germany now told me that the German subs taste wayyyy better as in incomparably better
- Comment on Imperialism, authoritarianism and oppression is bad all around m'kay 2 months ago:
Basically horseshoe theory
- Comment on Imperialism, authoritarianism and oppression is bad all around m'kay 2 months ago:
I think Saudi Arabia is the perfect example of why even that model isn’t even enough. I mean sure they are a monarchy and quite self-focused but not really in a nationalistic way. To be fair I don’t know much about their domestic politics. To put them into the same corner as Russia, eh dunno.
- Comment on healthy routine 2 months ago:
I’ve yet to see any porn in all feed. Is this a .world thing?
- Comment on MUSSTTTARRRRRRD 2 months ago:
Sleep Token rules though, so I guess thats fine
- Comment on Petrichor 2 months ago:
Trying to get people jealous, are we?
Dann it, you succeeded
- Comment on Withdrawal is going to make people go mad 3 months ago:
Sugar is fancy now? Man my grandpa would be thrilled were he alive. There’s a colloquial term for the farm-houses of sugar beat farmers in Northern Germany, “beat castles”, as they quickly made a lot of money growing the beats in the late 19th century. When sugar became more accessible due to the processing of the beats to refined sugar. The wealth is long gone now, similarly to how salt used to be a luxury good.
- Comment on Should I buy it? 3 months ago:
Well? We’re waiting?
- Comment on Enshittification only hurts product itself, not users. 3 months ago:
I would also prefer to play on Java, however cross-platform support with Bedrock works really well. And that is actually quite the benefit. That way I can actually for once play a game with friends that are on other consoles or even on mobile.
- Comment on Dear Americans, be prepare to get screwed! 3 months ago:
There are chinese tractor companies? I only know US, Italian, French or German tractor companies.
- Comment on The Divine Dick 3 months ago:
Hey pills are great, apparently quite a few people like them. Can you recommend any?
- Comment on The Divine Dick 3 months ago:
Congrats for getting out I guess?
- Comment on Voting third Party? Naahhh man, I'm voting the real stuff! 3 months ago:
You’re right, forgot about that one. Similar to how the Austrians like to forget there was German chancellor from Austria
- Comment on Voting third Party? Naahhh man, I'm voting the real stuff! 3 months ago:
IIRC there has never (or very few times) been a US president of German ancestry.
- Comment on ‘Joker: Folie à Deux’ to Lose $150 Million to $200 Million in Theatrical Run After Bombing at Box Office 4 months ago:
I did watch it, although I had been warned. I figured the calls of it being a musical had to be inflated - they weren’t. If you cut the singing, you’ll have about half the runtime.
That in and of itself isn’t even bad, albeit not my cup of tea. However what really annoyed me, was that NOTHING happened. It was basically a slice of psychic ward life story. One with an explosive but blue-balled ending. It was basically just the script writers trying to make Lady Gaga sing a lot - well a job well done I suppose.
It actually annoys me a lot, because the cast was great and delivered exceptionally well in their acting. The premise and setting also had a lot of potential, but what we got was more of an art-house low-budget movie with great actors but terrible script
- Comment on Still true I am sure 4 months ago:
Bold of you too assume that there’s anything remotely organic in Coke that can actually ripen