- Comment on Another person on Reddit unable to verify email 3 days ago:
Okay, that’s bad UX. There should be an error message telling a user what happened and why the verification failed. “Verification link expired.” “This email address is already in use.” Etc.
- Comment on Official 20th Anniversary Poster for 'Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith', Returning to Theaters April 25 1 week ago:
Why not?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
On the one hand, yikes. On the other hand it’s probably good that she doesn’t vote, considering her views.
- Comment on Anon's PC works 2 months ago:
Technically yes, and so is Android. But neither work the way you’d expect a typical Linux distro to work.
- Comment on nuclear 2 months ago:
But Fukushima did render a fairly large area uninhabitable, and the ongoing cleanup is still costing billions every year.
Also, there’s still no solution to nuclear waste beyond burying it and hoping that no one digs it up.
Renewables exist, and, combined with upgrading the grid and adding sufficient storage facilities, can provide for 100% of electricity demand at all times. Without any of the risks associated with nuclear power (low as they may be, they exist), and without kicking a radioactive can down the road for hundreds of generations.
- Comment on Valve now sell refurbished Steam Deck OLED models 2 months ago:
Do you need the mobility?
- Comment on just three women have died and 50783 babies have been saved by Texas' abortion law. A damn good trade if you ask me. 3 months ago:
Birth control isn’t 100% effective and not all pregnancies are viable, nevermind desirable. Texas doesn’t even allow abortions in case of rape you fucking ghoul.
- Comment on Anon plays a guessing game 4 months ago:
Neurotypical here - that’s the correct response.
- Comment on ... 4 months ago:
The entire eastern block adopted Lysenkoism.
The USSR also abused medical science to imprison dissidents in mental institutions based on false diagnoses.
- Comment on What are we going to learn? 5 months ago:
Turtle. Or tortoise. Same word for both in German.
- Comment on TechSpot can't help but sellout in their own editor picks 5 months ago:
And it worked. Try finding any professional art/design jobs that don’t use Adobe.
- Comment on Do you prefer to buy games on Steam or GOG? 6 months ago:
Usually Steam. I like the idea of GoG, but a lot of the time if you want mods you’re basically forced to buy it on Steam because of the Workshop. Also, I kinda like having everything in one place.
- Comment on Twitter API has a list of users who are allowed to use racial slurs 7 months ago:
At least you can quickly read a tweet, considering how short they are it takes like a second. Shorts are worse, you have the same limited information but you have to watch the whole damn thing to get it (even with subtitles).
- Comment on Why are US states, school districts banning smartphones in schools? 8 months ago:
And most kids already do. People have been complaining about “kids today” for literally thousands of years. Probably longer, we just don’t have records of it. There have always been troublemakers, and there always will be. People have been blaming everything from literature to TV to music to video games to, nowadays, phones. This, too, will blow over, and it’ll be fine.
- Comment on Why are US states, school districts banning smartphones in schools? 8 months ago:
And the kids that are this brazenly disrespectful and disruptive would be disrespectful and disruptive without phones too. Most kids aren’t though, no matter how much alarmist media wants them to be. It’s a good old fashioned moral panic. Punish the actual wrongdoers, leave the test of the kids alone.
- Comment on Why are US states, school districts banning smartphones in schools? 8 months ago:
As long as the phone isn’t used in class I fail to the the issue. There’s no need to ban phone use in general while on school premises.