My previous/alt account is which will be abandoned soon.
- Comment on Happy Birthday Emma! 1 week ago:
Plenty of cultures eat dogs and cats, notably some South East Asians one’s and some people in Switzerland.
It’s more limited though. For example, in Switzerland you may not sell dog/cat meat (or meals made with them). Consumption is limited to animals you owned and slaughtered.
- Comment on Dunning-Kruger 1 week ago:
It seems like it’s a cooperation between Wikipedia and some schools?
- Comment on Sharing a link vs posting the media 2 weeks ago:
You can inline post the image. For example, this image is not uploaded but hosted on
This is how I inlined it:

Note: The text in the square brackets is optional alt text when hovering over the image. It helps people with screenreaders.
The only requirement is that it is a direct link to the image.
- Comment on Having a vowel movement 2 weeks ago:
AEIOU (Austria Est Imperare Orbi Universo)
- Comment on Forza Horizon 5 Will Require a Microsoft Account to Play on PS5 2 weeks ago:
Remove the first “M”, there are hardly any players on the map to save on server costs.
I’ve played both a lot yet it’s not rare to spend 10 minutes without seeing a single other player.
The games are fundamentally, very alone.
- Comment on Riding the Ambien walrus 3 weeks ago:
I know this is a meme, BUT
You asked for it [NSFW URL]
- Comment on Wayback Machine Saves Thousands of Federal Webpages Amid Purge of Government Data Under Trump 3 weeks ago:
They have repos for each “grab”. The warrior is pretty much just a wrapper and doesn’t need to be updated frequently.
Most users are running the specific docker containers anyways as they allow for a higher concurrency than the warrior and perform better.
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 4 weeks ago:
Google doesn’t sell your information. That would be the quickest way to create competition.
What Google sells are targeted ad slots.
- Comment on YouTube won't let me watch a video unless I sign in... 5 weeks ago:
It’s source available, not open source.
It severely limits what can legally be done by restricting modifications and prohibiting “commercial” distribution:
You may not remove or obscure any functionality in the software related to payment to the Licensor in any copy you distribute to others.
You may distribute the software or provide it to others only if you do so free of charge for non-commercial purposes.
Non-commercial purposes is extremely vague by the way. Depending on the country - or even the court in a country - nearly everything distributed on the internet is for commercial purposes.
For example, in Germany, only commercial websites have to put up a legal disclosure consisting of address, full name, phone number and email. Yet courts have ruled that every single website that is available to the public is “commercial” - only private webpages available to a handful of people are non-commercial. If anyone redistributed the software in Germany this license would be grounds for a successful lawsuit.
- Comment on Yeah, tunafan9000?? 1 month ago:
This doesn’t explain why a truck can drive at double digits mph with the trailer up.
That’s like the most basic safety mechanism the manufacturer could implement.
- Comment on “Torrenting from a corporate laptop doesn’t feel right”: Meta emails unsealed 1 month ago:
No, I don’t recall any audio books being there.
Audiobooks can best be found at MAM, though that site is private (albeit with a rather trivial interview for newcomers on the weekend).
- Comment on How prevalent is the topic of mental health in America compared to Germany? 1 month ago:
not having enough therapists or having too many people who seek them
Neither actually. The health insurances are allowed to decide amongst themselves how many therapists are covered. And this number hasn’t been adjusted (much) since 1999 even though demand has skyrocketed since then.
Approximately 50% of therapists in Germany cannot accept public health insurance. Yet there is enough demand from the 10% of Germans with private health insurance ( + those who pay for therapy thenselves) to keep those therapists afloat.
In other words:
12.5% of Germans have been diagnosed with depression => 9.5 million people officially diagnosed which is certainly an underreported figure.
There are ~24,000 therapists in Germany.
As a result, there are 396 people with depression per therapist - meaning if every therapist worked 40 hours per week with 1 hour per client you’d have to wait 10 weeks between sessions.
Now add all other mental illnesses which would require therapy and you’d get an even larger number.
Sure, not everyone diagnosed with depression requires therapy. But this doesn’t excuse the obvious lack of paid therapists - which is openly acknowledged by the public health insurances but they are not legally required to change anything.
- Comment on AHHHHHHHHHHH 1 month ago:
What are you talking about? A biologist (re-)invented calculus!
- Comment on Woke furry hijacks social media of right-wing group that published 'DEI Watch List' 1 month ago:
I can’t believe you out of all people would write this comment. Not only should you have known better, you didn’t even bother to think twice before posting something this abhorrent. You should be deeply ashamed of yourself for daring to post such a disgusting comment commentating on the action of someone’s cybercriminal behavior. I hope you will learn from this but not only do I not believe you will change, you will likely even double down on your wrongdoing. Still, I urge you to just read what you wrote, just once, before posting in order to mitigate this grave injustice.
Which is to say:
- Comment on Nothing a whole lotta *COPE* can't fix 1 month ago:
In my country (Germany)
Crossbows are legal to own and sell for adults. They are allowed to be shot at certified locations (i.e. shooting ranges) but not necessarily on your own property. You need a license for shooting them on your own property if the energy of the projectile exceeds 7.5 Joules. In comparison, a 9mm pistol shoots projectiles with 300-500 Joules.
Basically (for crossbows):
- 0 - 0.08 Joules: toy, freely available
- 0.08 - 0.5 Joules: toy, only available for children over 14
- 0.5 - 7.5 Joules: weapon, license free for adults, shooting on your own property is allowed
7.5 Joules: weapon, shooting on your own property is only permitted with a license
For comparison: a 9mm pistol shoots with 300-500 Joules.
Why would you want a crossbow though? Keep in mind that you are not allowed to use weapons for self-defense, even if you don’t need a license for them. Furthermore, I’m not sure whether you are allowed to publicly carry the crossbow at all.
- Comment on Emojiis are hieroglyphics 1 month ago:
Don’t you mean 👆🤓?
- Comment on Roll7’s OlliOlli World and Rollerdrome delisted, remaining titles now at risk along with the future of ‘Kerbal 2’ 1 month ago:
To be honest, that’s what I meant with Humble. I knew they got legitimate keys from the developers and didn’t think of the correct noun.
But since the studio was shut down by 2K, they are most likely the one’s footing the bill if a chargeback occurs. For indie games or small studios, I never use these sites for that reason.
Plus I’m still in the process of setting up my pirated games infrastructure. I will first need to figure out how to properly store Windows-only games such that the WINE prefix is in the game folder and automatically applied as well as how to make “cloud” saves work.
- Comment on Roll7’s OlliOlli World and Rollerdrome delisted, remaining titles now at risk along with the future of ‘Kerbal 2’ 1 month ago:
It’s still available on key resellers for cheap (including all DLCs) or HumbleBundle if your prefer an official key reseller (that asks for the full price though).
I grabbed it earlier today because it too was on my wishlist.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 1 month ago:
I’m a cis man and closer to 140 lbs (with average height). And though I don’t regularly go out for night walks, when I do I don’t feel particularly unsafe. A little more cautious perhaps, especially around groups of drunk people but that’s about it.
If I were forced to fight the average person I meet at night I would literally have to resort to using my damn teeth or expect to be beaten up to a pulp at the very least.
Still, the risk of me ending up in such a situation is tiny. I’m far more likely to be run over by a car - which actually almost happened a couple weeks back had I not paid attention.
Honestly, I think large parts of women’s fear at night in the US is culture dependent. You don’t have walkable streets over there so children don’t have the opportunity to walk to kindergarten or school. Over here in winter children are literally walking to school at night, before sunrise.
You do have a shitton of neverending fear mongering. Like, the concept of “Amber Alerts” is absurd over here in Europe, I can’t imagine what this would’ve done to me as a child if I had been told on a daily basis that strangers are out to get me.
Tl;dr it’s probably culture dependent
- Comment on South Afruleca 1 month ago:
NAND = ¬(A ∧ B) = ¬A ∨ ¬B = Not A or Not B
NOR = ¬(A ∨ B) = ¬A ∧ ¬B = Not A and Not B
- Comment on I wouldn't stand for it 2 months ago:
Well, at least not in the same way as email with a centralized server.
Unlike email, most modern messaging services are end-to-end encrypted. If an abusive professor manages to manipulate their victim into deleting the messages (and does so as well) it’s nigh impossible to verify accusations. With email, the university’s email server keeps them stored and visible.
Unencrypted messaging poses severe privavy risks since - you know - the messaging service can read every single message.
Usually I am all for encryption, though for official communication I don’t think it’s the best idea. It does have the minor drawback that particularly sensitive information isn’t sent (such as exam scores) but you can just check them on the university’s web portal anyways.
- Comment on I wouldn't stand for it 2 months ago:
Modern meaning American?
All communication with professors has to be official over here to prevent abuse. Phone messages don’t leave a trail that can be investigated, emails do.
Plus I’m pretty sure you could insist on getting a phone number from your university if you didn’t want to share yours with them or if you didn’t even have one, for some reason. That would just lead to an enormous hassle for the university over here, it’s easier to just give every student an email address.
- Comment on Learning a new language is easy! 2 months ago:
I had to look it up, it’s the technical term for a certain firefighting vehicle.
In particular, what distinguishes it from a normal crew firefighting vehicle (Löschgruppenfahrzeug) is its equipment for “Technische Hilfeleistung” (technical help-providing) which basically means it carries equipment beyond basic extinguishing agents. If you’re physically stuck in your car after a crash, a Hilfeleistungslöschgruppenfahrzeug has to arrive to cut open the doors.
A Hilfeleistungslöschgruppenfahrzeug
A (small) Löschgruppenfahrzeug. Note that it only contains firefighting equipment.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 months ago:
I can imagine little worse than doing what you just described although that is (in part) due to moderate social anxiety. I behave in the exact opposite way - ignoring people regardless of how much they stand out because I don’t want to stare.
Though I can imagine what you’ve been doing has helped others.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 months ago:
You would?
I use public transit daily and hardly ever interact with anyone. Maybe there is one interaction every 100 days? I don’t frequently see two strangers interacting either, it’s unheard of except maybe for retirees with effectively infinite time.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 months ago:
I can’t really answer/reply to most of your comment but there is something about the last paragraph that I can respond to:
What about bi-/pansexual men? They exist [1][2] and there will be many that are attracted to people in between gender( expression)s.
[2] - Comment on Anon goes out of bounds 2 months ago:
That’s zero intentional attacks, a couple of human-mistaken-for-seal attacks and a few attacks in captiviy, where animals are known to behave much differently than in the wild because they are imprisoned and treated like shit.
Provided the orca identifies you correctly as not-food, there seems to be a low risk from interacting with one in the wild.
- Comment on FearNoPeer open for signups for the next 1-5 days! 2 months ago:
The UI is just the UNIT3D UI though. It’s fancy, but nothing special imo.
The site is decent though, very easy to build ratio. I often snatch my x265 releases from them with Radarr despite having Usenet and TL at a higher priority.
- Comment on tickling ur spidey senses 3 months ago:
And the bugs are always in the last lines of code you check. It’s so infuriating! Why can’t they be in the first?
- Comment on One more try maybe? 3 months ago:
Turret3857 is not in the sudoers file.
This incident will be reported.