My previous/alt account is which will be abandoned soon.
- Comment on I wouldn't stand for it 1 week ago:
Well, at least not in the same way as email with a centralized server.
Unlike email, most modern messaging services are end-to-end encrypted. If an abusive professor manages to manipulate their victim into deleting the messages (and does so as well) it’s nigh impossible to verify accusations. With email, the university’s email server keeps them stored and visible.
Unencrypted messaging poses severe privavy risks since - you know - the messaging service can read every single message.
Usually I am all for encryption, though for official communication I don’t think it’s the best idea. It does have the minor drawback that particularly sensitive information isn’t sent (such as exam scores) but you can just check them on the university’s web portal anyways.
- Comment on I wouldn't stand for it 1 week ago:
Modern meaning American?
All communication with professors has to be official over here to prevent abuse. Phone messages don’t leave a trail that can be investigated, emails do.
Plus I’m pretty sure you could insist on getting a phone number from your university if you didn’t want to share yours with them or if you didn’t even have one, for some reason. That would just lead to an enormous hassle for the university over here, it’s easier to just give every student an email address.
- Comment on Learning a new language is easy! 2 weeks ago:
I had to look it up, it’s the technical term for a certain firefighting vehicle.
In particular, what distinguishes it from a normal crew firefighting vehicle (Löschgruppenfahrzeug) is its equipment for “Technische Hilfeleistung” (technical help-providing) which basically means it carries equipment beyond basic extinguishing agents. If you’re physically stuck in your car after a crash, a Hilfeleistungslöschgruppenfahrzeug has to arrive to cut open the doors.
A Hilfeleistungslöschgruppenfahrzeug
A (small) Löschgruppenfahrzeug. Note that it only contains firefighting equipment.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 weeks ago:
I can imagine little worse than doing what you just described although that is (in part) due to moderate social anxiety. I behave in the exact opposite way - ignoring people regardless of how much they stand out because I don’t want to stare.
Though I can imagine what you’ve been doing has helped others.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 weeks ago:
You would?
I use public transit daily and hardly ever interact with anyone. Maybe there is one interaction every 100 days? I don’t frequently see two strangers interacting either, it’s unheard of except maybe for retirees with effectively infinite time.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 weeks ago:
I can’t really answer/reply to most of your comment but there is something about the last paragraph that I can respond to:
What about bi-/pansexual men? They exist [1][2] and there will be many that are attracted to people in between gender( expression)s.
[2] - Comment on Anon goes out of bounds 3 weeks ago:
That’s zero intentional attacks, a couple of human-mistaken-for-seal attacks and a few attacks in captiviy, where animals are known to behave much differently than in the wild because they are imprisoned and treated like shit.
Provided the orca identifies you correctly as not-food, there seems to be a low risk from interacting with one in the wild.
- Comment on FearNoPeer open for signups for the next 1-5 days! 4 weeks ago:
The UI is just the UNIT3D UI though. It’s fancy, but nothing special imo.
The site is decent though, very easy to build ratio. I often snatch my x265 releases from them with Radarr despite having Usenet and TL at a higher priority.
- Comment on tickling ur spidey senses 5 weeks ago:
And the bugs are always in the last lines of code you check. It’s so infuriating! Why can’t they be in the first?
- Comment on One more try maybe? 5 weeks ago:
Turret3857 is not in the sudoers file.
This incident will be reported.
- Comment on Puberty blockers to be banned indefinitely for under-18s across UK 5 weeks ago:
There is significant proof of benefits:
Positive outcomes were decreased suicidality in adulthood, improved affect and psychological functioning, and improved social life. Adverse factors associated with use were changes in body composition, slow growth, decreased height velocity, decreased bone turnover, cost of drugs, and lack of insurance coverage.
I can’t vouch for the quality of this literature review (because I don’t care about taking an hour or more to read a paper for a Lemmy comment), but usually literarture reviews show a fuller picture than individual studies.
Also, this sentence is in the conclusion:
Although large long-term studies with diverse and multicultural populations have not been done, the evidence to date supports the finding of few serious adverse outcomes and several potential positive outcomes.
- Comment on Puberty blockers to be banned indefinitely for under-18s across UK 5 weeks ago:
Vaccines can have devastating permanent side effects. Should parents no longer vaccinate their children?
The answer for both is:
Whichever option does less harm should be taken. A delayed puberty, despite potential long-term risks does less harm than a trans child going through the “wrong” puberty.
Besides, due to the start of puberty having a pretty large range there should in theory be little harm until the age of 14 or so. And at that age children are much more capable of deciding on medical treatments than as preteens.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 - Update 2.2 is live! 5 weeks ago:
Wouldn’t that be akin to adding new features? Adding support for previously unsupported (due to their lack of existance) hardware is a feature imo.
Besides, while a program may eventually be bug-free, no modern computer has flawless hardware so creating a large program without bugs will always remain a thought experiment.
The only possible reason to do it would be if an alien civilization were to demand producing such a program or else they’d destroy Earth (similar to Erdős’s thought experiment with finding Ramsey numbers). Perhaps with all of humanity’s resources and a few decades this could be done.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 - Update 2.2 is live! 1 month ago:
Absolutely, I was thinking more along the lines of focusing solely on bug-fixing.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 - Update 2.2 is live! 1 month ago:
Eventually: Yes.
There are a finite number of bugs (or bug types rather, you could have infinitely many bugs from the same few lines of code) and it will take finite time to fix them all. You cannot know when you have fixed all of them though. But some games have gone above and beyond with fixing bus, like Factorio where you will not encounter bugs without explicitly looking for them.
- Comment on Interesting. It's a constant reminder 1 month ago:
Assuming the bathroom is in a hallway, having the door open into the hallway would cause the flight path to be narrowed which would be against (some) fire code(s).
After all, significantly more people would want to flee through the hallway than out of a room adjacent to the hallway.
- Comment on Interesting. It's a constant reminder 1 month ago:
That might not be up to fire standards demanding doors in the hallway to be opened to the inside of the room.
- Comment on Log by bolb 1 month ago:
By the way, I believe the second string of question marks is meant to be a verb. Liberals are doing stuff with their gender that cannot even be put into words.
- Comment on Progress 1 month ago:
I don’t really like that statement.
It really reminds me of people saying “Humans evolved from apes”.
Like no we fucking didn’t??
We had a shared ancestor that to the best of our knowledge looks more like apes than humans but that doesn’t mean anything? Apes aren’t human’s shared ancestor. Humans aren’t ape’s shared ancestor. Our extinct shared ancestor was human’s and ape’s shared ancestor.
- Comment on Anon has an idea to get laid 1 month ago: [unpaywalled Washington Post link]
Some reactions:
The text above reads: “Special Police Unit Wall and Color” Image
Later the police arrived:
But again:
And the cops came back:
But finally:
By the way, the case was finally dropped. Only because the outrage made them not pursue it though. Courts would have likely ruled this was an insult.
- Comment on Anon has an idea to get laid 1 month ago:
And anywhere outside the US, home searches are nearly always legal since they must be signed by a judge. And judges rarely rule against their own.
Over here in Germany, where the inviolability of the home is in the constitution, the suspicion of any crime suffices for getting your home searched. This includes filesharing, spraying graffiti or insulting someone on the internet by calling them a dick. Plus, any resulting damages are only paid if you are found not guilty.
- Comment on Lmao 1 month ago:
You’re such a failure. If you can’t even get depression within 17 hours, how do you ever expect to get anything done? There’s no hope left for you. Just give up.
- Comment on I want a name for this 1 month ago:
More like Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung.
By the way, using the ‘ß’ as you did would force the preceding vowel to have a stretched pronunciation.
And I don’t know about you, but in my opinion defeeßit and deeßorder sounds awful.
- Comment on anyway, i started blastin' 2 months ago:
I’ve found a proper approximation after some time and some searching.
Since the binomial distribution has a very large n, we can use the central limit theorem and treat it as a normal distribution. The mean would be obviously 500 billion, the standard deviation is √(n * p * (1-p)) which results in 500,000.
You still cannot plug that into WA unfortunately so we have to use a workaround.
Since WA would calculate it through:
Φ(b) - Φ(a), with b = (510 billion - mean) / (standard deviation) = 20,000 and a = (490 billion - mean) / (standard deviation) = -20,000 and Φ(x) = 0.5 * (1 + erf(x/√2))
erf(x) is the error function which has one good property: erf(-x) = -erf(x)
Φ(20,000) - Φ(-20,000) = 0.5 * [ erf(20,000/√2) - erf(-20,000/√2) ] = erf(20,000/√2) ≈ erf(14,142)
WolframAlpha will unfortunately not calculate this either.
However, according to Wikipedia an approximation exists which shows that:
1 - erf(x) = [(1 - e^(-Ax))e^(-x²)] / (Bx√π)
And apparently A = 1.98 and B = 1.135 give good approximations for all x≥0.
After failing to get a proper approximation from WA again and having to calculate every part by itself, the result is very roughly around 1 - 10^(-86,857,234).
So it is very safe to assume you will lose between 49% and 51% of your gut bacteria. For a more realistic 10 trillion you should replace a and b above with around ±63,200 but I don’t want to bother calculating the rest and having WolframAlpha tell me my intermediary steps are equal to zero.
- Comment on anyway, i started blastin' 2 months ago:
To expand a little:
For a much smaller sample size of just 1 million, the probability to lose just 1% is basically zero.
WolframAlpha doesn’t even bother to calculate the exact result and just rounds it:
- Comment on Anon doesn't tip 2 months ago:
There’s no problem with piracy if you never ever ever intend to subscribe to a streaming service though. Give me the option to pay for DRM-free .mkv files with differing qualities and bit rates and I’d consider not pirating, provided the prices are reasonable.
- Comment on what should one archive in a fascist regime? 2 months ago:
And an archive would be doing exactly that: Distributing copyrighted materials.
Moving to Europe is not necessarily a great idea depending on the country they choose. US copyright law is comparatively lenient to some European countries.
- Comment on what should one archive in a fascist regime? 2 months ago:
Depebding on the country, Europe has significantly worse copyright law than the US, to the extent that archiving a web page is illegal.
Fun fact:
In Germany you have to pay a special tax for anything that could be used to violate copyright. It ranges from 0.10€ for USB sticks to 90€ for faster printers to 14,000,000€ for opening up a public library all going to a bunch of publisher organizations.
- Comment on She-Ra Lives! 2 months ago:
You’re right in some regard though I still believe taking note of trends is important, don’t you? If most pre-record civilizations we find have behaved and lived in a certain way it could tell us something notable about our past.
- Comment on Anon thinks it's too late 2 months ago:
I don’t know, I feel like anon’s advice is misguided at the very least.
It assumes that OOP is more or less choosing to be this way, instead of struggling with issues outside their control, be it self-image issues, anxiety, depression, money or a myriad of other things. Depending on the particukar combination and severity, anon’s situation may not change for a very long time, including forever.
I believe proper advice would focus on making them accept their situation. It’s OK to have no friends or partner(s). They are not a necessity in order to live a meaningful life. Perhaps it won’t be the most meaningful life possible but it is certainly possible to find meaning while feeling lonely. Though finding a job is somewhat important, especially if they live in countries without social welfare, they should focus on that for a bit.
I don’t have any positive stories to share on how I overcame the issues anon is facing - considering I’m in my early 20s and have nearly all the same one’s. But acceptance has helped me cope with my situation in a not unhealthy way and reduced some of the pain of loneliness and self-doubt.