- Submitted 1 month ago to | 87 comments
- Comment on Can We Build Tech That Is Not Oppressive? 1 month ago:
come to our matrix chat room where we discuss how to enable the fediverse for new users:
- Comment on Can We Build Tech That Is Not Oppressive? 1 month ago:
Yes, it is possible. I think it will be something like this:
where proprietary software will eventually be replaced by FOSS software. it just takes a while (Linux was released in 1991).
- Comment on running windows... sorry :\ 3 months ago:
nice legs :)
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on Reactor goes brrr 3 months ago:
that makes sense, yeah
- Comment on Reactor goes brrr 3 months ago:
There’s one more outlier though which is Electrochemical cell, like galvanic element or voltaic pile
It was used around 1800 as a major electricity source, but I guess it quickly became uneconomical in 1866 or sth when the dynamo was invented.
Disclaimer: I haven’t studied the history of electricity generation, I just happened to read the history of electricity article on Wikipedia once.
- Comment on Reactor goes brrr 3 months ago:
So, I don’t know why you’re taking a stand for Uranium today. It used to be a good technology 30 years ago, but today it just doesn’t make any sense anymore.
First factor is cost. Renewables (Solar + Wind especially) have really really gone down in cost (see this link and this link), and the population will favor the energy source that is cheaper in the long run.
Secondly, the environmental impact of solar is really not that big. When we talk about how much CO2 solar produces, it’s mostly because that solar needs silicon and that needs energy to be purified. And that energy mostly comes from coal, gas or other non-renewables today. But guess what, as the solar revolution progresses, that emission goes down as well, so solar actually becomes more environmentally friendly over time.
- Comment on Reactor goes brrr 3 months ago:
tbf, we have airplanes, but most goods are still being transported over lands or seas.
- Comment on Reactor goes brrr 3 months ago:
Well but they’re not around anymore because the uranium inside them is all consumed by now, right?
- Comment on Magic Beneath The Forests 4 months ago:
After all, it’s only intelligence when I do it.
- Comment on Eat lead 5 months ago:
We obviously live in a matrix/simulated world, and it can’t be older than 50 years, because before that, computers didn’t exist. Checkmate.
- Comment on Is Lemmy an effective alternative to Reddit? 5 months ago:
I imagine the reason why comments here are more constructive is because Lemmy is perceived to have a high technicality-threshhold (you have to be somewhat familiar with technology to make an account here - even though that’s not true). That leads to only people with a high enough motivation to sign up here.
I think it’s important that we grow and find new users, not because I seek growth, but because I seek diversity. We need more people, more opinions, and more different perspectives.
- Comment on Is Lemmy an effective alternative to Reddit? 5 months ago:
Yeah the politics is annoying at this point, it feels like 60% on the front page is politics. I’m glad when the US votes are finally over.
- Comment on Is Lemmy an effective alternative to Reddit? 5 months ago:
Yeah, I have made the experience that most communities on the german-speaking were great, but after that had technical issues and went down for 4 months (!), the content isn’t as good anymore and the users are more frustrating.
- Comment on How modern is it to have "sympathetic" portrayals of Hell? 5 months ago:
Right now I can think of the buddhist “tale of the bug”.
Two (human) friends died and were reborn. One in heaven, the other as a dung beetle (a type of bug) on a dung pile.
The guy in heaven tried to “help” his friend by going down to Earth and carrying his friend to the skies. But his friend refused, because the dung pile was now his home, and he didn’t want to leave at any cost. Only then the guy realized that it is not heaven that makes you happy, but finding the place that you’re destined for.
- Comment on Artifical Intelligence 5 months ago:
People are freaking out because for years, the central dogma was to “educate yourself, that makes you special, that makes you unique, that guarantees you a prosperois economic future” and such, and now this promise is about to be broken. People are in denial: AI is a good thing.
- Comment on When we started burning coal it was called the industrial revolution. Was there a name when we started burning oil? The car revolution? 5 months ago:
Yeah i basically just wanted to tell you that there’s actual data on stuff and if you wanna know, you gotta read it all, there’s a lot. I don’t know what it would help you and ask a question such as “is there a name for the time when we started to burn oil?” because if i give you an answer, what do you do with that answer? if you can’t embed it into a broader context, that answer seems pretty useless to me. So if you actually wanna know, maybe start reading it all. idk. maybe i come off arrogant, but that’s not my intention. i just don’t understand what your motivation for asking this question is?
- Comment on When we started burning coal it was called the industrial revolution. Was there a name when we started burning oil? The car revolution? 5 months ago:
I think I just had a lot of talks about this with someone recently. Feel free to DM me if you wanna know more.
Yes, you’re right; The sources of energy have a society-defining role.
There’s two major sources: carbon-based (coal, oil, gas, biomass) and electricity.
Right now, we consume approximately 50% of either, but this is about to change. I predict that solar power will shift energy consumption to nearly 100% electrical in a few years.
I don’t really know about a specific name for when we started burning oil, but you might wanna look at Peak Oil Theory because it explains the mass of oil consumption over time as a bell curve.
- Comment on When we started burning coal it was called the industrial revolution. Was there a name when we started burning oil? The car revolution? 5 months ago:
They mean inverting the flow of logic, not looking at consequences but at causes, i guess.
- Comment on When we started burning coal it was called the industrial revolution. Was there a name when we started burning oil? The car revolution? 5 months ago:
- Comment on When we started burning coal it was called the industrial revolution. Was there a name when we started burning oil? The car revolution? 5 months ago:
No, I think, they both (burgersc12 and OP) have an important point.
We can think of technology in two different ways: input and output; i.e. what do we put into the machine (source of energy) and what do we get out (factory products). They’re just looking at it from two different angles: OP is asking about power source, but burgersc12 is talking about factory outputs.
- Comment on Not cognitive behavioural therapy 5 months ago:
The fact that it probably even helped makes it even better somehow, lol.
- Comment on Weevil time 5 months ago:
They wouldn’t wear a leash because they aren’t a dog.
- Comment on Pharmaceutical Commercials (sound on!) 5 months ago:
What could possibly happen except everything?
This applies to your dating life too, take your chances 😘
- Comment on Academic writing 5 months ago:
Currently in a very inter-disciplinary field where the different mathematicians have their own language which has to be translated back into first software, then hardware. It’s so confusing at first till you spend 30 minutes on wikipedia to realize they’re just using an esoteric term to describe something you’ve used forever.
Yeah, this happens a lot. I studied math and I often got the impression that when you read other researcher’s work, they describe the exact same thing that you have already heard about, but in a vastly different language. I wonder how many re-inventions and re-namings there are of any concept simply because people can’t figure out that this thing has already been researched into. It really happens a lot, where 5 people discovered something, but gave them 5 different names.
- Comment on Academic writing 5 months ago:
Oh i would say “ring” is in fact quite a descriptive term.
Apparently, in older german, “ringen” meant “to make progress of some sort/to fight for something”. And a ring has two functions: addition and multiplication. These are the foundational functions that you can use to construct polynomials, which are very important functions. You could look at functions as a machine where you put something in and get something out.
In other words, you put something into a function, the function internally “makes some progress”, and spits out a result. That is exactly what you can do with a “ring”.
So it kinda makes sense, I guess.
- Comment on Academic writing 5 months ago:
A big reason why newspapers use so many filler-phrases and redundancy and just don’t get to the point is because journalists often get paid for how much they write; The consequence is obviously: filler-words.
- Comment on Anon goes to dinner with coworkers 5 months ago:
Yes, there should be a book filled with these stories or something.
- Comment on Anon is an example 6 months ago:
this is such a 4chan answer