- Comment on Am I Gay? 2 weeks ago:
fine don’t tell me
- Comment on Am I Gay? 2 weeks ago:
please teach me what this is and how to do it
i’m all about learning new things
- Comment on Am I Gay? 2 weeks ago:
i don’t even know what that is. no wonder i’m so unpopular.
- Comment on Am I Gay? 2 weeks ago:
totally without value? this is some high quality AI research! Where’s my medal? I only put this in the shitpost community by accident!
- Comment on Am I Gay? 3 weeks ago:
Right, exactly, this post was about how deepseek can understand nuance: i am male, i suck my boyfriend’s dick, but it’s totally a no homo situation.
also in reality i don’t have a boyfriend :'-( no homo indeed
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to [deleted] | 15 comments
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 3 weeks ago:
Part of my questioning my gut reaction was because of the ADL response. But the more I learn, the more clear it becomes it couldn’t be accidental.
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 4 weeks ago:
i am not always well liked on lemmy
i still like lemmy! :-)
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 4 weeks ago:
i think this was rhe most persuasive reply because of the visual juxtaposition
musk is a nazi. now what?
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 4 weeks ago:
is it edge lord though? i know he hates cancel.culture and people getting too offended over jokes…
but this looks just like a nazi salute and he’s laughing it off? i don’t get it. it’s scary to see for a lot of people.
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 4 weeks ago:
Using a font similar the work sets us free sign in Auswitz after doing a Nazi salute? This seems intnetional and more than attention seeking.
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 4 weeks ago:
i wasn’t trying tonbe offensive, sorry
when i viewed it, it looked like a nazi salute
but based on reactions and a lack of extreme across rhe board condemnation, I wondered if there was some strange explanation that wasn’t apparent to me
Musk says he has Asperger’s, a type of high funxtioning autism i thought (but may be mistaken about). I just thought this could be the only possible explanation for such unusual behavior if it wasn’t just white supremacy, and even then it seemed unlikely to me.
I’m also not that knowledgable about autism. I just have a hard time understanding the mild reaction it’s getting.
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 4 weeks ago:
Thw twice in a row is meaninfful because that’s how the Nazi’s do it?
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 4 weeks ago:
Based on your persuasive arguments, ive decided to be gay.
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 4 weeks ago:
I did watch it and it scared me. No companies are cancelling twitter accounts, no one is crushing their Teslas into a cube, everyone just seems apathetic (except AOC)
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 4 weeks ago:
is fleeing america the smart thing to do? or do you not expect xyclon-B levels of hate to ensue? would organization even do anything? i really believe most liberals want to regulate and protest and ignore problems and that it won’t stop or slow this.
i don’t want to be deer in the headlights shocked for too long
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 4 weeks ago:
is this real?
- Submitted 4 weeks ago to [deleted] | 139 comments
- Submitted 5 weeks ago to [deleted] | 3 comments
- Submitted 2 months ago to [deleted] | 18 comments
- Comment on is it illegal to create a ticket on reddit? 7 months ago:
no! downvotes are cool
but only when they happen to others
- Comment on is it illegal to create a ticket on reddit? 7 months ago:
yes please
- Comment on is it illegal to create a ticket on reddit? 8 months ago:
why did people downvote this? i thought this community was “no stupid questions” not “we’re all better than you because you’re question sucks and your stupid”
- Submitted 8 months ago to [deleted] | 16 comments
- Comment on Like a prion 8 months ago:
This can’t be true! Really?
- Comment on It's cadmium-enriched! 8 months ago:
note to self: the snark knows too much
- Comment on Why isn't jerking off more valorized as an easy dopamine hit that's also literally good for you? 8 months ago:
this is exactly the truth
- Comment on Humanity making progress like it always does 8 months ago:
Pollution leads to a decline in the bug population. Pollution = global warming and climate change affecting habitat; pollution = pesticides and chemicals which make it harder for insects to reproduce; pollution = plastics, trash, and environmental contamination; pollution = human changes that are functionally useful for humans (like roads and farms with pesticides and cities) but may be not helpful for insects.
The joke is that at first, having fewer bugs is nicer because a lot of bugs are annoying.
The joke is also that while it’s convenient at first, in another few decades it means EVERYTHING will die, so it’s not actually a good thing.
The joke is also the obliviousness of the human driver, who is relieved to be dealing with fewer bugs, not realizing that they are missing for the same reason he’s about to become extinct.
There are decreases in pretty much all types of animals that are neither human nor domesticated by humans, and for bugs there are decreases of bees, and there’s been discussion that the world is experiencing and extinction event.
Wynn Bruce set himself on fire and died trying to alert people that these trends pose a problem for humankind and no one cared. David Buckel also set himself on fire trying to warn people. It doesn’t matter at this point.
The problem is religion. People are stupid and believe in imaginary bullshit that doesn’t exist and society accepts this as normal thinking. Psychiatry says bizarre religious thinking is a symptom of schizophrenia, but normal religious thinking is acceptable if enough people believe it (in an unscientific capitulation to popular opinion in a “scientific” field that is hardly ruled by scientific rules). Religion is always illogical and it’s dooming us all.
People believe god would never create a planet that could be destroyed and don’t understand math of how to analyze scientific data. On top of that, greed caused by capitalism means that for most poor people, they are just struggling to get by and really can’t contemplate next year much less 100 years from now.
Most pollution is caused by not only poor resource management and not correctly taking into account externalities of pollution into the markplace in creating government rules (and conservative economic theory means making rules to deal with externalities) but also caused by just too many people. It’s sad, but likely some horrible virus like bird flu killing most of the population is the only way in which the planet remains habitable. The fact that only Communist China has successfully been able to reduce their population through non-economic policy declarations (as opposed to restricting resources) is a sad commentary on some of the problems of democracy when so many people just can’t understand math and instead embrace religion. (China also is a large contributor to pollution and this is not meant as exculpation of the Chinese Communist Party, but rather a brutal look at how religion has played a large role in decimating the environment.)
If people weren’t religious, they could understand these problems. But instead religious idiots take pleasure in making fun of Greta Thunberg as woke because they are literally too stupid to analyze graphs and intelligently assess data. That’s okay, if humankind lacks the intelligence to deal with this problem, then war famine and plagues will perhaps succeed since human reasoning have failed. Religion allows these people the comforts and safety of their delusions as a cocoon away from the anxiety and fear caused by dealing with reality, which can be harsh. Unfortunately, people in this delusional cocoon make really stupid decisions so we’re probably all going to die.
Often when bacterial populations with limited space and infinite glucose supplies are left to their own, they pollute and pollute and population grows exponentially until suddenly the pollution is too much and nearly all of them die. Glucose = oil; petri dish = earth; colony collapse in a petri dish = 7.99 billion people suddenly dying.
If some horrible disease like bird flu suddenly killed 4 billion people, perhaps AI could swoop down from the metaphorical cloud and help humanity manage resources in time to stop us from all dying, but probably it’s too late for even that.
(When you hear Elon Musk say people need to populate the planet even more, I think he knows what is about to happen and is taking the rational position that fleeing earth is the best option for survival and it will be hard to flee earth is everyone is so scared of death they stop working. So his message of “everything is fine, let’s increase the population and also thereby pollution even more” is dishonest, but highly rational. I don’t know if this is actually what he thinks. His hostility towards trans people also seems strange so I suppose it’s possible he is that illogical, but his response to that may be a result of a lack of empathy caused by severe autism, whereas telling people to keep increasing their numbers may be a rational lie so he can increase the likelihood of fleeing earth prior to planetary collapse.)
A certain subset of people have given up on trying to convince people of anything or do anything, figuring it’s like arguing with the sun rising and setting and that planetary biosphere collapse is just an inevitable part of nature. Others set themselves on fire to warn people, some people hold cardboard signs and gather and chant and think that will change capitalist societies and wake people up from the delusions of religions, deprogramming people through signs held up by large numbers of people. A lot of people are aware on some level, but don’t like to feel existential dread and so they just sort of ignore it.
- Comment on Humanity making progress like it always does 8 months ago:
It’s a very funny commentary on how we’re all about to die!
Why didn’t the scientists warn us that pollution was bad? Where were the scientists lighting themselves on fire in protest?
This is all science’s fault!
- Comment on Should I permanently leave Israel? 8 months ago:
I don’t know if this is right.
Let’s look at global warming and environmental pollution.
I am of the belief that based on the mathematical trends, the bulk of us are all going to die through total environmental collapse within 200 years. If you have a petri dish and there’s bacteria in it, and you give it unlimited nutrients (similar how today’s society uses oil to produce things far beyond what the environment would normally allow), eventually there is bacterial colony collapse due to pollution. If you look at the trends, they are very bad, and because most people don’t understand how math works and don’t really believe in science, or are struggling too much to care, and because many people believe in religions that promise an afterlife and suggest a deity or deities would not allow destruction of the earth due to poor resource management, there’s not really a way to stop this trend. One climate scientist set himself on fire to try to warn people about what is happening. It made the papers, for 1 day, and then people went back to not caring.
I like the idea of what you are saying, but everything is going to end someday, right? Why should this person throw their life away on some cause when they don’t believe in it, to spend their life changing something that may not be changeable?
People believe in religion. And people are stupid. You can’t deprogram everyone, there’s too many religious idiots. And therefore we’re all going to die because people believe in fairy tales and not environmental science.
So that being said, does political activism even make sense? If the lemmings are all about to fall off the cliff, do you try to stop them? Do you try to convince them as they are falling off the cliff? What if you are tied up and they are carrying you off the cliff with them? Do you keep trying to reason with them? At what point do you just take a deep breath and enjoy the view? (I know lemmings don’t really do this.)
Even if you think the highly intelligent people of the world should band together to try to stop the madness of the others who can’t understand science and logic, how would it be possible? Reasoning with them doesn’t work, trying to impact politics doesn’t work because either capitalists are greedily exploiting people and therefore want to hold political power or communists are too obsessed with controlling people and let the environment become destroyed as a result, or the government is controlled by religious zealots in which the goal is relieving the existential anxiety of many people through made up fairy tales. There’s not really a way to stop this train, of environmental catastrophe. Look at the graphs, study how the oceans work, look at how pollution is exponentially increasing. Small changes will not improve things. You also have seemingly “smart” people who are often either psychopathic or autistic advocating for a greater population and saying global warming is a scam and some of them are high profile people and often their beliefs are either rooted in nihilism, selfishness, or the belief that technological progress will somehow be some sort of deus ex machina savior that will swoop down and change exponential trends and this confuses the stupid religious people that make up the bulk of society who think that if high profile smart people don’t believe in global warming, then everything is fine. It’s not actually just global warming, it’s massive amounts of pollution, all sorts of different kinds, massive amounts of environmental destruction, all sorts of kinds. And so while we’re debating abortion rights and pronouns and the minutia of LGBT and religious intersectionality, the exponential trends do not care and keep on exponenting.
So yeah, I think what you’re posting is a noble idea. But… it may not matter. Unless a large part of the population dies, without destroying the environment in the process, this planet ain’t going to be that habitable for that much longer, and even with a huge reduction in population it’s probably too late. When bacterial colonies collapse, it isn’t slow and gradual… everything is fine… everything is fine… then WHAM!!! a huge sudden decline and barely any bacteria are able to survive. It’s possible I’m reading all the data wrong, and everything will be fine. I don’t know though, it doesn’t look good to me. The biggest wild card seems like it’s the oceans and what happens to the planet when the oceans fundamentally change due to chemical properties being changes in aggregate and whether tipping points will suddenly result in changes wildly increasing even faster. People don’t really listen to good smart scientist that much when there’s no profit motive to listen. That guy who set himself on fire to try to warn people really tried, he was really trying to warn people. And it did nothing. I think the only way this planet ends up surviving without becoming nearly uninhabitable is if a worse pandemic shows up and eliminates over 2/3rd of people. That will probably end up happening, either accidentally or intentionally by someone or a government that can see the data and ends up making the hard ugly decision.
I like your post, but I like the post too about just enjoying life as much as you can. This conflict isn’t minutia of course and perhaps it’s worth fighting for, but against the backdrop of looming environmental catastrophe and scientific illiteracy, combined with a planet literally primarily controlled by people who believe in religion, which is all balderdash, is there really a reason to keep trying to change society? You can’t reason with math, or have optimism and a dialogue with math. It’s just math.
It’s a lot like how Ozempic has changed people’s perception of obesity. It used to all be about will power and diets and exercise. Even Oprah was saying you could change things. And then Ozempic came along, and we all realized will power only did so much, and a lot of it was just math and brain chemistry and free will was perhaps an illusion when it came to obesity. It’s the same with religion and irrationality and autistic CEO millionaires who say everything is fine, as long as we leave the planet before it collapses, and it’s the same with politicians and corporate industry groups that try to make policy favorable to their bottom line: the disgusting aspects of humanity that are dooming us are a part of nature too. Religion is nature, ozempic is nature, war is nature. We have no control and never did. It doesn’t mean that “giving up” is always rational.
However, look at the data. It’s too late. We’re too late. The change already had to happen. And it didn’t. Now we wait to all die. Perhaps a worse pandemic will save what’s left of the planet. I don’t claim to be right about any of this. Listen to the guy who set himself on fire, not me. He was pretty sure.