- Comment on What is the equivalent stereotype of 'women should all be homemakers,' for men? 8 months ago:
Actually the one you play with a skull. Most call it Griffball though.
- Comment on It's gonna be so good! 8 months ago:
Yeah, the steak looks like it was cooked some before the eggs were dropped in, so it won't be the prettiest but should cook and taste just fine.
- Comment on Talking about your hobbies 9 months ago:
Just bought a hard drive today thanks to memorial day sales so I can dual boot and transition to Linux. Trying to decide between PonyOS, Hannah Montana OS, Pop OS, or Arch
- Comment on Scientific dietary advice 9 months ago:
This and glue sauce are so worrisome. Like sure most people probably know better than to actually do that, but what about the ones they don't know? How many know how bad it is to mix bleach and ammonia? How long until Google AI is poisoned enough to recommend that?
- Comment on Kingdom Hearts is coming to Steam - June 13 9 months ago:
Do you have any documentation on this you can link because it doesn't really make sense what you mean and I love learning about these things. Most of the cutscenes will be rendered in engine so nothing special there, and the pre-rendered ones if they used an unusual codec I don't get why the codec isn't baked into the game files which would render that also a moot problem.
- Comment on The Spectacular Failure of the Star Wars Hotel — Jenny Nicholson 9 months ago:
Evermore makes me so sad. All that potential and a dream that just wasn't. It's planned theming was much more my speed too.
- Comment on Ball's in your court, Mikey. 9 months ago:
My coffee table is also above a basement, so I'll have to reinforce the joists, and probably the whole support of the house. Eh, I'll just make a scale copy out of Styrofoam on my CNC or something.
- Comment on Ball's in your court, Mikey. 9 months ago:
I think the Pietà on my coffee table would be more of a conversation starter.
- Comment on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9 months ago:
Even if this is lowercase and the dot on the
differentiates then thel
would still be a dot. - Comment on Every day we stray further from God's light 9 months ago:
Uh, have you had a food allergy test? Nothing in there should cause problems. It's just a regular bbq plate, but layered. Staple of the South and most don't have problems like that.
- Comment on Every day we stray further from God's light 9 months ago:
A tiramisu is a sweet lasagna. You have alternating layers of carb and sauce and cheese mixture of some kind.
A shepherd's pie is it's own unique thing as there are no alternating layers and the cheese layers are not mandatory.
The French parfait (different from what you're probably thinking) is a flipped shepherd's pie.
The American parfait is lasagna, as it's usually alternating layers of carb, fruits (with their sauce, often very jammy), and not cheese but a dairy mixture still.
- Comment on Hi-Fi Rush Gets Final Patch To Fix Minor Issues, Reconfirms Limited Physical Edition 9 months ago:
Option 3: pull up a list of the developers and venmo them each 10¢ then go pirate the game?
I'm only half kidding.
- Comment on My favorite photo from my vacation! 9 months ago:
Beached - hauled up or stranded on a beach.
Beach - a strip of land covered with sand, pebbles, or small stones at the edge of a body of water, especially by the ocean between high- and low-water marks.Dangit, you're right, try as I might I'm having a hard time twisting those definitions to anything other than the colloquially accepted meaning.
- Comment on I don't like M&M's 😔 9 months ago:
No, I didn't have the time to put into it. I was already part of a Celtic group and the community orchestra so those songs always got priority, but I was nowhere near good enough to take lead on any (I was the youngest in the Celtic group and the only kid in the community orchestra full of music teachers, so I cut myself some slack, lol)
- Comment on who's tried it? what does it taste like? 9 months ago:
Dry is used both for the sugar content and the mouth feel from tannins in wine, but yeah, it's usually referring to the residual grape sugars left after fermentation. Dry = low sugar,
- Comment on who's tried it? what does it taste like? 9 months ago:
Although technically coffee beans might fall under the literal definition of "burnt", most use it to mean overcooked, which coffee beans aren't, they're cooked just enough. Unless you're Starbucks, then yes they're burnt
- Comment on who's tried it? what does it taste like? 9 months ago:
Ukrainian water, da. будмо
- Comment on I don't like M&M's 😔 9 months ago:
Yeah, violin 1. It's surprisingly simple overall for how impactful a piece of us.
- Comment on I don't like M&M's 😔 9 months ago:
I've actually played this! 🙌🏻 Well, some. My teacher made me learn a good chunk of it when I was learning third position. It's a great piece.
- Comment on I don't like M&M's 😔 9 months ago:
Cat music slaps. You might also like Meow mix
Here's some gummies to munch while you listen
- Comment on I don't like M&M's 😔 9 months ago:
Oh man this hit me right in the feels. Love it. Pretty much the only happy memories I have with my dad are the like once a year gold panning trips he'd take me on, he'd always blast bluegrass and southern gospel on the like 4 hour drive into the mountains. (I actually made my wife's wedding ring from that gold). I stopped listening to much in college. I should go back and listen to more. It's more folk but this song reminded me of This Too Shall Pass by Danny Schmidt.
Anyways. Enjoy the gummies:
- Comment on I don't like M&M's 😔 9 months ago:
- Comment on I don't like M&M's 😔 9 months ago:
I just got some sour gummies. Big bag. I'll share with everyone who leaves a book or song recommendation
- Comment on Am I supposed to ask stupid questions here, or *not* ask stupid questions? 9 months ago:
No, Stupid, Questions!
- Comment on Microsoft's payment to Bobby Kotick would cover the salaries of Tango Gameworks and Arkane Austin employees for over 17 years. 9 months ago:
But apparently it can't cover the cost of monopoly go!? That, that amuses me. I need to look into that one more.
- Comment on Can somebody explain why game makers don't start their own companies together? 9 months ago:
My gaming groups (both tabletop and video) are leaning into experimental phase of trying new stuff. Count me in if I ever come across your release in the wild.
On the music and visual side. If at all possible I highly recommend finding or hiring someone to at least review what you have and advise, if not doing all the work. There's so much to both that it takes ages to get right but they can have such a huge impact as you seem to know.
- Comment on If somebody spends the whole day watching fox or religious propaganda, gets worked up and all he can think of is owning a liberal or converting an unbeliever, is this person a victim or just gullible? 9 months ago:
I've looked into this before for arguments with my mother trying to get her to stop saying there's a gay agenda. Her argument was because I enjoy the videogames and sci-fi I wasn't smart enough to understand the truth. The science has actually been done (though I'm sure more still needs to be done).
Research by a scientist named Schwartz in 2016 showed that those predisposed to anti-social behaviour are also naturally pre-disposed to watch more TV. When accounting for genetic traits, previous research into negative affects of TV didn't hold up amongst children and young adults (mentally, physically yes, but we already knew sedentary lifestyle has negative impacts).
A (I Believe Johns Hopkins but I'm going from memory) 20 year data evaluation released in 2021 showed that excessive TV can contribute to cognitive decline over time (they measured a 0.5% reduction amongst the adults they tested). The main scientist I remember saying they didn't account for type of media and did think educational content like documentaries would have a smaller impact though he couldn't guess by how much. His worry wasn't about the average adult making decisions but rather preserving as much mental capacity long term so as to help reduce impacts of dementia.
A 2023 UK study backed up the 2021 and 2016 study. Excess causes increased health risks and a long term small measurable cognitive decline.
Everything I've seen points to, for the most part, the amount being the problem as with everything. Moderation is key and living a diverse life that stimulates you mentally overall is important. Manga or Marvel movies when you want to relax is not going to rot your brain. Only consuming them will, same as with any type of media or genre.
- Comment on If somebody spends the whole day watching fox or religious propaganda, gets worked up and all he can think of is owning a liberal or converting an unbeliever, is this person a victim or just gullible? 9 months ago:
Seriously, blaming entertainment (actual entertainment, not "news" that weasels in court calling itself entertainment) has been a thing since the stone ages. It wasn't true about rock and roll, it wasn't true about dime novels, it's not true now about superhero stuff.
- Comment on Microsoft Closes Redfall Developer Arkane Austin, Hi-Fi Rush Developer Tango Gameworks, and More in Devastating Cuts at Bethesda 9 months ago:
Halo infinite multiplayer is free. The forge community has created a battle royale mode I've heard. Maybe give it a shot? I don't know anything other than it exists.
I personally can't stand battle royale games, so sorry, but I hope the next isn't. It's just not what Halo is. If they released a mode, or a side game as a Battle Royale I'm all for it, but not a full main game.
I feel the burnout though. My normal gaming friends and I are in a mode of trying new games right now and don't play together as much.
- Comment on Microsoft Closes Redfall Developer Arkane Austin, Hi-Fi Rush Developer Tango Gameworks, and More in Devastating Cuts at Bethesda 9 months ago:
It's possible people won't accept a new game just because of the name attached, but that's not what I'm seeing.
I still play Infinite pretty heavily and most of the people I chat with there are saying the same, thank the lord leadership changed, let's give it a year or two and see.
After that, who knows.