Bleach and ammonia is a meme, and they’re pulling from Reddit for answers, so I expect, not long at all
Comment on Scientific dietary advice 9 months ago
This and glue sauce are so worrisome. Like sure most people probably know better than to actually do that, but what about the ones they don't know? How many know how bad it is to mix bleach and ammonia? How long until Google AI is poisoned enough to recommend that? 9 months ago 9 months ago
We call that “pulling a Peggy Hill” 9 months ago
Dang itbPeggy, you taught the whole town how to make mustard gas! 9 months ago
Hmm, I feel like the people dumb enough to believe that have significant overlap with people who wouldn’t trust Google / “Big Tech” in the first place 9 months ago
It only takes one to kill an entire building full of people. 9 months ago
Yes, the issue is not the glaring error we catch and laugh about; it’s the one that fly under the radar. This could potentially be dramatic.