- Comment on Eat it 4 days ago:
- Comment on Science has not gone far enough 2 weeks ago:
2 pillow connoisseur here, it’s not perfect but it’s def better than being a 1 pillow andy.
- Comment on Not trying to choose a side but when did Dems become well wussies? They Have FDR, JFK, OBAMA, Clinton, under their belt. The Reps have Reagan. How come the Dems don't fight fire with fire anymore? 2 weeks ago:
Occam’s barbershop.
- Comment on What is the point of the Nicole spam? 2 weeks ago:
I already asked 2 scammers on discord for bathwater and they never took me up on it :( it’s a cruel world
- Comment on Is there any other way to interpret these comments (convo between a 20 year old and 14 year old) 2 weeks ago:
What was the calculation again?
20/2 + 7 = 17, he’s literally below the date range calculation.
And arguable you change so much between 15 and 20, I always hated the thought of dating a 19yo at 23. This is way off.
- Comment on Is there any other way to interpret these comments (convo between a 20 year old and 14 year old) 2 weeks ago:
What she is requesting is sexual depictions of a minor. Depending on how it’s drawn that is probably illegal in the US.
She could request anything, but she requests a sexual depictions of a minor, even though she probably knows that it’s most likely illegal.
If it’s unethical, there’s room for argument I guess. But this goes further, and usually if something violates a law, in most cases we’re past the ethical debate and straight into criminal prosecution territory.
TL;DR there’s no other way to view this.
- Comment on Day 232 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 2 weeks ago:
This game is beautiful.
I remember when I played it the first time, I sat on the ship, fishing, and I realized how the water changes colors with the weather, and it was the prettiest game I’ve seen, and I was just in awe. I never had that with any other game.
If the gameplay was a bit more complex, I would’ve spent years in this game I’m sure.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
They exist, but there’s an equally high chance you encountered a troll.
- Comment on It really is like this 1 month ago:
- Comment on When you think you've got it bad 2 months ago:
More like genocide, authoritarianism and natural disasters.
- Comment on How do I realistically get out of the US? 2 months ago:
Did I pass the immigration test?
- Comment on Resume help 2 months ago:
That’s genuinely a good strategy, I might use this.
- Comment on Why do AI bros and other staunch AI defenders seem happy about the potential of killing off the creative industries? 2 months ago:
Let me chime in as someone who would probably fall under your definition of an AI defender.
How do I defend AI? Well, I think AI really flips the world on it’s head. Including all the good and the bad that comes from it. I still think the industrialization is a good metaphor. Things changed a lot. A lot of people were pissed. Now we don’t mind as much anymore, because it’s the new normal, but at the time, most people weren’t happy about it.
Same with AI. I think overall it’s a plus, but obviously it comes with new pitfalls. LLM hallucinations, the need for more complex copyright and licensing definitions, impersonation, etc. . It’s not entirely great, but I totality, when the dust settles, it will be a helpful tool to make our lives easier.
So why do I defend AI? Basically, because I think it will happen, whether you like it or not. Even if the law will initially make it really strict, society will change their mind about it. It might be slowly, but it’s just too useful to outlaw.
Going back to industrialization metaphor, we adapted it over a longer period of time. Yes, it forever changed how most things are made, but it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s just a thing. And even though lots of logistics chains are streamlined, there’s always gonna be handmade things and unique things. Ofc, not everything is handmade, but some important things still are. And for both of them, there’s some stuff that’s totally fine to be automated, and then there’s some stuff that just loses it’s value if we just gloss over with automation.
Now I don’t want AI to just roam free (ofc not, there’s some really bad stuff happening and I’m not pretending that it’s not) but what we need is laws and enforcement against it, and not against AI.
Imagine if most countries outlawed AI. It would make all AI companies and users move operation to that one country that still allows it, making it impossible to oversee and enforce against. So we better find a good strategy to allow it for all the things where it doesn’t do damage.
Now let me address some specific points you brought up;
In the near future no one will “need” to be a writer
But isn’t this already how it’s going? Only people who wanna be a writer are one, anf it’s good that way.
Also, AI can only remix the art that’s already there, so if you’re doing something completely unique, AI won’t ever be able to replace you. I find that somehow validating for the people who make awesome and unique art. I think that’s how it should be.
Do these people not see or feel the human behind the art at all?
I do. And that’s the exact reason I’m not concerned. Everyone who puts in the work to make something very particular to them should not be impacted in any way.
Now there’s an argument to be made how consent for training data is given (opt-in / opt-out) and what licensing for the models can and should look like, but this is my very basic opinion.
Are these really opinions you have encountered outside of the internet?
I may have about one friend out of 30 who thinks like me.
I mean I am living proof we exist, but I can’t say this is a popular opinion, which is fair.
I don’t want people to mindlessly agree, I want them to come their own opinions because of their own research and presumptions.
I also don’t expect you to agree with me, but I hope some people will understand my perspective and maybe this brings a bit more nuance to this bipolar conversation.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 months ago:
This is a video about it, which I think takes a very sobering approach to it. Her humor tends to be very dark, but if you look at the comment section, she seems to be hitting it head on.
Now for solutions, I don’t know anyone who talks about it beyond the basics of “listen to men” and “give them a healthier and less judgy space to develop social skills”. But that’s probably because this is such a complex issue and there seems to be no simple solution.
- Comment on how do I become the dullest, most boring coworker so this needy man leaves me alone? 3 months ago:
Just tell him you don’t talk a lot because you need to concentrate at work and you always keep it professional because you wanna separate work and private life.
Small chance it might be awkward for a bit but he will respect it. Unless he is an asshole then you don’t owe friendliness.
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 3 months ago:
I think it’s 6-12 jurors (although it tends to be on the higher end because of dicta of the supreme court
or I’m missing something
- Submitted 3 months ago to [deleted] | 500 comments
- Comment on You best start believing in a cyberpunk dystopia 3 months ago:
Doggo delivers mana powder until he gets head pats.
- Comment on My brothers Chuwi laptop had major problems. Now he got a wal-mart gift card for the price he paid for the Chuwi. He is eyeing an HP laptop with 256gb ssd. Is that the same as a regular harddrive? 3 months ago:
Asus sounds good.
Also heard and have seen it from HP work notebooks, wouldn’t wanna buy them now.
Also older Acer or Lenovo laptops used to have a bunch of bloatware on there. Idk if that changed significantly. I do have to say, think pads haven’t let me down though.
- Comment on My brothers Chuwi laptop had major problems. Now he got a wal-mart gift card for the price he paid for the Chuwi. He is eyeing an HP laptop with 256gb ssd. Is that the same as a regular harddrive? 3 months ago:
If he downloads a lot of movies that might get annoying, but if he’s just streaming them from a Netflix app or something that’s totally doable.
If he plays fallout idk how demanding that is to your disk, but games in general profit from faster storage. Movies usually don’t as much.
If he plays a lot of AAA games that are bigger, his drive will get crowded real quick with 256gb. If it’s just a few fallout games, he will be fine I think.
That said, 256gb is on the lower end of modern notebook hardware FYI, even on SSDs.
- Comment on My brothers Chuwi laptop had major problems. Now he got a wal-mart gift card for the price he paid for the Chuwi. He is eyeing an HP laptop with 256gb ssd. Is that the same as a regular harddrive? 3 months ago:
The storage sizes are universal, 256gb is 256gb. Just on an SSD it’s faster.
- Comment on My brothers Chuwi laptop had major problems. Now he got a wal-mart gift card for the price he paid for the Chuwi. He is eyeing an HP laptop with 256gb ssd. Is that the same as a regular harddrive? 3 months ago:
HDD is like a CD, slower but more storage.
SSDs are like flash drives, they are faster but you not as much storage.
Also if your drive breaks, an HDD often only fails in part so your data might be recoverable. If SSDs fail, they fail all the way, and there’s no way to get it back.
And then there’s some quirks about secure delete, fragmentation, the amount certified writes and things like that, but this is only a broad overview.
Also if you hear internal or external, that means external you gotta plug in via USB, while internal drives you have to open your case, insert the drive and connect it to the mainboard and power supply.
And M.2 drives are just way smaller SSDs that are always internal and they can be a lot faster than normal SSDs, but they need their own special slot on the mainboard.
I hope this helps :)
Also asking for the certified hardware nerds to correct and supplement my comment ^^
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 4 months ago:
Have fun playing :D
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 4 months ago:
Warframe. Inching closer to 3.000h currently.
It does come in waves, but every once in a while I go all in again and lose myself in the infinite things you can do.
- Comment on He's a party guy 4 months ago:
I think there’s currently over a hundred potential victims individually or collectively suing him.
And before anyone starts searching, please take this trigger warning. It’s one of those cases that seems to have about the worst allegation making him look like a real monster.
We’ll see how much of that will stick in trial but it’s looking really bad for him.
- Comment on Black owner here.... without context that sounds really bad 4 months ago:
Yes. There is either asshole or asshole but purrs occasionally.
- Comment on Tavern Master, the popular inn management game (~9K reviews at very positive), releases their Pirates Retreat DLC on Steam 4 months ago:
Lovely game tbh, can recommend if you just wanna have something to do for a while without thinking too much.
- Comment on if you workout and run, would you recommend a merino wool base or mid layer for autumn/winter? or am I going to break it? 4 months ago:
This one is far more important than it seems: take care of you nips! At longer distances they can get bruised so bandaids or similar things are advised.
- Comment on Yes, very much 4 months ago:
I feel you.
Felt that way a lot with friends and it makes me irrationally angry when it happens multiple times in a row, so I make it a point to ask other people what they were gonna say before they got interrupted. Makes everyone be more respectful and the people who get interrupted feel heard and can share their stories still.
But yeah pretty sure this is the exact reason I kinda distanced myself from one of my friends. She didn’t even acknowledge when I said something so I was just present and that’s about the only reason she wanted me there for I assume. Still makes me mad considering how much I tried to improve my social skills and stuff just to be a ghost irl again.
- Comment on What is the male equivalent to a waifu? 4 months ago:
I second that.