- Comment on What is everyone's favoured domain name provider these days? 1 week ago:
Have had a lot of good years with gandi.net
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Logic and love don’t really mix well, life is a bit fuller when you embrace love and let yourself feel vulnerable even if you know it will end in tragedy
- Comment on How do we know this is actually Earth, and not just some torture chamber in Hell and we are just being punished? 4 weeks ago:
We don’t, but it also doesn’t matter.
- Comment on How do you express romantic interest in someone? 5 weeks ago:
I’ve always assumed this is something that comes naturally, when I’m into someone I take a deep interest in then, ask then questions about their passion, follow up and remember when they tell me things, try to spend time together either in a group or solo, look at them, talk to them eventually about my interest.
There’s no formula and it isn’t some mystical ritual or anything, just treat them well, smile at them, look at them, touch them appropriately and with consent, be engaged and interested in who they are. Don’t fall into the trap of feeling like all members of the opposite sex are a unified being, every person is different and the opposite sex is made up of people just like you, maybe with different bits if you subscribe to that type of gender identity.
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 5 weeks ago:
Life has no point, you’re just energy given form (literally, not metaphorically or superstitiously or some shit, mass and energy are the same thing)
Hedonism is easy to fall into, and arguably fine, if you don’t find life worth living but can’t muster the enthusiasm to end it, you should try to change your environment.
For me, life is worth living for stories, I love books and the experience of being something different for a time. I have built my life around lazy evenings on the sofa with my cat on my lap reading a book, or playing a comfortable game, nothing else matters to me at all. It’s easy to be content if your requirements are minimal.
Life is an odd phenomenon, we’re blessed or cursed with consciousness, may as well do something you enjoy. If you don’t know what you enjoy then try more stuff.
- Comment on Cat, Coast, and Sky 5 weeks ago:
The painting is so silly
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Assuming you already own a home, and the stock market stonks upward forever, yeah. Otherwise you’re renting and in 30 years when rent is 15k/month you’re outta luck.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
A million dollars doesn’t really change your life much, the biggest difference is probably owning a home or having more money invested, but you’re still going to have to work.
- Comment on Who here does NOT have intrusive thoughts? 1 month ago:
It’s pretty rare for me to think of things I’m not keen on thinking about, redirection is the key. Treat your brain like a toddler trying to touch the stove, saying no doesn’t work, you have to give both something interesting to distract them.
- Comment on Anon has a busy day 1 month ago:
You’re saying you’ve only ever watched one tv show ever? That’s wild
- Comment on Doordash deserves it's fate 1 month ago:
I don’t disagree, but jobs are already hard to come by, puahing people out of the only jobs they can find is a rough solution
- Comment on 1 month ago:
You can continue to buy goods with tarrifs to support the canadians, the price for you to support them is the tariff
- Comment on Trump Orders End to All Wind Energy Permits | The worst case scenario for the wind industry is here. 2 months ago:
Man’s afraid of wind energy, love that for him
- Comment on Favorite retro games? 2 months ago:
Final fantasy tactics Dragon quest monsters
- Comment on How am I supposed to obtain income? 3 months ago:
This is not legal advice.
- Comment on How much salt water to kill a tree? 7 months ago:
Just collect your tears and pour them over the tree, plenty of salt coming out of you
- Comment on Don't Let Your Domain Name Become a "Sitting Duck" 7 months ago:
The researchers say Sitting Duck domains all possess three attributes that makes them vulnerable to takeover:
1) the domain uses or delegates authoritative DNS services to a different provider than the domain registrar;
2) the authoritative name server(s) for the domain does not have information about the Internet address the domain should point to;
3) the authoritative DNS provider is “exploitable,” i.e. an attacker can claim the domain at the provider and set up DNS records without access to the valid domain owner’s account at the domain registrarList of vulnerable: github.com/indianajson/can-i-take-over-dns
- Comment on How does car insurance on multiple vehicles work (USA) 8 months ago:
A MONTH?! Jfc I pay like $50/month for one vehicle
- Comment on Wise Wooly Pachyderm 11 months ago:
Reminds me of the traumatic “it takes two” scene