- Comment on Is it risky for me to fly with a severe peanut allergy? 17 hours ago:
- This is not medical advice
- Ask your doctor
- Talk to the airline. They can at least tell you if they carry peanuts on their flights. And you should inform them if you go, to make sure the crew knows
- On overnight flights they often serve one or two full meals. I don’t recall being served peanuts on one, but it’s possible some of their meal options include nuts
- Comment on Why don't states in the US come up with their own health insurance program? So people can pay into it prolly less then what they pay now and the state put the money in a bank and use the interest for 1 week ago:
The percentage varies, but the federal government funds more than half.
- Comment on Why would a UTF-8 MySQL backup contain invalid UTF-8 characters? 1 month ago:
The Unicode standard allows, but recommends against, adding a BOM for utf8 files. Utf8 does not need them.
I’ve only seen Microsoft tools adding that, and it breaks some parsers.
Please don’t add BOM to utf8 files unless for some reason you need them.
- Comment on Why would a UTF-8 MySQL backup contain invalid UTF-8 characters? 1 month ago:
Character encoding and type coercion errors are so common. But a lot of bugs also come from programs trying to do “the right thing”. Like in OP’s case: they are just trying to import some data and maybe the data was never even intended to be interpreted as utf8, but the tool they are using to remove the commands wants to treat it that way. Sometimes the safest thing to do is to just assume data is binary until you care otherwise.
- Comment on Why would a UTF-8 MySQL backup contain invalid UTF-8 characters? 1 month ago:
Not sure if this helps you, but for anyone working with utf8 and MySQL, it’s worth reading up on the details of their Unicode support. Especially the part where it says that ‘utf8’ is an alias for ‘utf8mb3’, which may not be compatible with what other systems consider to be ‘utf8’. If you aren’t careful with this you will have problems, especially with high code points, like emoji.
- Comment on I thought it was an easy question ... 3 months ago:
Meanwhile, in Unicode land…
- Comment on how do I accept that a doctor earns more than double what I do? 5 months ago:
Check with your employer if they will help with your continued education somehow. My employer, for example, will reimburse some tuition costs if you get a degree while working there.
As a nurse you can continue up to and including a PhD. Or you can go to medical school and become an MD. There are many options. Try to find a few that sound interesting and learn more about them.
If you feel you have unused potential, maybe making a change in your career is just what you need. Even if you just look into what it would take, it could put things in perspective for you.
- Comment on How many squirrels do you think you could take in a fight to the death? 5 months ago:
Your move, Blizzard and Bethesda. This is the boss fight we need.
- Comment on Why 🤷♂️ do users 👨💻 dislike 👎 the use ✅ of emojis 😀 on Lemmy 🐭? 5 months ago:
I don’t mind them when used appropriately, but remember that us old people may struggle to make out which emoji were looking at when the text is small.
To my eyes it also looks out of place in professional writing, so I would find it hard to take you seriously if you use emojis in such a context.
TL;DR: in a casual context, go nuts, but avoid for important communication where clarity and professionalism matters.
- Comment on What has he done to deserve this? 6 months ago:
That’s probably what it is. I didn’t go to school in the US but my kids went to school in Ohio and my impression was that metric was not the primary system of units used in education, though it was taught.
The argument I hear most often from people defending the US customary units is that the units are more intuitive. For example, an inch is about the size of a thumb, or 0 degrees is fucking cold and 100 is fucking hot.
On the whole, people seem receptive to metric, but don’t want the hassle or cost to convert. They seem content to use metric where it’s important (science, military) and keep the old ways elsewhere.
I currently with in healthcare research and almost everything not patient facing is done in metric, but there are still conversions going on everywhere, leading to data problems that are hard to correct later. People used to thinking in ounces putting those where grams were supposed to go, and so on.
- Comment on What has he done to deserve this? 6 months ago:
Did you go to school in the 70s or 80s? I don’t think it’s like that anymore.
- Comment on PSA: Libraries 6 months ago:
Reminder to vote for any library funding levy in your area. They depend on it to stay open.
- Comment on Why are weather apps so bad at telling you the current weather? 7 months ago:
Unless I misunderstood what you said, that’s not it either. 50% chance of rain means exactly that: according to their forecast models, there is a 50% change it will rain. Snopes did a writeup of this.
- Comment on LOCK EM UP 7 months ago:
And better yet, he’s not running for re-election.
- Comment on Eat it 7 months ago:
Even more boring, you do need a license.
- Comment on It's like a more challenging version of the trolley problem 8 months ago:
Depends on if you’re a tits or an ass guy, I guess?
- Comment on Disable windows updates 8 months ago:
Yes, unless it is encrypted, in which case you need a way to decode that. You can even boot an OS from a USB thumb drive to recover files from a hard drive.
- Comment on Disable windows updates 8 months ago:
Is moving the drive to another computer as a secondary drive an option? Or put it in a separate USB enclosure? That way you don’t need to boot it at all, unless it’s encrypted or something.
- Comment on Roland secured his legacy 8 months ago:
He was a “flautist” alright.
- Comment on is there a legal way to consume alcohol bought at a store, outside of a home, hotel room, etc.? 10 months ago:
I grew up in Norway, but haven’t lived there for some time. When I first read this I was like “bullshit. you can drink anywhere”. But, I looked it up and you are correct. However, it is not very often enforced unless you’re being a nuisance. Drinking and driving on the other hand is taken very seriously. Don’t even gamble with that a little bit in Norway.