- Comment on Skill issue 1 day ago:
Think about how bad you would be if you hated women. You’re really skill-maxing.
- Comment on 20 Trump Supporters Take on 1 Progressive (feat. Sam Seder) | Surrounded 2 days ago:
Clearly, some people haven’t seen Sam Seder ambush Steven crowder, who quaked with fear.
- Comment on 20 Trump Supporters Take on 1 Progressive (feat. Sam Seder) | Surrounded 2 days ago:
Oh NO: Sam Seder! What a fucking nightmare!
- Comment on Video Game Workers Launch Industry-Wide Union with Communications Workers of America 1 week ago:
I read this as ‘cause delays for the Polish’ and was like, “What did the Polish do?”
- Comment on Video Game Workers Launch Industry-Wide Union with Communications Workers of America 1 week ago:
I’m looking forward to strikes delaying games. Unironically looking forward to it.
- Comment on PC gamers spend 92% of their time on older games, oh and there are apparently 908 million of us now 1 week ago:
Oh, I’m sorry, I thought I just didn’t like games/am depressed/games are getting BETTER, actually.
- Comment on Anon hates condom 4 weeks ago:
I save mine in a milk jug to drink later. Can’t let any of my vital essence go to waste.
- Comment on Rainbow Six Siege X - Teaser Trailer 4 weeks ago:
Can we PLEASE get modes? Siege would be ideal for trouble in terrorist town.
- Comment on Costco and investors could pay big time for its DEI policies 1 month ago:
Go woke, be crushed by ‘small government’ amirite?
- Comment on What's the best way to respond to a gaslighter who repeatedly uses "you can't speak for my intentions" as a gotcha? 1 month ago:
While I agree with most of what you are saying, I don’t think this is an example of gaslighting. This is just run of the mill dishonesty.
- Comment on Anon visits a bookstore 1 month ago:
“Warhammer 40k novels, thoe most superb prose. Only the finest for the Gentlemen. Ah yes, ‘adult manga’ of course. 1984? Perfection. Of course, I haven’t read it. I just need a copy to throw at minorities. It is truly an excellent work.”
- Comment on Hogwarts Legacy - PC Modding Update 1 month ago:
Just give a wealthy person a pass on their bigotry. COMEON! PUH-LEEEEZ! They agree with us on other stuff! Why can’t you compromise your values and just give her a pass!
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Give The Finals a try if you like gadgets, arena destruction, and fast gunplay.
- Comment on What is the central tenet(s) of political anarchism? What makes a political philosophy anarchism vs something else? 3 months ago:
Nope. You’re wrong.
- Comment on What is the central tenet(s) of political anarchism? What makes a political philosophy anarchism vs something else? 3 months ago:
Hierarchy must justify its existence, or it must be dismantled.
- Comment on Damn it YouTube! 3 months ago:
I"m just going to watch youtube less.
- Comment on How come people who are against abortion are in favor of the death penalty? Kind of seems like a contradicition/ 5 months ago:
Sure, but OP didn’t ask, ‘How can people call themselves pro-life but are be for the death penalty?’ I’m not one to hang onto whatever catch phrases or name a movement lands with. I expect the land back movement to, say, lay down on the ground as a for of protest? ‘BUT LAND BACK IS IN THE NAAAAAAAME’. Do we think defund the police want there to be nobody to apprehend, say, right-wing terrorists?
- Comment on How come people who are against abortion are in favor of the death penalty? Kind of seems like a contradicition/ 5 months ago:
IS it a contradiction? I don’t agree with the death penalty or anti-abortion position, but I don’t see some essential link between either position. You can hold two different beliefs about two different things is how come.
- Comment on If Donald Trump was black, would he have made it this far in politics? 6 months ago:
Who is Herman Cain? A black man who lost to Romney in the Republican primary. He was a tea party candidate who faced accusations of harrassment and infidelity. He also quoted a song from the Pokemon movie in speeches because he didn’t realize it was not an original song by Donna Summer.
- Comment on if you ever traveled 1K miles by bus, would you recommend it? 6 months ago:
I traveled 730ish miles by bus, and I wouldn’t recommend it. You can bring food on busses. I strongly recommend making sure you have a change of socks and maybe slippers. In every other way, prepare like you might be getting on a plane.
- Comment on Mfw I stop eating meat as an obligate carnivore 6 months ago:
I don’t think I"m going to eat Meatmans meat anymore.
- Comment on Adam Conover's Factually: How 4Chan Took Over the Republican Party with Elle Reeve 6 months ago:
The video is very interesting if you’ve narrowly avoided internet poison.
- Comment on Adam Conover's Factually: How 4Chan Took Over the Republican Party with Elle Reeve 6 months ago:
Very interesting video of you’ve narrowly avoided being internet poisoned
- Comment on Valve lifts NDA on Deadlock, streaming and talking about the game is now allowed. 7 months ago:
I think Overwatch is kind of dog shit and would take that game over Deadlock every time. May as well just skip the shooter and play DOTA.
- Comment on #FixTF2 9 months ago:
Ok? Clearly, Valve isn’t able/willing to fix matchmaking. Help isn’t coming. A business isn’t going to save tf2. This game existed before matchmaking. How do you think it survived? Become a paragon of the community. Be a comrade. Hosting a sever is less than 1 fast food meal a month. You could probably solicit donations, even.
- Comment on #FixTF2 9 months ago:
Private servers. This game was born without match-making, and it can live without it. Tf2 has, maybe, one person working on it. With their non-traditional structure, if staff at Valve wanted to work on it, they would.
- Comment on Furiosa's Box Office Opening Explained: What The Hell Happened With The Mad Max Prequel?! 9 months ago:
I was aware of the movie but didn’t see it because I’m sick of sequels and remakes and prequels and reboots fucking over and over again.
- Comment on Larian Studios has two major games in development and opens new studio in Warsaw 10 months ago:
I’m actually mid play through now. Lots of things I wish they carried over, but overall, I’ve found the sequal to be several steps forward.
- Comment on The Legality of Israel/Palestine Protests on Campus 10 months ago:
Devon is top tier
- Comment on Larian Studios has two major games in development and opens new studio in Warsaw 10 months ago:
Big Fan of Divinity OS 2 and BG3 was very solid. I’m looking forward to seeing them evolve their core formulas and design principles.