- Comment on The number of lines for each character by percentage of the series 8 months ago:
Georgiou also got fridged for Michael’s character development. And then we follow Michael over the timeskip. Right out the gate, the universe exists to tell a story about Michael.
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Prodigy | 2x07 "The Race" 8 months ago:
I think Zero might be a he/they enby
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Prodigy | 2x07 "The Race" 8 months ago:
Insulting Janeway’s coffee is a dangerous move, holo-Rok
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Prodigy | 2x07 "The Race" 8 months ago:
Mariner interrupts Boimler’s captain’s log in S1E1
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Prodigy | 2x06 "Imposter Syndrome" 8 months ago:
Having a good clone protocol is important. Rok had the right idea.
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Prodigy | 2x03 "Who Saves the Saviors?" 8 months ago:
I hope Robert Beltran isn’t around next season. Surely they can recast Chakotay. Maybe give the role to an actual native turtle islander?
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Prodigy | 2x05 "The Mystery Spiral" 8 months ago:
“I haven’t seen a crew this dysfunction since the Cerritos.”
Hey a Lower Decks reference!
- Comment on Anon doesn't like simps 8 months ago:
One trick is to tell stories that don’t go anywhere. Like the time I caught the ferry to Shelbyville? I needed a new heel for m’shoe. So I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. “Gimme five bees for a quarter,” you’d say. Now where were we? Oh, yeah. The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn’t have any white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones…
- Comment on Starship Noise Generator 8 months ago:
This is so cool. I bet Beta Shift would love it.
- Comment on Prodigy Season 2: How do we want to discuss it? 8 months ago:
I’m going to vote ranked choice, because first past the post is antidemocratic!
4, 1, 2, 3
- Comment on Kate Mulgrew told Rick Berman she wanted a gay character on the Voyager bridge 8 months ago:
To be fair the blonde bombshell in a catsuit was initially nonbinary.
And then Janeway immediately gave it conversion therapy and told it to be a woman.
- Comment on Every base is base 10 9 months ago:
Well we write 12 like this: 10
It’s way y
- Comment on Evolution sucks 10 months ago:
Miss you with the greatest passion
- Comment on Polisci 10 months ago:
No, it’s observation. An experiment involves manipulating an independent variable while controlling other variables. There’s none of that in space, not counting the ISS and Apollo. That said, you can still test hypotheses using observation. And that’s equally true in both astronomy and in social sciences.
- Comment on Polisci 10 months ago:
That’s irrelevant. Astronomy and polsci can both only test their hypotheses through observation.
- Comment on Polisci 10 months ago:
What are soft sciences supposed to do when experimental methods are either impractical or unethical?
Same thing astronomy did.
- Comment on Polisci 10 months ago:
Hey genius, if you need experimentation in order for a field to be a real science, then explain how astronomy is a science.
- Comment on Polisci 10 months ago:
It’s mainly called social science in my country.
- Comment on Polisci 10 months ago:
The same is often true of psychology, but psychology is clearly a science.
- Comment on It is apparently controversial 10 months ago:
For someone raised in a city, all bears are strange. Whereas, a man has to have some visible deviation from normal behaviour like a red armband or an anime porn hoodie in order to be strange.
- Comment on yogi knows 10 months ago:
Sex workers are real workers, but princesses are sex bourgeoisie.
- Comment on Self-balancing commuter pods ride old railway lines on demand 10 months ago:
These pods are only used on rails with very low ridership. They would switch to a train if ridership increased.
Look at it this way: you can have a train that has a capacity of 100 people, but it only runs once a day due to the low demand, and only 2 people want to ride it at that time of day…Or you can have 10 pods, which do not require as much railway maintenance, and they can carry the 10 people who actually want to use this railway, completely on demand.
Yeah, a train is better if you want to move ten thousand people a day at peak hour. But this is a cheaper way to move ten people at different times across a day. And it’s a cheaper way of inducing the demand that would justify the more efficient kind of expansion.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
There’s not 0 indication of tone through text. I’m autistic and even I know that. Watch this:
Hey, mate! Good to see ya. How’s the missus doing?
Hello Richard. Thank you for joining us today. Is Selena settling in well?
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
tbh I thought it was satire
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Would you define a long distance relationship that’s lasted for multiple years with daily video chats as online dating?
- Comment on Slightly less than two drinks = positive effect on programming ability. Who's joining? 10 months ago:
So you’re saying you can’t write readable code while drunk
- Comment on Autism 10 months ago:
The world of matter is an illusion created by the mind. The true reality of the world is a network of conscious agents. Everything really is alive.
- Comment on Beans 10 months ago:
Hey, we still laugh at scientists who propose good ideas
- Comment on Anon hates his neighbors 10 months ago:
But he doesn’t want different neighbours. He loves Sponge and Pat.
- Comment on Schools won't be allowed to teach children that they can change their gender ID, reports say 10 months ago:
If you like the tactics soulism adds to the leftist arsenal, you should read the soulist manifesto at soulism.net. There’s only a few dozen of us, but after reading the manifesto, I saw some pretty huge failures in the mainstream leftist worldview. Most leftists want to win a material victory against Capital, but they categorically refuse to deconstruct the social reality created by Capital to control us. Socially, they’re reactive. They take the way their opponent describes the world at face value and only disagree when the scientific method disagrees. But most of our reality is social, not scientific, and the scientific method doesn’t help you with that. The mainstream right is much better at crafting realities - a process we soulists call magic - than the mainstream left is. Escaping the body prison doesn’t really help if you can’t even begin to challenge the mind prison.