- Comment on Boston Creme 10 months ago:
- Comment on Thomas Edison was the Elon musk of his era 10 months ago:
Moral posturing is a an agent provocateur’s strategy? Can you link the document?
- Comment on Thomas Edison was the Elon musk of his era 10 months ago:
Moral posturing on the internet with claims of Marxist purity?
Surely, you jest!](
- Comment on Somebody do something. Somebody? 10 months ago:
Infinite growth at the cost of a habitable planet is good. Corporations are people and need to last forever. Sociopathy is rewarded.
It’s not enough that I have a lot, everyone else has to have a lot less. Forever.
- Comment on Long time 10 months ago:
- Comment on People think onlyfans is weird 10 months ago:
“Dumbass” is in the name.
- Comment on unsure why we are surprised lol 10 months ago:
while we are essentially seeking the same goals.
Authoritarian “leftists” are not seeking the same goals as other leftists.
- Comment on this one goes out to the arts & humanities 10 months ago:
We’re a FAR cry away from Lt. Cmdr. Data.
Yes, I agree. I make deep neural network models for a living. The best of the best LLM models still “hallucinate” unreliably after 30-40 queries. My expertise is in computer vision systems; perhaps that’s been mitigated better as of late.
My point was to emphasize the necessity for us, as a species, to answer the philosophical question and start codifying legal jurisprudence around it well before the moment of self-awareness of a General-Purpose AI.
- Comment on unsure why we are surprised lol 10 months ago:
it cannot be voted in
Technically, it can.
simply ask a billionaire to not be
One doesn’t have to ask; under the very same Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment, the legal argument would be, theoretically, that the vast accumulation of wealth and its legal and political ramifications violates the life, liberty, and property of other citizens.
The dissolution of the union and the United States government is also possible with the ratification of 2/3 majority of the states.
- Comment on unsure why we are surprised lol 10 months ago:
You don’t need the “literally”.
- Comment on this one goes out to the arts & humanities 10 months ago:
I propose that we treat AI as ancillas, companions, muses, or partners in creation and understanding our place in the cosmos.
While there are pitfalls in treating the current generation of LLMs and GANas sentient, or any AI for that matter, there will be one day where we must admit that an artificial intelligence is self-aware and sentient.
To me, the fundamental question about AI, that will reveal much about humanity, is philosophical as much as it is technical: if a being that is artificially created, has intelligence, and is functionally self-aware and sentient, does it have natural rights?
- Comment on unsure why we are surprised lol 10 months ago:
Communism isn’t Communalism.
Yes, that’s true.
Advocating for Communism
… is legal, under the 1st Amendment.
attempting to implement Communism at a national level is illegal
By force, yes. Theoretically, with a broad enough consensus, it could be voted on and enacted.
All pedantry aside, it’s important to differentiate between theory and practice or ideology and an organization.
- Comment on unsure why we are surprised lol 10 months ago:
Who makes that distinction?
Anyone versed in basic political theory.
An ideology and a political organization are obviously different. Just like republicanism and The Republican Party, democracy and The Democratic Party, socialism and The Socialist Party, etc.
destroying the state
That’s technically sedition, so, yes, illegal.
Nowhere in U.S. jurisprudence is “capitalism” (verbatim) explicitly protected as an economic system. The 14th Amendment’s Due Process Clause prevents the state from taking someone’s life, liberty, or property without a proper justification under the laws of the land. The Constitution protects individuals from the government. Freedom to contract is a principle that underpins the basis for a free-market economy.
After the Great Depression, the Court began to treat the freedom to contract as less than absolute, asserting that such freedom may be limited by the State’s interest to protect its citizens. Capitalism is a right guaranteed by the constitution but limited in scope to protect individuals against the dangers of laissez-faire capitalism.
class divides
There are no explicit laws in U.S. jurisprudence (that I know of or have turned up on brief internet searches) that enforce “class divides”.
Be it resources, precious metals, or legal tender, money is protected by the 14th Amendment’s Due Process Clause.
So we can conclude that the advocacy or practice of communism isn’t legal. Forcing people to practice it or overthrowing the government and dissolving The Bill of Rights in order to for people to practice most certainly is.
In my opinion, that’s a good thing.
- Comment on unsure why we are surprised lol 10 months ago:
Invertebrate shit-heels pretending to be tough with Molotov-sippy-cups.
- Comment on unsure why we are surprised lol 10 months ago:
No, it’s not.
- Comment on Germans: what genocide? 11 months ago:
Now that I’ve sufficiently cleared my throat.
In my opinion, Hezbollah and Hamas are proxies for the Shiah Iranians to destabilize the normalization of Israel with their Sunni neighbors. The zionists also benefit from the sundering of any lasting political stability.
The Hamas, the right-wing zionist movement, and the Netanyahu administration historically and currently enable each others barbarity. The Israeli government in this latest conflict has an order of magnitude (at least) of innocent blood on its hands, and my government (and others) enables that.
The CIA calls it “blowback”.
Hamas hiding amongst civilians doesn’t account for the slaughter I’ve seen, again, sometimes on live broadcast. There were four boys who were vaporized by the Israelis just recently. I saw zero Hamas hiding amongst them. This is part of their disinformation campaign. You are part of it.
Willfully or unintentionally, the objective is clear: in public discourse, use active agents and useful idiots to obfuscate. The Israeli government and its military cannot be seen as solely culpable for any situation even with evidence in individual cases pointing to the contrary. Any critique of Israel needs a “Whatabout _____________?”
A pox on both their houses certainly, but this time, Bibi’s first.
- Comment on Germans: what genocide? 11 months ago:
What the fuck is a “keffiyeh”?
- Comment on Germans: what genocide? 11 months ago:
But it’s not so simple and the media reporting is sometimes super biased and misrepresenting things.
Is the best military policy at that point to just wipe out the entire lot of them? Including the aid workers?
Also, I noticed you haven’t even acknowledged anything about the innocent men, women, and children that have been brutally killed on camera time and time again, for all the world to see, broadcast live, in some instances. Children are Hamas fighters now.
But who gives a shit, amirite? Every critical Goyim opinion is just Jew-hate now according to the Israeli government. They can do no wrong. Israel Uber Alles is the only opinion that is not “Anti-Semitic”.
- Comment on Germans: what genocide? 11 months ago:
Whatabout the hair in your butt?
- Comment on Germans: what genocide? 11 months ago:
What is Israel supposed to do? Passively standing by and watching their hostages being impregnated?
No, obviously not.
Killing international aid workers, Palestinian men, women, and children indiscriminately doesn’t seem like a viable solution either and calling everyone who criticizes your military policy as “anti-Semitic” is not what you should do either.
- Comment on I feel old 11 months ago:
- Comment on Homer 11 months ago:
- Comment on "I wish you well in your future endeavors" 11 months ago:
How many people who’ve bullied have you successfully held accountable?