- Comment on Dragon Quest I & II HD-2D Remake New Trailer 3 days ago:
I think it’s that Dragon Quest was pretty Genre defining. Not really first of its kind but one of the greats of its time.
- Comment on Speculative Evolution 5 weeks ago:
Brilliant minds think alike. Image
- Comment on Anon fixes Super Mario Bros 2 months ago:
I think you have a bad impression of how souls games work and I’m not sure how to address that.
Did you ever play Rogue or Thief back in the day? Maybe the Binding of Isaac, Enter the Gungeon, Cuphead or Balatro? Loss is part of the game but it still progresses the story. You’re never “stuck” as you say. Dying, making mistakes and retrying is part of the game.
Old RPGs that just gave you nothing sucked because they were directionless. Which is not a word I would ever use to describe a souls game. Sure, they’re difficult but there’s certainly a flow to them. I think a lot of people get hung up on the mechanics of the games and drop them immediately.
As you said, RPGs are centred around the story and role you play, mechanics are built to aid that. Once you get into a souls game, that is made abundantly clear. They just don’t hand it to you in the first 30 seconds and they expect you to be able to figure some things out as you play because the game does a good job at that.
And yes, fromsoft/soulsborne games most definitely feel like a videogame and they should. This Harkins to the story elements where you play as a literal nobody, worthless undying but you somehow ascend to godhood despite the odds and it breaks the world over and over again. We, the player, are the god. But the characters don’t know this. It’s unfathomable to them that something greater than they, exists. To us it’s a videogame but to the characters it’s the end of the world. Over and over and over again. No matter how insurmountable the odds, we get infinite chances to topple pantheons and change everything.
- Comment on Anon fixes Super Mario Bros 2 months ago:
Some games not having trial and error doesn’t invalidate my point though. At a fundamental level videogames reward knowledge of mechanics the further you progress. One mechanic may work well in one game and horribly in another.
I’m certain the more you play Disco Elysium the better you get at the game. Same applies for any game. Not being able to grasp a repeated mechanic in a game doesn’t make it a bad game either. It just means it isn’t a game for you.
- Comment on Anon fixes Super Mario Bros 2 months ago:
I mean, that’s RPGs for you. Level up, buy equipment, wear armour and cast spells.
Any part of the equation is the solution. Just depends on how you want to play. The story is what you make of it along the way.
- Comment on Anon fixes Super Mario Bros 2 months ago:
Are there any video games that don’t involve some level of trial and error? I suppose respawn mechanics should be removed from all games then?
I guess what I’m saying is that the souls games reward experience. The more you learn, the easier it becomes. More akin to a roguelike in learning curve than a puzzle game.
The barrier for entry may seem high but I genuinely think after an hour of playing you’ll quickly get the hang of it and be just fine.
- Comment on Anon fixes Super Mario Bros 2 months ago:
People beat the games blindfolded. People beat them one handed and without dodging or leveling up.
There’s no need to dive deep either. The souls games have to be some of the best thought out games I’ve played in a long time. Progression makes sense as you play. If an enemy is too tough just walk away and come back later.
Stats scale pretty simply with the game and you can play as you want. Dark souls doesn’t need a story mode and not every game does either.
If you want to make the argument for accessibility, fine. But asking for the bar to be lowered because you can’t or won’t learn the mechanics of a game is wild to me. It’s like asking the devs of Overcooked to make the dishes cook themselves because it gets hard to play.
- Comment on Angry Video Game Nerd 8-bit - Announcement Trailer 2 months ago:
Such a great video. Such a great channel too.
- Comment on Anon fixes Super Mario Bros 2 months ago:
The game provides everything you need to know that though.
If one hit takes most of your health away, then clearly you need more health. So buff your health stat.
Still learning and need to survive better? Wear armour.
Casting magic? Maybe you need more Mana.
Maybe as a person who’s been playing games my whole life I have a cognitive dissonance or something when it comes to people not understanding game mechanics.
Here’s a good video that helps me understand a bit better.
But like… You can literally see what each stat buffs and by how much each time you sit at a bonfire to level up.
The game doesn’t hold your hand but it’s not difficult to understand enough to play the game.
- Comment on Anon fixes Super Mario Bros 2 months ago:
The difficulty settings are your stats. Literally.
Depending on your build and your personal skill level the game becomes easy or hard. The souls games are notoriously difficult because people don’t have the attention span to learn boss patterns and want to kill every other enemy they see. The game punishes arrogance and forces you to figure out the mechanics yourself.
Once you get a hang of it the games become really easy. Not even joking. I have a harder time playing Space Marine 2 than I do Dark Souls.
- Comment on Anon experiences German humor 2 months ago:
For anyone who doesn’t get it: The joke relies on understanding how Latin languages gender words (Un v. Une, Masculine/Feminine form).So it literally doesn’t work in English. It’s also a common translation error non native speakers have because you only know the “gender” of a word by… Knowing if it’s masculine or feminine through experience.
Best way to carry the joke is:
“Oh look, a/un(male) fly.”
“No, it’s a/une(feminine) fly.”
“Wow, you have good eyes/Wow, you can see it’s genitals from here?”
Certainly clunky but hilarious if you speak French.
- Comment on Anon doesn't wash 2 months ago:
This is reasonable time to wash your chicken and also likely where this habit comes from. Before the age of factory farming and the advent of reliable home refrigeration a lot of meat was improperly stored before and after selling.
Washing your produce was likely a good defense mechanism to wash away actual dirt, grime and bugs that may have adhered to it. Nowadays it’s largely unnecessary unless you’re still living in a place where butchering and processing techniques may not be of the greatest quality.
- Comment on Anon doesn't wash 2 months ago:
But rinsing chicken under water will do what now?
- Comment on The Witcher 4 got a surprise reveal at The Game Awards, and this one is all about Ciri | PC Gamer 3 months ago:
To be honest, I was expecting an AC style game set during the Golden Age of Witchers. The schools of each nation are thriving, magic is abundant, Witchers are respected envoys to rulers, monster population is waning but one thing remains the same: Humans slaughter eachother in droves, rape pillage and plunder. Thus proving once more that Humans are the true monsters.
- Comment on The Witcher 4 got a surprise reveal at The Game Awards, and this one is all about Ciri | PC Gamer 3 months ago:
“It’s Geralt.” -Geralt
- Comment on 'Caves Of Qud': Roguelike RPG Finally Launches After 17 Years in Development (And It's Really Good) 3 months ago:
I was reading that the devs specifically did a revamp to map the deep control scheme for the Deck. So the answer to your questions is most likely yes.
- Comment on UnitedHealthcare CEO shooting latest: Suspect left New York City by bus, police say 3 months ago:
Won’t someone think of the billionaires!?
- Comment on What are some great games that require you to bust out a notebook and pen? 3 months ago:
The legend of grimrock 1,2. I have pages of notes and a hand drawn map on gridpaper for them!
- Comment on Wait, my body's own heat is enough? Always has been. 3 months ago:
- Comment on Anon needs cooking advice 4 months ago:
I figured Pancetta was the more readily available ingredient. Nonna always used Pancetta anyway.
- Comment on Anon needs cooking advice 4 months ago:
What the fuck? Boiled garlic and bacon?
Get the pancetta nice and crispy in the pan, add the garlic in the final minute before finishing. Add your pasta (2 minutes under al dente) fresh out of the water into the hot pan with as much carry over liquid as you can, toss like your life depends on it (it does.), cut the heat, then add your mixed yolks, parm and fresh black pepper. Allow the carryover heat to thicken the sauce along with vigourous stirring to get the starches emulsified with the egg and cheese. Add more cracked pepper to your taste. Maybe a pinch of crushed chilis. Add pasta water and stir to reach your desired texture.
Don’t fucking boil your bacon and garlic.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 4 months ago:
I think you need to touch grass. You sound very angry about some cables.
- Comment on Currently downloading The Witcher 3 for the first time. Got any advice for me? 5 months ago:
Interesting! I never really found the combat to be all that tedious or enemies too difficult so long as you kept up with alchemy, oils and gear upgrades.
Obviously, different strokes for different folks. There’s a reason one of the difficulties is story only.
- Comment on Currently downloading The Witcher 3 for the first time. Got any advice for me? 5 months ago:
I try to get everyone to try playing on Death March, no fast travel.
I did my first playthrough like this. There’s so much to see in the world and so many paths to take. Fast travel is neat and all but you may miss out on so much. I took it a step further and also didn’t leave regions/nations until I completed the map. I found more incidental quests by taking a wrong turn or a shortcut over a hill than I did by following the main quests.
On Death March: It’s actually not hard at all and feels like how the gake should be played. What it actually does is forces you to look at the bestiary, learn or guess weaknesses and attack patterns then use potions, spells and pils to fight enemies. It actually feels like playing the witcher as lore accurately as possible. Going to the local herbalist, buying supplies, meditating then hunting down the enemies.
- Comment on First Ever REBIRTH in NES Tetris 5 months ago:
To add on: After a certain level is reached there are a multitude of tile combinations you have to avoid or they cause a hard crash. I believe oldschool tetris used to be played until the very first hard crash and that’s where everyone thought the record would end. Prior to that was the development of rolling which allowed players to get past the original game over state that sped tiles up too fast to react to.
Now we have players so proficient they’ve memorised crash states, and are rolling over the game.
I wonder how long until Points + Prestige become an antiquated measuring system.
- Comment on How do decide what language you speak living on a countries border. 5 months ago:
Bein crisse tokebekicitte
- Comment on Zelda-Inspired Plucky Squire Shows What Happens When A Game Doesn't Trust Its Players 6 months ago:
Media literacy skill: 0
- Comment on Uh oh 10 months ago:
Just gonna put this album here.
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 11 months ago:
What’s troublesome with that is American cups are something like 237ml and a Canadian cup is 250ml, a quart a litre and a gallon 4 litres.
Makes using American recipes a bit finicky. So now I convert recipes to weight. Though I basically never use a scale or measuring cup when actually cooking.