- Comment on Is using MicroSD cards a good way to store data that you can destroy quickly incase an adversary is about to seize control of it? 3 weeks ago:
Unexpected xkcd
- Comment on Which movies are much darker when you rewatch them as an adult? 1 month ago:
Idk i think that scene still fucked kid me up a little lol
- Comment on No one: Laptop. Could this be hardware or software related? 2 months ago:
Honestly it might still just be the SOC failing - when I worked in hardware repair most laptops had separate chips for each and note tech has progressed to have them both on one “system on a chip”.
Sorry bro, I’d say back anything you give a shit about up because she’s probably on the way out. If my experience holds, eventually it’ll artifact like this every boot and you’ll be digging out the hard drives to get at your files.
In your shoes I’d recommend fucking with the drivers and your OS, it’s still possible that it’s the drivers are interacting with the hw wrong and causing the issues, but in reality that’s a long shot. Also run memtest86 overnight one night and see if maybe its the ram?
If it does die and you’re feeling hack-y, the dude who suggested an oven reflow is not wrong. If you manage to figure out getting the motherboard out (make sure no plastic that could melt!!) and put it in the oven at reflow temp, you might revive it.
- Comment on No one: Laptop. Could this be hardware or software related? 2 months ago:
Does it continue playing sound when it does this? That supports the gpu theory if so.
Also, next time it does this see if plugging an external monitor in displays anything. If it’s the same pattern it’s probably the gpu, if not possibly monitor or cable.
- Comment on No one: Laptop. Could this be hardware or software related? 2 months ago:
Usually a sign of a dying gpu. Used to work in a laptop repair shop.
- Comment on Crabs 2 months ago:
Nature abhors a vacuum but it fucking loves a crab
- Comment on I washed my black underwear and now one of my black socks looks brownish on one side. How do I return the sock to its original black? 3 months ago:
Did you use bleach? If it’s a light brown looking spot on black fabric that’s clearly lighter than the surrounding fabric, that’s my guess.
- Comment on how badly could a pelican fuck me up in a fight? 3 months ago:
This is what gen AI was born for
- Comment on Orcas so hot right now. 3 months ago:
Headache haddock
- Comment on Do you have any recommendations for casual games? 3 months ago:
It’s the perfect combo of cozy but not zero challenge - this would be my pick in op’s shoes
- Comment on I live in the green part 3 months ago:
They made Rhode Island into an island, it’s perfect
- Comment on Did something about mass produced ice cream change like 10 years ago? 4 months ago:
Yep, hoping he’s not stupid enough to do that. However, on the other hand brain worms…
- Comment on Did something about mass produced ice cream change like 10 years ago? 4 months ago:
It still has a bit of gum in it (hard to find without these days) but that talenti stuff in the US appears to be real cream still - honestly that’s the big kicker for me with ice cream, too much gum or any vegetable product just makes it not worth the calories 🤢
- Comment on Did something about mass produced ice cream change like 10 years ago? 4 months ago:
TIL - Thank you!
- Comment on Did something about mass produced ice cream change like 10 years ago? 4 months ago:
You aren’t imagining it, they add various types of gum and additives to slow real I’ve cream, and a lot of ice cream is straight up fake - “frozen dairy dessert” is a euphemism for fake ice cream.
Honestly now-a-days one of the few ways those of us in the states are going to protect ourselves is to rely on the ingredients list and familiarize ourselves with what products are actually what they claim they are, and whether they contain anything questionable.
Here’s hoping the brain worm dead bear boy doesn’t gut the FDA as badly as he promises, or companies are going to start adding all sorts of fun stuff to our food.
- Comment on Waking up this morning scrolling on the shitter got me like 5 months ago:
Now I’m on the shitter at work and I feel like going to sleep
- Comment on Waking up this morning scrolling on the shitter got me like 5 months ago:
They’re revving their 4-bangers and it’s turning me on now?!
- Submitted 5 months ago to [deleted] | 9 comments
- Comment on [Serious] Is there a sub/community here that I can ask deeply personal questions about my sexuality to?? 6 months ago:
- Comment on Horseshoe crabs be like 6 months ago:
Science abhors a vacuum but it fucking loves a crab
- Comment on How does my local Sonic run out of just the small box of chicken? 8 months ago:
Big bag of frozen nuggies ftw
- Comment on Justice for our boy 9 months ago:
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!!
- Comment on Why don't electric car manufacurers put solar panels on the car roofs? 9 months ago:
Ah crap, you’re right - that’s another video of his, apologies
- Comment on glass 9 months ago:
I’m annoyed with myself for finding this so funny
- Comment on Why don't electric car manufacurers put solar panels on the car roofs? 9 months ago:
Yeah this is what I’ve heard as well - aging wheels goes into it a bit in this review of a concept car, kinda neat - it has pedals like a bicycle but the energy they add is a tiny fraction of what the thing needs to move.
- Comment on Non-binary 10 months ago:
Anything unrelated to elephants is irrelephant.
- Comment on Ghost Of Tsushima Director's Cut no longer available on Steam in almost 180 countries due to PSN requirement 10 months ago:
More money in tracking people in the first world and selling their data maybe?
- Comment on Don’t upvote this 10 months ago:
I read the text and left a comment! It’s like it’s a real meme! Neat!
- Comment on The Canadian mind is malding 11 months ago:
The Canadian goose is molting
- Comment on it works! only 99.99$! 11 months ago:
Russian in origin, if I’m not mistaken