- Comment on Lemmy told me to make a lamb cake. Went about as well as I expected. 3 days ago:
What kind of frosting is that?
I had cupcakes with that as a kid and they were amazing and I can taste them just linking at this picture
- Comment on "Americans can't coo-" 4 days ago:
I’m imagining the shits the dishwasher detergent residues give you would be brutal
- Comment on Cathy, do the math. 1 week ago:
I’m salary or contract, so working overtime is often just doing work without pay.
I’ll do it every now and then to get things done, but I’m never going to make that my normal.
- Comment on Cathy, do the math. 1 week ago:
Yes, that is something that really sucks.
Here in Ontario disability gets clawed back as soon as you stop making poverty wages, it’s disgusting.
- Comment on Cathy, do the math. 1 week ago:
That’s up there with refusing raises to avoid going up a tax bracket.
- Comment on Have a good Monday 2 weeks ago:
I had three weeks off over Christmas this year
Oh my god it was nice
Best of luck tomorrow, may “catching up on emails” be all the excuse you need to avoid being bothered.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Thanks for letting us turn this into a sort of AMA
Your job sounds interesting but I’d be the worst person in the world at it, I do make a good omelette though.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Expected this thread to be kinda weird, but it’s surprisingly wholesome!
I appreciate both the manners and the variety of eggs desired.
OP logistically how does this work? Do you meet your boss at their house? I’ve always wondered how these types of jobs worked.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I didn’t find any reverse search images, so I think OP’s image is original
It looks amazing!
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Do you just put eggs in a ramekin and turn the broiler on?
Those look great, look nice and soft and perfect for dipping toast.
- Comment on I don't have my shit together 4 weeks ago:
Where’s Princess Caroline when you need her
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Tell him deodorant doesn’t block sweat but anti-perspirant does. There’s a big difference.
Deodorant kills/lessens the odour causing bacteria, so if he’s worried about pheromones or some junk he read/heard online he’ll be fine with deodorant.
Also maybe mention worrying about whether things are manly or not is not particularly manly, but I too went through a phase of trying to figure out what that meant for me.
Probably the most cringe was my teenage attempts to grow a moustache and beard. It did not turn out well. I got an intervention by my boss handing me a razor, escorting me to the washroom, and telling me not to start my shift until I’d shaved.
- Comment on Anon visits a bookstore 1 month ago:
I just learned the book I’m reading has a glow in the dark cover
I’m too early on in the book to know what that means
- Comment on Anon removes a fence 1 month ago:
I cannot watch that scene
- Comment on ____ 1 month ago:
Christmas ideas for wife
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
I grew up where my dad’s family was rich (but not mcmansion country club people) and my moms family was dirt poor. They divorced and I grew up with my mom and saw her struggle to feed us and had to work as soon as I was old enough. I like to think I saw both sides, but definitely had more privilege than most.
Those mcmansion people are the worst. My step dad’s brother was one, and he embezzled his own mother’s life savings and lost them. I’ve met tons of them through my dad’s connections and hearing them talk about how workers always wanted too much while owning multiple homes, new luxury cars, and staying in huge hotel suites was gross (I got brought to a few penthouse parties).
I’ve seen my mom penny pinch, but I never had to feel the struggle that poor people do fully. My grandparents were rich but would always look after people (there was a lineup to my grandpa’s funeral because the church couldn’t fit everyone). Mcmansion rich people are the worst. They can do so much more for their community but they’d rather have stuff and luxury.
- Comment on Should have seen it coming 1 month ago:
He saved so much money by training it on a corpus of Erlich Bachman insults
- Comment on Gravity 1 month ago:
We’ve all seen the medieval art, I know this is definitely how it was
- Comment on Is there a better sequel than Terminator 2? 1 month ago:
Technically a prequel, Mike Flannigan’s Ouija: Origin of Evil far exceeds the original by every measure.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
I love my family, but I’ll never forget the day my grandpa drove me to town, bought me a sundae, then we stopped at the park so I could eat it. When I was done he asked if I liked it then told me to be careful or I’d end up as a fatty.
It was a very loving family with sprinkles of that mixed in.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
I imagine butterscotch horseman saying this
- Comment on When my husband calls me over for cuddles 1 month ago:
I’ve had rough day and this had me laughing out loud, thank you, I love the title
- Comment on I mean, that's literally the opposite of what I want 1 month ago:
Same, also locked down all my settings.
- Comment on They'll be there for you 1 month ago:
That’s the “benefit of a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips”
- Comment on Career options 2 months ago:
Yep, I fixed the link, thanks!
I like most of SMBC but this is by far my favourite
- Comment on Career options 2 months ago:
Favourite ever webcomic relates well to this.
Obviously it isn’t easy but you have a ton of life left to live how you want to
- Comment on Wish I could charge $100 a call attempt to these people 2 months ago:
I was undergoing a medical procedure and passed out and vomited all over myself
I asked the staff to call my wife so they went to the waiting room yelling her name and she just ignored them asi.ing it was another patient. Then I gave them her phone number and they tried calling her but she didn’t recognize the number so ignored the calls.
The nurse did not believe that my wife was there, she thought I was totally out of it and was trying not to look worried.
Later my wife thought it was the funniest thing.
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 finally officially revealed 2 months ago:
The joy cons were awful for that.
- Comment on **SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT** 2 months ago:
If you want keyboard shortcuts in your terminal ctrl+x e opens the current command in your editor. When you save you can then run the command.
I don’t think this works with all shells but it’s easy to set up in modern ones.
- Comment on So that's how they're made. 2 months ago:
That looks unpleasant