- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
According to my math, your dad had you at age 68? Something is off here, even for a shitpost.
- Comment on typical future ER visitor 1 month ago:
Yeah, some microbial risk. But the post says they’re freshly peeled bananas, so probably less microbial risk than a lot of things people put up there…
- Comment on typical future ER visitor 1 month ago:
Sorry, probably not what you’re asking for but I’m not going there.
- Comment on typical future ER visitor 1 month ago:
“Isn’t it weird that your job is basically staring into a hole all day? Like, did you lose a bet or something?”
I have a very broad scope of practice, so I stare into other holes as well! But no, didn’t know how much of my profession would involve starting into holes.
“Do you ever feel like your patients are secretly judging you while you’re judging their behinds?”
Eh, not really? Most people tend to be quite self conscious and so are wrapped up in their own judgement to judge me.
“What was the first time you told someone, ‘I want to dedicate my life to bottoms,’ and how did they respond?”
I think it was my parents? Pretty much their response was “seems like a good way to pay the bills”.
“If you think about it, the rectum is like the backdoor of the body. Do you ever knock, or is it more of a barging-in situation?”
I like to take the door by surprise. If you give them notice by knocking, they clean up the place a bit. Gotta catch them by surprise to know what’s really going on.
“Would you say the rectum is the most underappreciated organ, or is it just happy to be left alone?”
Underappreciated for sure. Ever seen that meme about which organ is the most important? Anus shuts up and everyone dies.
- Comment on typical future ER visitor 1 month ago:
Me ;)
- Comment on typical future ER visitor 1 month ago:
Would you allow someone to tag along quietly even if they weren’t seeking a career in medicine?
That’s a tough question. Given how much people are wanting to shadow and how little free time I have at work, I’m unlikely to allow some non-medical people to shadow. That’s probably the American medicine training speaking there, though.
- Comment on typical future ER visitor 1 month ago:
I’ve dug poop out of buttholes with my (fortunately not bare) hands that are rock solid. Even the most unripe banana will pass with a good drink of water and a bit of effort.
- Comment on typical future ER visitor 1 month ago:
I come from a heavily Roman Catholic background. Recognition of the existence of butt stuff to family doesn’t go over well. But friends and the family I’m raising get regular reminders!
- Comment on typical future ER visitor 1 month ago:
Yes, have been approached many times. Very open to shadowing and have had multiple people shadow me.
How would you prefer to be asked? I’m not sure exactly what that question means? I guess I would prefer someone say “I am interested in medicine, can I shadow you to see if it’s something I truly want to do?” Or “I’m applying to medical school and need shadowing hours. Your profession sounds like fun, can I shadow you?”. Problem is you gotta know someone. Or know someone who knows someone. Can’t just walk in off the street and say “I want to shadow”, I’ll likely say no. Most institutions do have a program to facilitate shadowing, which can help with access to willing docs.
Does that answer your question?
- Comment on typical future ER visitor 1 month ago:
Hi gang! Doctor here, trained at and still work at the local “Rectal Foreign Body Center of Excellence”, so I feel somewhat qualified to give my professional opinion.
Yes, nothing without a flared base should be used in this fashion. BUT, there’s pretty much no risk for harm here. Mechanical obstruction is unlikely because, as OP says, it’ll get mushy and get pooped out. Bananas aren’t much of an irritant like a citrus fruit, so not much risk for chemical damage. Someone else said there might be a risk of potassium overdose, but not really. The rectum does absorb, but not as much as the stomach. So while some potassium will be absorbed, this is at worst equivalent to eating the same number of bananas. Which won’t harm you.
So not a big risk here. That being said, flared bases, everyone!
- Comment on Day 171 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 1 month ago:
Lol, yeah. I’ve done a few playthrough with some friends and one regularly walked into the fire. Always a good laugh!
There are some storyline things above ground, namely the Crater and sailboat. Those all come along via exploration, but most is underground.
What I really liked is that there’s no character exposition or beating you over the head with the story. It feeds you information slowly, sometimes disjointed. Not until the end does it make it clear what’s going on, so there’s a lot of incentive to find the next piece of story line to see if you were right in what you thought was going on.
- Comment on Day 171 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 1 month ago:
This was one of my favorite games. It has 2 layers to keep you interested. The survival is fun, but it’s not primarily a base builder but a plotline game. You utilize your base to maintain supplies before you venture underground into caves to further the story line. Depending on how you play, half of the game or more will be in the caves progressing the story.
- Comment on This is the life I dream of from my cubicle 1 month ago:
As with every time this is posted, someone has to come point out that this picture is completely unrelated. He had 2 prosthetics, both can be found on his Wikipedia page.
Guess I’m the one who gets to be pedantic this time!
- Comment on Pretty interesting when you really think about it. 2 months ago:
Borders are absolutely in the star Trek utopia. Everything has borders. What we do about those borders is the difference.
Each quadrant, solar system, etc has borders. These are even more arbitrary as the current state, county, and country borders across our world tend to follow natural terrain or longitude and latitude. None of these exist in space. But the quadrant borders are as easy to cross as for me to drive to my next US state. However, the Kardassian border is not so easy to cross, just like it’s not so easy for me to cross into North Korea.
Borders are not the inherent issue here. Conflict is the inherent issue, and borders are how we try to minimize that conflict.
- Comment on Biden White House Is Discussing Preemptive Pardons for Those in Trump’s Crosshairs 2 months ago:
Man, this is a really bad precedent to be setting. First pardoning family members, then handing out pardons for “future crimes” to political allies. Imagine if Trump considered doing this shit, how poorly that would be received.
Seems like a quick way to make a farce of the pardon system.
- Comment on pizza pizza 2 months ago:
When the moon hits your eye, like a big pizza pie, that’s CMV.
- Comment on i stare it in the face every goddamn day 4 months ago:
- Comment on Between Guardians 11 months ago:
I don’t get it. Enlighten me?
- Comment on Title 11 months ago:
Is that the nowhere king?