- Comment on Kingdom Come Deliverance 2's dedication to letting me be a drunk, boorish oaf is so committed, it honestly left me astounded - preview 1 month ago:
My main issue with the first game was that I felt like it didn’t respect my time. There were some missions where the game would send you miles away to get something or find a person, only for you to arrive there and have an NPC go “Nah it’s not here” and send you miles in the other direction and do the same thing, and sometimes arbitrarily dump like 6 bandits on you along the way that you had no hope of defeating, so you’d die and go all the way back to square one again. I had to bail on eventually because of that.
- Comment on TIL that Will Wright, while making The Sims, was inspired by Quake 2 months ago:
I searched “Peter Molyneux NFT” because my first thought was, if any of them are on the NFT grift it’ll be him.
- Comment on TIL that Will Wright, while making The Sims, was inspired by Quake 2 months ago:
Me: I wonder what Will Wright is up to these days?
At GalaVerse on December 11, 2021, Wright announced a new project, in partnership with Gala Games, called VoxVerse. Wright said VoxVerse will be a blockchain game, where players will be able to create areas to explore and interact with and share these with other players of the game, incentivizing creators through the ability to trade or sell their works as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) using cryptocurrency. Wright stated that the use of blockchain and NFTs are mechanisms needed to support the vision he has, but has no interest in selling NFTs directly to players as other blockchain games or NFT schemes have had done in the past.
Me: oh.
- Comment on Pretty interesting when you really think about it. 2 months ago:
I’m not saying NDT isn’t a smart guy, but yeah he does tend to do that thing a lot where you describe a normal concept in a sort of detached anthropological way so it sounds profound even if it isn’t.
- Comment on What game surprised you with their length? 2 months ago:
Untitled Goose Game, but the other way. Got to the end of what I assumed was the first world, but it turned out that was the entire game.
Still a good game, but if I’d known I would have waited for a sale or something.
- Comment on Guys, what did you buy during the Steam autumn sale? 2 months ago:
Yeah I grabbed that too! Also Mad Max for like $3
- Comment on 2k Launcher has been fully removed from all games 3 months ago:
Civ VII is $160 CAD for the full version though. 😬
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
I still have my original one from however long ago it was when they came out (10 years or so maybe?) and it’s still working perfectly well. It’s outlasted pretty much all my other controllers, except for the red PS4 controller which mysteriously refuses to die.
- Comment on Alien: Isolation sequel in early development, with original director returning 4 months ago:
I think that game is the third best Alien movie lol
- Comment on 2024 is about 75% done. Let's recommend the best games of 2024, but with a twist: only the ones with no paid DLC! 5 months ago:
It definitely is lol
- Comment on 2024 is about 75% done. Let's recommend the best games of 2024, but with a twist: only the ones with no paid DLC! 5 months ago:
Those are my two current ones as well lol
- Comment on 2024 is about 75% done. Let's recommend the best games of 2024, but with a twist: only the ones with no paid DLC! 5 months ago:
I dunno what to tell you, friend.
- Comment on 2024 is about 75% done. Let's recommend the best games of 2024, but with a twist: only the ones with no paid DLC! 5 months ago:
Should be fixed now!
- Comment on 2024 is about 75% done. Let's recommend the best games of 2024, but with a twist: only the ones with no paid DLC! 5 months ago:
#Balatro (Steam, iOS, Android, Switch, PS4/5, Xbox One/X/S)
A deck-builder card game where you make poker hands, but Jokers and other cards give you crazy power-ups. I probably didn’t explain that very well, but it’s absurdly addictive. It’s like the perfect Steam Deck game.
- Comment on Jet Fuel 5 months ago:
I was hoping to sneak that in, get people balling on one conspiracy theory to get in on another one lol
- Comment on Jet Fuel 5 months ago:
I once tried to get a conspiracy theory going that Flat Earth was a fake conspiracy started by the government to cover up the real conspiracy - that the moon is flat. That’s why we only ever see one side of it and why we were able to land on it. It didn’t take lol.
- Comment on Is Elder Scrolls 6 doomed to fail? I can't see how it will work 5 months ago:
I think they’re falling into the same trap Bioware fell into, whereby they have a couple of critically acclaimed franchises under their belt and are universally praised and all is well, but then obviously that can’t last forever so as soon as the wheels start to wobble a bit, they start over-thinking, over-developing and over-managing their games because the next one needs to be a massive hit, but then what inevitably happens is they end up sabotaging development as they keep throwing out ideas and polishing all the rough edges off. So you actually end up with something that feels under-developed and bland because it’s all designed by committees and middle-managers, and built by underpaid devs on a crunch who just want to be done with it.
Also Microsoft bought them in the meantime, which can’t be helpful.
- Comment on Does AAAA just mean awful triple A games now? 5 months ago:
The A is for “Actually this game is $90 now instead of $60.”
- Comment on Civilization 7 dev on Ages system and series shakeup: "It's going to be the hardest thing for fans to get adjusted to" 5 months ago:
I could, but even the base version here is $90. I’m good to just wait, honestly.
- Comment on Civilization 7 dev on Ages system and series shakeup: "It's going to be the hardest thing for fans to get adjusted to" 5 months ago:
Yeah I feel like you could tie these crises into player actions pretty organically - like if there’s a war and a big enough percentage of Civs get involved, then it triggers a World War crisis, or they could tie something into the global warming mechanic from Civ VI, or have a Cold War come up from excessive espionage actions, stuff like that.
- Comment on Civilization 7 dev on Ages system and series shakeup: "It's going to be the hardest thing for fans to get adjusted to" 5 months ago:
Which is a weird move IMO, 'cause normally you’re supposed to steal the homework of someone who’s doing a better job than you are.
- Comment on Civilization 7 dev on Ages system and series shakeup: "It's going to be the hardest thing for fans to get adjusted to" 5 months ago:
I don’t like denuvo but for me it’s the price that’s the deal-breaker. Nearly $170CAD for the full version is absolutely bonkers, and I simply can’t justify it. So I guess I’m picking it up in a Steam sale in 2028 or something when it’s $40 with all the DLC.
- Comment on Sid Meier’s Civilization VII - Gameplay Reveal Trailer 6 months ago:
My first impressions:
- I like the art style, I’ll have to see about the leaders.
- Gwendolyn Christie is a really good choice for the narrator.
- I don’t like the sound of there only being three ages, but maybe there’s more to it.
- Also not sure about switching civs mid-game, but being able to do things like a French Cleopatra might be fun.
- Are they going to restrict this to avoid potentially offensive combos, especially in multiplayer? I’m thinking of things like using real-world colonizers for leaders of places they occupied (like an English ruler in charge of India and stuff like that.) At the very least it seems like they’re inviting trouble unnecessarily.
- The prices are completely bonkers, nearly $170 CAD for the Founders Edition! This is gonna be the first Civ game in a long time that I don’t pick up on launch day.
- Comment on A kick right in the selbstbild 7 months ago:
Shoutout to the time Oswald Mosley showed up in Liverpool with his fascist nonsense and got a rock to the head lol.
- Comment on Long Dark dev criticises Manor Lords for lack of updates, Hooded Horse CEO replies that not every game needs to be "some live-service boom or bust" 7 months ago:
The Long Dark came out in 2017 and the story mode still isn’t finished yet, so I dunno if they’re the ones to be pontificating about being slow with the content lol.
I mean it’s a great game, but yeah it’s been a minute.
- Comment on Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals 8 months ago:
Disco Elysium is 90% off.
$54.49$4.54 (that’s in Canadian, not sure about the US price exactly.)I honestly couldn’t even tell you what it’s about, but it’s one of my favourite games ever. You can die from reading a book that’s too sad and if you do it right, you can smell communism.
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard | Official Reveal Trailer 8 months ago:
This makes me a lot more worried about the upcoming Mass Effect too. I can fully see the marketing department being like “this is our Guardians Of The Galaxy!” and giving it the same treatment.
- Comment on Sid Meier’s Civilization VII - Official Teaser Trailer 8 months ago:
Also Civ VI is currently 95% off on Steam if that’s helpful to anyone.
- Comment on Hypothetical Game Ideas 8 months ago:
A game that’s like a combination of all the “…Simulator” type games like Car Mechanic Simulator, PC Building Simulator, House Flipper and so on, where you can scavenge parts and build anything in your base. Build a base & decorate it from scratch, build & repair vehicles, build electronic stuff like PCs and so on. I always thought each of those games felt like kind of like a fun sub-game for a larger overarching thing.
- Comment on Let's discuss: The Sims 9 months ago:
The thing that helped me felt very counterintuitive, but I ended up just picking one family member as a ‘main’ character, and letting the rest run on their own.
My instinct is always to try and micro-manage everyone in the household, which gets stressful quickly. If I focus on one person and let the rest just generate their own stories I tend to last a lot longer.