- Comment on A daunting realization 5 weeks ago:
Eukaryotes likely evolved during The Great Oxidation Event which saw oxygen levels rise to levels that were toxic to the Cyanobacteria (which use photosynthesis). We evolved to save them!
- Comment on Should I be Concerned? 1 month ago:
Is it not just a new way of distinguishing them from the round (circle) ones?
- Comment on Has Fast Food Gotten Worse, or Am I Just Getting Old? 4 months ago:
It’s gotten worse, however, I think the perception is compounded by how expensive it is now and also just eating better as I get older. Now that I know how to cook real, delicious food, fast food just seems so much grosser than it used to. It’s a little worse compared to 10 years ago, but much worse compared to the 80’s and early 90’s, depending on the chain. For example, Taco Bell was a LOT better back in the 80’s. You were more likely spend a bunch of time on the toilet later, but hey, give a little take a little.
- Comment on IPhones' default photo format is HEIC, something that Windows doesn't open by default. 4 months ago:
Becoming a default to have it installed in Windows. On a personal machine, it’s easy to fix. In our work environment, we just made sure it’s on the image by default. You can also circumvent a windows store block by installing appx stuff in Powershell.
- Comment on Risky Buisness 5 months ago:
After you reminded me of that as well, I had to look it up, because, what kind of cousin have we been talking about this whole time? Second, third cousin hopefully? Nope. She was his first cousin. I’m not so impressed with his sex life anymore. Gross.
- Comment on Risky Buisness 5 months ago:
I knew he wasn’t monogamous, but I didn’t know he tried to start a polycule until I read that. Interesting!
- Comment on Alas Moths 6 months ago:
The crazy thing about this is not just how evolution reverse-engineered what a snake looks like to a bird (or whatever preys on this moth), but also that some birds are born with an image burned into their brains labeled “avoid.” Snakes are such a problem to animals that may also prey on this moth, that a moth was able, over millions of years of evolution, to mimic that image through selective pressure. We’re not seeing here a moth mimicking a snake, we are seeing a moth’s wings resembling the image its prey holds in its brain of what it should identify as its own predator. An image that, itself, is held genetically and passed down from animal to animal, built by its own selective pressure. It’s amazing that this could produce such a clear image that’s immediately recognizable to us.
- Comment on what's a polite way to reject a picture with a very thankful patient who was under your care? 7 months ago:
This is the correct answer because that’s getting into borderline corporate responsibility territory. The offering of gifts and fraternizing parts of it.
- Comment on what would happen if a rogue, earth-size planet ran straight into the sun? anything interesting? 7 months ago:
Seeing as how the sun has flares that are wider across than the earth is, I don’t think it would do a whole lot. I’m on the fence, though. The surface of a star is the way it is and where it is because of two things: the immense pressure of the nuclear furnace and the immense gravity holding it together. Those two things basically fight against each other and determine how far out the surface of the star is.
I have to wonder if disturbing that equilibrium just for a second might cause a little “burp” or something.
- Comment on Picture Unrelated 7 months ago:
My idea is to train several A.I.s on mostly religious ideology, a single religion for each. Then let them converse with each other.
- Comment on Mirror Test 7 months ago:
I’m pretty sure most adult dogs and cats understand mirrors, they just get creeped out by their own reflection. Take an adult cat, hold it up to a mirror. Watch as it actively avoids looking at itself. My dog stares at me for long periods me through a full-length bedroom mirror and even barks and runs to the window when she dogs outside through it. Doesn’t really care much about her own reflection.
- Comment on Anon misses some signals 9 months ago:
Very similar situation, but in Physics, LOL. My self esteem was so low that I just assumed she was being lazy and taking advantage of me. I KNEW she was smart enough, but she kept asking me for help over and over. I don’t just give people answers, I work through it with them to teach them. Haha, looking back on it, she was probably just enjoying that interaction, meanwhile, I’m stewing inside about how this girl could be so ignorant as to accidentally keep sending me flirty signals and messing with me so she didn’t have to do her work. Funny thing is, I did like her. It just didn’t compute in my teenager brain that a girl would want to talk to me for any reason beyond getting some quiz answers out of me.
- Comment on Anon seeks enlightenment 10 months ago:
So if a monkey pays for your hot dog, always round up to the next $10 increment for charity.
- Comment on The Langoliers? 11 months ago:
- Comment on Am I the only one who's "shorts" feed is all basically softcore porn? 11 months ago:
Sort of. It pretends to disable recommendations, but things like shorts that show up in feeds a related videos are still skewed toward you. They just disable the ability to really scroll through them to try to encourage you to turn it back on. You can trust their profile on you is still kept up-to-date ;)
- Comment on Am I the only one who's "shorts" feed is all basically softcore porn? 11 months ago:
My YouTube is well-trained, but this is how my Instagram is. Didn’t use it or follow anybody on it for years. Recently took to scrolling and watching funny dog videos on there. I was showing my GF a funny pupper and accidentally tapped the search loupe at the bottom. BOOM. Bouncing boobies and butts covered my screen. I just kind-of stared at it in disbelief, saying “What the hell?” She got a laugh out of it. I guess this is a big part of instagram now.
- Comment on Wow 11 months ago:
You’re thinking of Matthew McConaghey, but I can totally see how you got that mixed up, LOL
- Comment on How can I clean my mouse wheel without taking apart my mouse? 1 year ago:
Cleaned many wheels with just a Lysol or Clorox wipe, but not the bleach or peroxide kind. Take that one guys great description of working it like a clit in a porno, but with a wet wipe of some sort. Just keep rubbing it back and forth as you rotate the wheel. It eventually removes gunk off the wheel and frees up gunk inside. Let it dry a bit before plugging it back in. If you have alcohol wipes or just high concentration alcohol, even better than the wipes, but maybe you have one or the other on hand.
- Comment on Would Nuclear Weapons be as destructive in ship to ship space combat, as they are on the ground in an atmosphere? 1 year ago:
The massive EMPs that blasted the Pacific back in the day were generated with upper-atmospheric testing. The way it interacted with the upper atmosphere was special. If you set off the charge higher in space with no atmosphere, the EMP effect is lessened.